Maybe Jiangting and Lvzhu are too formal, and mother-in-law Jinhua doesn't stay much. When she asks why Yin Hanyu didn't come here in person, she laughs and scolds them and lets them leave.

"Goodbye, young man." They saluted slightly and then turned to leave the hall.

Mother in law Jinhua was lying on the chair, slowly closing her eyes.

Outside the main hall.

After leaving the hall, the scorching sun set again.

Jiang Ting looked at the sky, wrinkled, and green bamboo quickly left.

Green bamboo sighs softly: "this golden flower mother-in-law is different from what my master said."

"Why not?" Jiang Ting whispered... And his mood became more and more uneasy.

He didn't know where the source of his uneasiness was, but it was not difficult.

"My master said that many years ago, mother-in-law Jinhua suffered a lot because of some things. She broke her foundation and then changed her temperament."

At this point, green bamboo slightly shook his head: "but now it seems that she is very kind."

Jiang Ting's eyebrows picked and subconsciously turned to the main hall... The main hall is still the same.

But somehow, he saw a sea of blood rising in the hall.

At the critical moment, Jiang Ting blinked his eyes subconsciously and looked back... The main hall remained unchanged, and there was no sea of blood. Under the sunlight, the golden reflection looked quite bright.


Maybe not... When he was in a trance, he had the intuition of countless battles in his previous life. I'm afraid he noticed some crisis, which was a terrible intuition beyond the world.

Unfortunately, that intuition is not controlled by him. Otherwise, in this world, he can see through all the future that may be unfavorable to him.

After all, it's his intuition. The three realms of rules are not consumed. They can freely penetrate all the rules. Under the three realms of rules, all the past and future are terrible. Intuition

What will happen to the Li family that has something to do with the sea of blood?

"What are you looking at?" The sound of green bamboo startles the river court.

Jiang Ting instantly regained his mind... Intuition, all disappeared, the main hall, the sunshine, can't see any flaws, palpitations and so on.

It seems that everything is just a trance illusion.

Jiang Ting astringed his mind and showed a smile: "nothing."

It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. Maybe we should find a way to leave early.

As for the disaster that may happen here... It has nothing to do with him. He's just a small ant with eight layers of refining gas. Even if the sky falls down, he's a tall man.

Just then.

In front of the street, there is a masked man with a green face and fangs ghost mask, who is helping a girl walk slowly on the nearby steps.

The cultivation of masked man is the Ninth level of refining Qi.

The girl who was helped was also the ninth floor of refining gas... And the girl's face was pale and bloodless. Everywhere she passed, there was a trace of white frost on the ground.

What's wrong with cultivation?

The masked man looked at them, put one hand on his chest and said, "are you two?"

Green bamboo gently nodded: "Purple frost door green bamboo."

"Zishuangmen, Jiangting." Jiang Ting also responded.

"I've met you. Your birthday is coming. Please have a good time." The masked man laughed and helped the girl to another road.

Green bamboo immediately muttered: "it's impolite."

She and Jiang Ting reported their identities, but the masked man didn't say anything... There was no etiquette.

Jiang Ting didn't like it: "let's go to the Inn and have a rest."

"Not in Li's house..." before the words came out, green bamboo was not speaking. She saw that Jiang Ting was shaking his head without any trace.

Obviously, Jiang Ting didn't want to live in the Li family, but preferred to live in the inn in Fangshi.

I don't know why... But it's the same everywhere. She doesn't have to object.

After leaving the Li family, they left the city. Jiang Ting didn't like to live in the inn near the Li family, but planned to live on the edge of oasis city for the time being.

After a little further.

Green bamboo just said: "since mother-in-law Jinhua let us live in the Li family, how can we come out and live in the inn outside?"

Jiang Ting looked back at the buildings inside the Li family, and after a while he said, "do you think the people who came to celebrate the birthday of the Golden Flower mother-in-law are strong at the foundation level?"

"Green bamboo naturally said:" there must be ah, and many, listen to my master said, mother-in-law Jinhua is one step away from building foundation

Jiang Ting smiles and answers the wrong question: "when we enter the oasis, do you see the people who build the foundation?"

Green bamboo Leng Leng just reaction come over: "you mean, those people all live in Li's house?"

"That's right."

First he nodded, then Jiang Ting stepped up a little: "we are two small gas refining level, why go to Li's house to hang around?"

There are also differences between people and between people who cultivate immortals and people who cultivate immortals.


During the conversation, the two returned to the most peripheral position of Fangshi and walked towards the only Inn on the most peripheral.

"I've seen two fairies." As soon as they entered the hotel area, an ordinary man came close to them with respectful voice.

Jiang Ting said directly: "is there any room, a room connected together?"

"Yes, yes." The boy nodded in a hurry.

Under the guidance of the boy, they went through the lobby, went up to the third floor and found their own rooms.

It's not a big room, it's about the size of a small warehouse... It's not that the inn is neglecting. The people who cultivate immortals don't like activities. They either relax in the outside world or meditate in the room.

In addition, birthday is close, in order to have more rooms... It's not surprising that each room is very small.

The furnishings in the room are not complicated, a table, a chair, a futon, a bed, that's all.

Looking around for a while, Jiang Ting didn't practice, but went to the narrow window, opened the window and quietly looked at the outside street.

From a commanding position, you can see a little further outside.

There are a lot of houses that are not brilliant. Most of the streets are ordinary people. There are not many people who come back and forth to cultivate immortals. Even if there are, they just worship and stand on the street.

Looking around for a while, Jiang Ting is about to close the window to take back his sight, but his eyes are frozen... Roadside stall?

It's not just a place for people to cultivate immortals. There are many ordinary people in it... Especially near the oasis, there are many ordinary people.

Of the ten, at least seven or eight are ordinary people. I think those ordinary people are all the disciples of the Li family who have no cultivation qualifications. Only a few of them are ordinary people who have nothing to do with the Li family in the true sense.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Ting jumped out of the window, stood on the eaves, and looked around quietly... Well, he couldn't see where there were buildings. All he could see was the street where the inn was.

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