Hearing Jiang Ting's words, green bamboo looks slightly stunned, and then turns to look at Jiang ting. Her eyes are full of accidents, pity and doubt.

Obviously, she did not believe Jiang Ting's words for the first time.

"Don't you believe it?" Jiang Ting was not angry, and his face and smile became warm and moist.

Green bamboo did not deny: "you don't look like a four-year-old urchin."

Jiang Ting hears the speech, immediately stops, not on the way.

Green bamboo leaped three Zhang away to stop: "guilty?"

"Guilty, ha ha..."

With a smile, Jiang Ting looked back to the South: "in the past, the eighth village was my hometown, the mountain village. When I woke up four years ago, my dream made me laugh. Then I pretended to be silly for two years, protected by it, and practiced for two years outside the village school."

Green bamboo looks to the south, her eyes show surprise... Before, she didn't believe in Jiang Ting's strange experience too much. Now, it sounds like, isn't it fake?

Actually... That's the truth.

Jiang Ting would not have told the truth if he had not had a clear mind and wisdom that ordinary people could not match. After all, although he continued to pretend to be stupid after he recovered, it would be very easy to find out what was different after he was 13 years old if he asked.

At that time, it will only arouse suspicion. It's better to tell the truth directly... Lies, lies told with the truth, are perfect.

Jiang Ting said with a smile, "do you want to have a look?"

"Why should I go?" Green bamboo suddenly shakes his head.

Jiang Ting smiles and doesn't answer. Instead, he heads south. Obviously, he wants to go to the mountain village to make the little girl happy. He doesn't like it, but he can do it if necessary.

Millions of years of experience... Even now he is just a teenager, but he is not an ordinary teenager.

He believes that green bamboo will go.

Sure enough, green bamboo looks at Jiang Ting's back and his face becomes unnatural, but he still follows Jiang ting to the mountain village.

On the way, Jiang Ting has no words... Now, it's not the time for nonsense.

He wants to tell Lvzhu by relying on the mountain village that he Jiangting is just a poor man. After that, he can transfer the hatred in Lvzhu's heart.

After that, if he had a good plan, there would never be a beautiful woman... As for what would happen after that, he didn't bother to think about it. Even if Chai Ying was in trouble, it would be after his success.

Before the end of this reincarnation, even if Chai Ying finds out, it will not damage his reincarnation. After the end of reincarnation... As long as he does not enter reincarnation again, time has no meaning to him.

Never die, never die of him, with boundless time as the base, still can't coax a girl?

Soon, they got close to the mountain village.

Jiang Ting, stop first.

Green bamboo suddenly said: "why don't you go? "Guilty?"

"You are too sensitive."

After a pause, Jiang Ting shook his head, and his eyes showed a little loss: "the road of cultivating immortals is long. I've been away from home for more than a year, and I'll be satisfied if I look at it from a distance. If I go back, maybe I can't bear to go back to zongmen... Don't say, you can go to Kaoshan village, and you can know my deeds by asking about it."

Green bamboo takes a deep look and goes towards the mountain village. All of a sudden, the current spreads, and the zongmen clothes belonging to zishuangmen begin to change... Into ordinary coarse linen clothes.

Jiang Ting looked at his back and added: "when I was 15 years old, I told my family that I had to meet Xianyuan, so I changed my name from Jiang Wen to Jiang Ting at the moment."

The green bamboo is faster.

The corner of Jiang Ting's mouth rises slowly... In fact, it doesn't matter whether he says his last words or not. After he changes his name, almost all the villagers in the mountain village know it. Even if he doesn't say it, Lvzhu can find out.

The reason is to let green bamboo think that he is guilty of sophistry at the moment... When the truth is revealed, she will feel guilty. Maybe she is not humane, but she does feel guilty.

That's human nature.

When the green bamboo's back is gone completely, Jiang Ting looks around and walks towards a small tree with thick arms not far away. After approaching, he sits under the tree with a little melancholy in his eyes.

Sure enough, he has nothing to do with good people... Now that he is only 17 years old, he has already begun to plot to use human nature and even design a little girl.

In the eyes of outsiders, the 17-year-old Jiang Ting is actually an old monster who has lived for millions of years.

Melancholy for a long time, Jiang Ting slowly closed his eyes: "time is also, life is also... But for you, it may not be a bad thing, and I have entangled, you can get rid of the control from fate, from then on, although your heart never seems to change, but fate has been unable to turn you into a puppet."

Everything between heaven and earth, except a few creatures, most creatures, seemingly wanton life, seemingly free sound, in fact, are fate.

His fate of Jiangting has long been out of control... His existence is not the shackles of the fate of heaven and earth here!

When he realizes detachment, the endless world, even the fate of the origin world, can't control him... Detachment, detachment, detachment, is not about the realm, not about the strength of cultivation, but about the puppet who completely jumps out of fate.

Strictly speaking, he has come into contact with detachment, and the way he is going now is to control the power of detachment with the ninth reincarnation.

Thinking about it, Jiang Ting put down his thoughts again, and his eyes showed a smile: "it's a pity... It's a pity..."

After a deep entanglement with him, Lvzhu may be free from the shackles of fate in this world, but... He Jiangting is not a chess player like fate?

Fate is invisible, chessboard without a trace. To fate, all living beings are puppets.

He Jiangting, although he seldom plays chess, but when he gets entangled with him, he becomes his pawn?

It's better to be his pawn... At least, as long as you don't play on his chessboard, there will always be a good ending.

"True or false, false or real... If it is false for a lifetime, who can say that it is not true?" With a whisper, Jiang Ting shook his head, not thinking.

His pity for green bamboo is not only false, but also true... Unfortunately, green bamboo's life is short after all. Who can say it is false?

Without eternal life, how can we meet the real qualification?


About half an hour later.

Sitting under the tree, Jiang Ting slowly opened his eyes.

Bamboos in the distance quietly close, some red eyes.

Jiang Ting got up and said with a smile, "it seems that you have made a clear inquiry."

"What can I do with the mountain village? Pity you? "

Without waiting for an answer, green bamboo shook his head slightly: "you should not need poor people."

"How can I see it?" Jiang Ting's smile is as gentle as jade.

"If you ask for mercy in a cave, it may seem like you need a poor man." Green bamboo shakes his head, face, I do not know when has lost the cold, eyes of hate, disappeared without a trace.

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