After Jing Peng's words fell, he turned and left without any procrastination.

Fu Zheng did not care, but asked: "younger martial sister, shall we play around first, or shall we go back to zongmen directly?"

The chubby magistrate's eyes brightened: "three immortals, there is a quiet bamboo forest to the north of Changning County, which is in line with the immortal's intention of dust. If the immortal wants to go, the villain will make arrangements to ensure that the immortals will not be disturbed by others."

"Younger martial sister, shall we go and have a look? It's just the right time to relax Fu Zheng said with a smile.

Green bamboo looks at Jiang Ting: "younger martial brother, what do you think?"

If it had been before, she would have ignored Jiang Ting's idea, but because of the previous

Fu Zheng's eyebrows slightly wrinkled, his eyes showed a little cold, but he didn't say anything on the surface.


To be reasonable, what Jiang Ting doesn't like most now is to see the scenery... In his endless memory, how many beautiful sceneries have he seen and how many fairylands have he gone through?

The bamboo forest outside Changning County may be really quiet... Unfortunately, for him, it's not good-looking.

Moreover, he was not interested in spending his time on the scenery.

Therefore, Jiang Ting shook his head slightly: "younger martial brother's cultivation is inferior to that of elder martial brother Fu, so I won't go. Younger martial brother wants to hurry up and return to the sect first, and grasp the time to practice with the help of the aura concentration in the sect."

relax? Hehe, after the previous vent, green bamboo, no longer need to relax, Fu Zheng's attention is wrong.

"Also, it's the ethereal fairy way. It's important to grasp the time to cultivate." Green bamboo nods gently.

Fu Zheng's eyes showed some displeasure.

Because green bamboo was here, he didn't say anything. He said with a smile, "younger martial brother, what you said is not bad. In this case, let's go back to zongmen first."

After the consensus, the three people jumped out of the attic together... It was not dark, and there were ordinary people everywhere, so they did not directly leap out of the county government, but walked out of the county government.

Outside the county government.

Jiang Ting did not leave with Fu Zheng.

Instead, he opened his mouth to them: "elder martial brother Fu, elder martial sister green bamboo, younger martial brother, I still have some private affairs to do. Why don't elder martial brother and elder martial sister go first?"

When they heard the words, they looked different.

Fu Zheng was stunned at first, then showed three points of appreciation... In his view, it was Jiang Ting who knew the current affairs and left him a separate space to get along with green bamboo.

"Private affairs?" The green bamboo shows an accident.

"I have a relative in the county. I'm going to have a look."

Without waiting for an answer, Jiang Ting shook his head again: "elder martial sister, you didn't come back all night. I think elder martial brother should be a little worried... My relatives should have enemies in this county. Since I'm back this time, I'm just helping to solve the enemies so as to avoid accidents."

In his speech, Jiang Ting bit the words "enemy" and "elder martial brother" very hard.

Green bamboo just thought for a while and then reacted... If not, maybe Fu Zheng would embarrass Jiang Ting? Also, she and Fu Zheng suddenly split, and Jiang Ting suddenly close.

A little carelessness is bound to provoke Fu Zheng to attack Jiang ting.

Everything, maybe it's just an excuse?

With this idea, green bamboo no longer hesitated, nodded: "OK, then elder martial brother and I will leave first, younger martial brother, you can deal with your own chores."

"Younger martial brother Jiang, it's good." Fu Zheng patted Jiang ting on the shoulder with admiration.

Jiang Ting laughed and said, "elder martial brother, elder martial sister is going away. You go first."

Fu Zheng took another look with appreciation, and then quickly followed.

Jiang Ting's eyes were cold for a moment... Who could clap his shoulder?

If not sure to kill, he is now, I'm afraid he has a violent attack!

After a while, Jiang Ting walked to the other side of the street: "although I have to deal with you, in order to avoid trouble, I can't do it myself for the time being... With green bamboo, you have a headache. Wait for me to practice some more magic skills..."

Fu Zheng is doomed to die. After all, he is implicated in green bamboo... How can he be good?

It's just that we don't have enough strength at the moment. It's not the time to turn the tables.


County, a street near the center.

A small courtyard is located here.

"Dong Dong..." after approaching, Jiang Ting knocked directly on the door without hesitation.

The owner of this courtyard, he knows... Is a relative of this life, Jiangning.

The last time he came to the county to buy snake repellent powder, he walked through the whole county. It was also that time that he knew where Jiangning lived.

"Who is it?" A female voice rang out.

"Creak..." the courtyard door opened. In front of Jiang Ting, there was a middle-aged woman in ordinary dress. Her clothes were not bad, but they were not luxurious. She should be less than 40 years old.

Well, it's ordinary... No accident, it might be Jiangning

Jiang Ting smiles: "is Jiangning at home?"

The woman looked at her suspiciously, then called to the deep of the yard, "master, someone is looking for you."

"Who is it?" A slightly rough voice sounded in the depth.

After walking into Jiangning, who is it?

Jiangning looked at Jiang ting and said, "nephew?"

Jiang Ting's appearance hasn't changed much... That is, her skin is white and delicate, her stature is bigger than before, her temperament is better, her eyes are bright, and her clothes seem to be very valuable

Well, all in all, not much. It should be that it has not changed much... Only the face can still see the traces of the past.

Jiang Ting saluted slightly: "uncle."

"Why are you here? Come on in." In response, Jiang Ning was overjoyed. He reached out and grabbed Jiang Ting's wrist and pulled it toward the yard.

The woman looked stunned: "Jiang Wen... No, Jiang Ting?"

Jiangning not happy way: "hair what Leng, quick to do a few good dishes."

The woman hurried to the depth of the yard, while Jiang ting and Jiang Ning sat on the stone benches in the yard.

Talk to each other for a while.

Jiangning just uttered: "where have you been for so many years? Why haven't you sent a message back?"

"The pursuit of immortality."

After a pause, Jiang Ting shook his head again: "this time I'm looking for my uncle, is there something I want to ask him for help?"

"What's the matter, but it doesn't matter." Jiangning patted his chest and assured.

"I'd like to ask my uncle to go to Kaoshan village and let my parents get them to the county."

Without waiting for an answer, Jiang Ting shook his head again: "recently, Mount Heming has become more and more chaotic. It was only a year ago that there were demons, but only a year later, demons came out again. Fortunately, these two times, they didn't affect the mountain village. I'm worried that in case of another demonic cultivation, once it comes to the mountain village..."

"Sure enough, there are demons again..."

Before the words fell, Jiangning suddenly came back to himself: "nephew, you didn't go home?"

"I'm afraid of my hometown, so I won't go back. Uncle, it's the same with your persuasion."

Voice down, Jiang Ting gently waved: "although I do not know the situation at home, but the money, pension in this county should be enough."

A large amount of gold and silver was put on the table by him... Well, he used to exchange common gold and silver with spirit stone in Fangshi, which is useless to him. Now it's just for Jiangning and Jiang Fu and Jiang mu.

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