Jiang Ting perceives his body and knows that this breakthrough is not his cultivation, but his spirit... The five-day closed door cultivation has nearly doubled his spirit!

It is precisely because the spirit has been promoted so much that his body, which has not taken grains for a long time, is suddenly forced out of so much mud, just like washing essence and cutting marrow.

He has a premonition that if he can still shut down for one day as he did in the previous five days, his spirit will not only improve, but his cultivation will even have a chance to break through to the Ninth level of refining Qi... Unfortunately, the huge aura of shuiyuxin has been consumed by him.

After pondering for a while, Jiang Ting looked into the room and said, "how can there be a great reincarnation Sutra..."

This time, he found out that Dayan reincarnation Sutra is extraordinary.

He swallowed shuiyuxin, some rashly, but also underestimated the value of shuiyuxin.

If you divide the medicinal power of shuiyuxin into ten parts... There are only two parts that are absorbed by the five elements and turned into accomplishments! Six of them are the reincarnation of Dayan, which is absorbed and sharpened.

The remaining two, because his realm is too low and his skill is too low, lead to the body did not have time to absorb, flow out of the body and disappear.

Of course, it's also thanks to a lot of effects absorbed by Dayan samsara Sutra. If not, it's hard to say whether he can break through this time simply relying on the five elements. At least, it's very likely that he will burst and die.

Is the five elements too rubbish, or is Dayan reincarnation too extraordinary?

After pondering for a long time, Jiang Ting shakes his head slightly. Instead of thinking, he looks into the distance... That's the direction of zishuangmen magic hall.

He knew that he needed to find a new method as soon as possible.

Wu Xing Gong... He has practiced Wu Xing Gong for so many years. In fact, it's just a very common skill in the immortal world.

He didn't change other skills before, not because he didn't want to, but because he didn't have a chance.

He didn't get any good skills... Even so far, he hasn't seen any other skills that can improve his accomplishments except the five elements.

The reason why I am so anxious now is that there are nine levels of five elements, which correspond to the cultivation of nine levels of refining Qi.

After the nine levels of Qi refining, it's foundation building... His five elements, however, only have the corresponding methods of Qi refining, and there is no method after Qi refining. If we can't find a higher level method, how can we break through it?

Even if he breaks through with all kinds of natural resources and land treasures... At that time, he will only be at the level of building foundation for the first time, without corresponding skills. How can he continue to improve his accomplishments?

If the sentiment remains the same, he will be able to create his own... However, his sentiment is sealed, and he can't create his own.

After pondering for a while, Jiang Ting's body suddenly shook: "fifty years..."

He has just carefully calculated that with the speed of accumulating spirit stones and contribution points, it will take him at least 50 years to accumulate the foundation level skills and the elixir to help break through the foundation.

The skill is OK... The pill can only be used once. If the breakthrough fails, it will take him decades to accumulate it again.

And I haven't thought about whether the corresponding pills can be easily bought.

After thinking for a long time, Jiang Ting shakes his head slightly and throws many thoughts out of his mind.

He found a problem, a core problem... He now seems to have numerous defects, but in fact, strictly speaking, he only lacks one thing.

That's money!

If he has money, he can buy it in Fangshi or anywhere.

If you have enough money, you can refine many pills with his experience.

All in all, he only needs money.

With money, you can have everything else!

"Alas." After a moment of silence, Jiang Ting sighed, knelt to the ground, and began to quietly stabilize himself... He needed to be familiar with how much deeper the mana in his body was than before.

What's more, we need to carefully determine the extent of the spread of divine thoughts, the speed of mana operation, and so on.

As for money, he can't help it.

If there is no progress in the Ninth level of refining Qi, then he can only find a way to leave the purple frost gate, and then kill and set fire in silence to enhance his knowledge.

Cough... Killing and arson are more serious. It's more likely to find a place where there are plenty of monsters, and then go there to constantly kill monsters, and exchange their corpses for wealth and things they need.

It has to be mentioned that the idea of leaving the purple frost gate has been dim in his mind.

As he became more and more familiar with the environment, there was no dangerous place and no place where monsters grew up.

The only one who can barely claim to have a lot of monsters is Heming mountain. Unfortunately, the monsters in Heming mountain are not worth money.

Without the zishuang gate, he has no place to earn wealth... Without wealth, he can't get what he wants. It's better to stay in the zishuang gate, at least in exchange for treasures, skills and at least hope.


Soon, four days passed.

According to the rules of zishuang gate, one day later, Jiang Ting should go to the task hall to pick up the task again... Even if there is only one day left, Jiang Ting doesn't waste his time, but keeps practicing in the yard.

He has broken through to the eighth level of gas refining. Since he broke through five days ago to now, he has spent four days practicing. Even with the help of the spirit stone, he can hardly see the entrance.

How long will it take to break through to the ninth floor of gas refining.

"Jiang Ting..." a cheerful voice sounded out of the yard.

The cultivator's Jiang Ting breathes a short time, and then silently finishes his cultivation.

After three breath.

Jiang Ting got up and opened the gate of the yard with magic power: "green bamboo."

His face is full of warm smile.

"You finally broke through." Green bamboo hopping into the yard, voice full of surprise.

"It's just a lot of accumulation."

After a pause, Jiang Ting was surprised: "you are only one step away from building foundation. Your master didn't urge you to shut down?"

Different from Jiang Ting, a disciple whose grandmother doesn't love his uncle, Lvzhu and Fu Zheng are also disciples... However, they have masters!

Who is Fu Zheng's master? Jiang Ting has never seen him, nor has he seen Lvzhu's master.

All he knew was that the master of Lvzhu was an inner disciple.

At this point, we have to mention the special classification method of purple frost gate.

After the outer disciples break through the gas refining and are promoted to build the foundation, they have two choices, one is to stay in the outer gate as the elder of the outer gate, the other is to enter the inner gate.

Jiang Ting has never been to the inner gate. He doesn't know where the inner gate is... But he guesses that the inner gate should be the peak around here and other places?

It's said that the inner disciples are different from the outer disciples of kuha ha. The inner disciples only need to concentrate on cultivation... Well, it's all about the outer disciples. I don't know whether it's true or not.

The elder of the outer gate has no apprentice. Strictly speaking, the elder of the outer gate should be regarded as the management of miscellaneous matters? Only those who think that there is no hope to move on will stay outside as elders.

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