According to Li Yue, there are strong people who build foundations nearby... Strictly speaking, Jiang Ting doesn't believe a punctuation mark.

As green bamboo said, is that man a fool who dares to be fierce near the Li family?

Although he didn't know about the Li family, he already knew that the elder mother-in-law of the Li family was the one who built the highest foundation and was one step away from a higher level, plus other members of the Li family.

Which level of building foundation is full and dares to make trouble near the Li family at this time? That's not death.

Green bamboo more and more flustered: "what do we do next?"

"Don't worry."

After a pause, Jiang Ting shook his head: "the inn has been resting recently, others... I'll find time to inquire about information and see if there is any other way to leave."

He has nothing to say now. He can only learn more about the layout of the city, and then find a chance to leave.


Soon, seventeen days passed slowly.

Birthday, it's time.

According to the Li family's plan, the birthday ceremony will be held at noon.

Now, it's early in the morning.

Jiangting and Lvzhu are standing quietly in the hotel room... Because today is mother-in-law Jinhua's birthday. Compared with other times, Fangshi is much more lively.

Even if it was just dawn, the streets were full of people.

The cultivation of mother-in-law Jinhua may indeed be strong. Compared with 17 days ago, there are many more birthday celebration people arriving in Fangshi.

In these 17 days, Jiang Ting inquired a lot of news.

For example, array... He learned that the whole oasis was covered by array.

It's OK to open the array. If it's opened, only the cultivation at the foundation level can break the array.

Another example is the river around the oasis... It is the river that Li family opened up with magic and gathered with magic.

In order to ensure that the river is not polluted, the river has array protection all the year round. If anyone rashly crosses the river, he will be attacked by the array.

Well, to put it simply, there is only one entrance and exit to oasis square city, that is, the gate of oasis square city, which seems wide in other places, but in fact, it is not passable.

In addition, the only harvest of Jiang ting in these 17 days is that in one night, he secretly attacked and killed two law enforcement disciples of the Li family. Naturally, the bodies of the two law enforcement disciples were destroyed.

The reason why he wants to kill is that he wants to get the keepsake of the law enforcement disciple... Heaven can see pity. The whole oasis can be covered by Li's array. If he doesn't get the keepsake, he doesn't have any sense of security.

After all, if the array starts... Then he can't break the array. If there is no keepsake to let him go through, can't he just wait to die?

Green bamboo with a flustered voice: "a lot of people are toward the Li family, how do we do now?"

Although she didn't know what happened... Seventeen days ago, Jiang Ting wanted to leave, and then she was stopped. Therefore, she guessed something.

Not much, only a few, but enough to worry her.

Jiang Ting rubbed his temple and said with a headache, "let's go and have a look first."

He didn't want to enter the Li family at all... But he had to go.

All the others went in, but he and green bamboo didn't go. Isn't that asking for trouble?

Fortunately, he has done what he should do now... No matter what happens, even if there is an accident on his birthday, he doesn't have the power to fight back. At least, he is very sure to escape alone.

It's not easy to get out of trouble with green bamboo... But it can only be so.

He has done his best, if green bamboo really can't run out... It can only be said that life should be like this, no wonder he.

They followed the crowd and mingled in the crowd. After a short time, they went back to the hall where they had visited mother-in-law Jinhua before.

But this time, they are not qualified to enter the hall. Instead, they stand outside in the square with other birthday celebrations. There are no tables and chairs. I don't know whether they don't care about the birthday celebrations of the birthday celebrations or the Li family's confidence, so that they don't need to consider the feelings of the birthday celebrations?

It's also noisy here. There's no usability in the words of discussion.

"The Weishui Wangs are here." A sound like a eunuch's duck voice suddenly came from a distance.

Then Jiang Ting sensed the strong fluctuation of mana... And many people turned to look, just to see a residual shadow flickering from outside the Li family.

Just less than ten breath time appeared here, dressed as a Taoist, mustache.

He took a indifferent look at the gas refining environment gathered here, then ignored it and went directly into the main hall... Those faint and incomplete Qi constantly reminded Jiang ting that he was a building environment.

"This man's nose is almost up in the sky. What's the big deal."

"They are really amazing. The strong people who build the foundation of the Weishui Wang family need background and strength."

"Background... Didn't I hear that some people from zishuangmen came here?"

"Shh... I heard from my friends that although they are members of zishuang sect, they are only disciples of zishuang sect."

Because of the proximity of the construction site, the discussion here suddenly changed the topic. Some people were guessing who the disciples of zishuang sect were, and others were guessing whether the birthday was too unusual.

According to these people's words, although Weishui is not far from the Lieyang desert, Weishui has little friendship with the Li family in the Lieyang desert. For no reason, how can they suddenly come to the Li family's birthday?

Among the many discussions, Jiang Ting soon saw that many families or small clans sent people to celebrate the birthday of mother-in-law Jinhua, which can be called the most magnificent.

Green bamboo without trace near Jiangting a little: "younger martial brother."

The voice was a little uneasy.

Jiang Ting whispered: "relax and watch the change."

Fortunately, the square is very taunting now. If not, the voice of the people in this place, no matter how low, is no different from shouting.


Soon, noon came slowly.

Jiangting and Lvzhu also stood in this square for several hours... There are not many buildings in the main hall. There are only five or six of them. Jiangting doesn't know any of them.

There are nearly 200 people gathered in the square. The lowest accomplishments are those of the sixth floor, such as Jiangting and Lvzhu.

In these few hours, Jiang Ting has gained nothing, and others seem to have not found anything wrong with his birthday... The only gain is that in countless discussions, he knows the division of building foundation levels above refining gas.

According to others, the foundation of refining gas is divided into six layers.

Those who can reach the sixth floor of the building foundation are all first-class talents, just like the Golden Flower mother-in-law who lives today, who has the highest accomplishments of the sixth floor of the building foundation.

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