Zhou an and others don't know. Jiang Ting fiercely asks them to check the storage bag to prove their innocence... In fact, shuiyuxin is in the storage bag.

Because preconceived, because the initial idea is wrong, leading to their ideas, completely led by Jiang Ting, but also completely missed the water jade heart.

Some people may say that if Jia he or Zhou an goes mad, he really wants to check the storage bag... However, human nature is human nature.

Jiang Ting has already calculated human nature. His performance just now is like telling Jia He and Zhou an that if they really check the storage bag, then he agrees... But after the inspection, if there is no shuiyuxin, it is obvious that they will not die.

If not, he doesn't have to scold mulberry for saying that many purple frost disciples were killed by monsters in Heming mountain.

Of course, Zhou an and Jia He may lose their heart and go crazy for a while because of the value of Shuiyu's heart. Do you really check... So don't expose it?

Don't forget that the Xuanlong gun has been thoroughly refined by Jiang ting. It's in his body. If he needs it, he can take it out in an instant. How close is the distance between him and Zhou an and others?

If Zhou an and others really want to check, Jiang Ting can only say sorry, and then take off the heads of Zhou an, Jia He and other five people with Xuanlong gun!

In short, he is ready for all the way back.

On the other side.

However, Zhou an didn't know the plans. He sighed: "I'm afraid the jade beast was given the first chance by others... Unfortunately, just go back to practice."

"Good." The five people who restored their harmony left the mine tunnel, left the mine cave and returned to the surface.

After Zhou an took back the array flag in the hands of Jia He and others, the six scattered and went back to their own courtyard and attic to practice.

The attic of Jiangting.

After closing the door, Jiang Ting took a look at the storage bag, raised the corner of his mouth, and sat on the futon meditating.

Now, it's not the time to use shuiyuxin.

After the end of this garrison mission, it's the best time to use it when you return to zongmen... At that time, if you break through the eighth level of refining gas and further your accomplishments, the mission of zongmen's distribution will be simpler and easier.

The only thing that let him down is Wei Zhe.

A year ago, when he returned to his ancestral home, Wei Zhe didn't know what was wrong. He didn't take his stone. Naturally, he didn't help him get through his joints and arrange some good tasks.

Annoyed Wei Zhe? It's not. After he thought about it carefully... He didn't show anger to Wei Zhe. The only reason is that his accomplishments caught up with Wei Zhe.

Wei Zhe didn't know whether his talent was too poor or he didn't like to practice... When he first entered the sect, Wei Zhe was refining Qi seven levels, but a year ago, he was still a monk.

When he came back to his family a year ago, his accomplishments were equal to that of Wei Zhe... Wei Zhe always thought Jiang Ting was his younger brother, but his younger brother's accomplishments caught up with his "elder brother". Should this be the root cause?

Because we haven't seen each other for a year, he doesn't know whether Wei Zhe is still the seventh level of refining.

After a few moments, Jiang Ting shakes his head slightly, does not think about it, and concentrates on practicing... Now, practice a little more. When you rush to the eighth level of refining Qi after returning to your ancestral home, the difficulty will be less.

With the help of shuiyuxin, maybe it is not impossible to directly break through to the ninth floor of gas refining.


Outside Heming mountain, three thousand miles to the East, there is a big desert with a radius of seven hundred miles.

The sun desert.

This vast desert is far away from the state of Zhao next to zishuangmen... After all, the territory of the state of Zhao is only about a thousand miles.

The vast desert, lack of rain, so the desert is not too many people, ordinary people, even less.

Somewhere in the desert, there is an oasis, in which there are many houses.

This is not the land of mortals.

Ordinary people think that this place is a fairyland, while those who cultivate immortals think that oasis is a square city, a square city controlled and dominated by a Xiuxian family surnamed Li.

As long as the mana in the body is not withered, the immortal will not be short of water.

There are not many spells to turn mana into water, but there are also many. If you need to, you can make three levels of refining gas at will. As long as you can calm down and practice carefully, you can succeed, even if you don't have the talent spirit of water property... You don't need to drink water if mana is around.

It's about ten miles away from the city.

There were three people walking slowly. Looking carefully, they didn't support each other, but two of them were very careful to support an old woman.

The old woman, dressed in a dark red dress, with white frost and wrinkles on her face, was very old. Her right hand clung a dark gold crutch, which was very long and higher than the old woman.

The old woman was supported by two beautiful maids... Probably maids?

If you feel it, you can find that the two maids are all four or five levels of cultivation, but the old lady, who has no breath, is just like a mortal... However, is a mortal qualified to take the girl of cultivation as a maid?

I don't know how long I've been gone.

The old woman stopped and looked at the scorching sun in the sky: "Alas, I'm old, but if I walk around, this old bone will soon fall apart..."

The scorching sun... The old woman looked at the scorching sun, her eyes were not narrowed, but her eyes were still big, like the scorching sun, just the soft moonlight.

The two maids were worried: "Granny, do you want to have a rest?"

A gentle voice with a touch of pride rang out: "younger generation, I have seen mother-in-law Jinhua."

It can be heard from the voice that the person's age should not be big.

"Who!" The two maids were shocked.

The old woman, however, seemed unheard of.

After about three breaths.

A man with a mask of green face and tusks came slowly. Behind him, there were two black robed men whose faces were all hidden under the black robe.

The black robe is loose. If you look at its appearance, you can't know whether it's a man or a woman, or whether it's fat or thin.

When they first appeared, they were all in the distance, but they obviously used some magic to move forward. At first sight, they were still far away. They had not walked a few steps before they got close and stood in front of the old woman and the two maids.

The two maid's looks changed greatly, but in a moment, they quietly looked down at the gravel under their feet and did not say a word.

They are not afraid, but not afraid... Because the old woman they support is not ordinary people.

Look at that old woman again, disdain a way: "hide one's head to show one's tail."

"The elder Jinhua is laughing. The younger generation and others are sensitive to their identity. That's all they can do." The man with the mask of evil spirit makes a low voice.

Strange to say... Although the two men in black robe didn't say a word, in fact, their cultivation was extremely high, at least, not for refining Qi... The man wearing the mask was actually for refining Qi.

I don't know why the mask man of Qi refining cultivation is the master!

The old woman looked at the three people carefully, and her eyes suddenly narrowed: "no wonder that boy Li Ping put the meeting place outside Fangshi. It turns out that..."

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