When Jiang Ting took the hand, he was swept by the spear, feeling very calm.

All his expressions before his move were just for play, and the only real one was his move at the moment..... He didn't know who the shadow was, and he didn't know what the shadow wanted to do.

However, he was sure that the dark shadow had made such a big circle that he could not simply ask him to kill the two purple frost disciples. I'm afraid there were other plans. Therefore, it's serious to be wise first.

After that, when his cultivation is enough, he will take revenge for Lvzhu.

However, things change.

In Jiang Ting's opinion, Fu Zheng and green bamboo will surely die if he takes this shot.

But unexpectedly... At the moment when the spear fell and they were about to take the lead, a powerful magic power filled Fu Zheng's body, and a layer of ice appeared on their body surface at the same time.

"Yiyi..." the harsh voice appeared, and the gun awn and ice collided and drew countless sparks.

Although the tip of the gun made a crack in the ice, it failed to break it. Fu Zheng and his wife were not dead, but still fainted.

Jiang Ting's pupil quietly shrinks... It's the shadow that can stop him here.

Let him kill and save at the moment. What does shadow want to do? Schizophrenia?

With countless moods, Jiang Ting suddenly shakes on the surface, and the Xuanlong gun falls to the ground. Then he looks at the shadow with a suspicious face, and makes a gesture that he wants to speak, but he doesn't dare to speak.

Pretending to be hesitant for a long time, Jiang tingcai pretended to be difficult: "master, this is..."

Shadow shook his head slightly: "take them away."

Voice, as if through a little tired, a little disappointed, a little sarcastic.

The voice fell, and the figure of the shadow disappeared again. I don't know whether it's going to be invisible or in the same place.

Jiang Ting's brow suddenly frowned... He thought that no one in the world could match him in terms of conspiracy and calculation. But now, he was not sure about the idea of the shadow.

Hesitating for a while, Jiang Ting stood still and didn't wake Fu Zheng.

However, Jiang Ting has not been able to calm down for a long time.

Only half a quarter of an hour after the shadow disappeared, Fu Zheng and green bamboo fainted on the ground and woke up at the same time.

Two people from behind, first with a little startled scan around, and then found Jiangting.

Without finding the shadow, Fu Zheng could not care to be angry and asked: "younger martial brother, how long have you been here?"

"Just here."

Hesitating for a while, Jiang Ting was puzzled: "elder martial brother and elder martial sister are sleeping here. Younger martial brother doesn't dare to disturb, so he is guarding here."

He hid the scene when he saw the shadow. After all, it's hard to explain if he didn't.

"You don't see anyone else?" Fu Zheng showed his inconceivability.

"No, what's the matter?" Jiang Ting continues to pretend to be puzzled.


After a pause, Fu Zheng leaped up: "younger martial sister, let's go back to zongmen first. If we are not in zongmen, it's always unsafe."

Green bamboo wanted to say the shadow, but his eyes swept over Fu Zheng. He swallowed his words first and nodded slightly toward Jiang ting.

They left quickly, as if nothing had happened, and the valley was calm.

After a long time.

Until the three people's back completely disappeared, the shadow of the hidden body reappeared above the valley. Look at the position... The shadow has been there, never left.

He also, is watching the three people leave?

After a long time.

Black shadow just whispered: "if it's really merciless, it can be regarded as a couple for a day, but he didn't leave the slightest room..."

If Jiang Ting was still here, he would find that the clothes on Heiying's body were also the clothes of zishuangmen.


Purple frost gate.

After Jiang ting and Fu Zheng returned to zongmen, they went to the contribution hall to hand in the task, and each of them got a month's rest.

Compared with the ten day rest and cultivation time of ordinary tasks, it is extremely rich to be able to practice for one month after this task, not to mention a large number of contribution points.

20 points!

It doesn't seem to be much, but think about other tasks. After a hard month, you can only get single digits... But this task, plus the time to go back and forth, didn't take a month.

High risk, high return.

Fence yard 973.

After he separated from Fu Zheng, Jiang Ting went straight back to his own private yard... The array in the yard where he didn't know his name was not strong, but it also brought him a little sense of security.

Sitting at the table in the courtyard, Jiang Ting didn't worry about cultivation. Instead, he closed his eyes and thought about the valley before him.

He has not been able to figure out what the shadow wants to do.

Before, he thought that the dark shadow had a grudge against the zishuang sect and was going to bribe him into an insider. At the same time, the handle was the evidence of his killing zishuang sect's disciples.

Only after the event, the shadow stopped him. In the last sentence, he heard some different emotions.

Things, it seems, are not simple.

Now he thinks about it, the only possibility is that the shadow will record the previous scene with a photo stone and other things, and then stir up the relationship between him and Fu Zheng.

It's just... It's necessary for a strong man above refining gas to have such trouble?

Even with that image threat, it's better to let him kill Fu Zheng and kill his classmates for no reason. In this way, the handle is bigger.

The more he thought about it, the more he couldn't figure it out.

Thinking about it, Jiang Ting couldn't help but be absorbed in it. The voice of the shadow man began to reappear in his mind again and again, trying to think of some evidence that might have been missed by him.

Thinking about it, soon half an hour passed.

Jiang Ting still didn't think of any answer.

But I don't know if it's an illusion, or maybe it's too long in his mind. Suddenly, he found that he was inexplicably familiar with the shadow.

It seems that I have seen it somewhere.

It's just that familiarity, it's dim, it's fuzzy, it's not real at all.

This is also the only harvest of his half-hour thinking.

Think again.

"Forget it, the soldiers come to block, the water comes to cover the earth. No matter what the shadow wants to do, my cultivation is the right thing. If the cultivation goes up, the shadow is no longer a threat."

With the murmur, Jiang Ting suppressed the unexpected results of thinking, sitting on the ground, took out the spirit stone and began to practice.

Cultivation is the foundation of everything... Since I can't imagine who the shadow is, I don't want to, so I don't have to disturb his cultivation mood.

If the shadow really wants to use him to do something, then the shadow will certainly find it, and then it will naturally get more clues, and it doesn't need him to think about it.


The sun rises and the moon falls.

In a blink of an eye, a year, fleeting.

To the west of zishuangmen, about 500 Li, there is a vein... A common vein.

Jade, jadeite vein.

The jadeite here is not the jadeite of the secular population... But another kind of jade.

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