After the team of Qiushui Pavilion stopped, a woman with a pretty face came forward and said that the destination was here.

The leading woman frowned: "the cave here is a little narrow."

Although the leading woman was wearing white gauze and covered her face with a white hat... Anyone who was a little familiar with Qiushui pavilion or the entrance of caiyao Valley could recognize that this person was the leader of the outer gate of Qiushui Pavilion, Hualing.

"This..." hesitated for a while, the Qingli woman shook her head: "younger martial sister, I don't know... However, according to the map you gave me, it should be here."

Another disciple of Qiushui Pavilion came forward: "elder martial sister, do we want to take out the keepsake of sensing position and wait a little longer for other elder martial sisters to come?"

The leading woman, Hualing, lowered her head to meditate for a while and whispered, "no, other younger martial sisters are far away from here."

After that, Hualing's eyes showed three cool points: "leave some younger martial sisters here to lay the array, don't let others disturb... The rest of the younger martial sisters, follow me in."


Below the hillside, about a mile away.

A person with withered and yellow face, like a bad influence, is standing quietly at the top of the tree, with a faint wave of mana in his eyes.

His line of sight, just can see the peak, but also can see that a group of qiushuige disciples, all into the cave.

The man put his right hand under his chin and whispered, "do you want to go and have a look?"

There are three eager eyes, there are seven, fear.

After all, he had only one person, but he followed more than 15 disciples of Qiushui Pavilion. Hualing was the first one with outstanding strength!

If he comes near rashly, ten lives are not enough to die once his whereabouts are revealed.

After thinking for a while, the man said in a low voice: "I thought it was just us this time... Damn, what are these bitches in Qiushui Pavilion going to do..."

Although he scolded in a low voice, the man didn't dare to approach the cave at will for fear that he would show his tracks.


Medicine Valley, somewhere in the plain.

There are two disciples of dalishengzong standing opposite each other.

One of them is Hu Guan, the leader, while the other... Looks fierce, but he doesn't know what to call it.

The fierce faced man spoke carefully: "elder martial brother, what are you... Looking at?"

Hu Guan smell speech, eyes show a little doubt and a touch of hesitation.

"Elder martial brother?" He didn't get an answer. The fierce looking man made a tentative voice.

Hu Guan was silent for a while, and suddenly raised his hand.

"Crackling..." in a flash, the flames were full.

Around the fierce looking man, there are flames everywhere... Surrounded by flames.

The man was shocked: "elder martial brother, what are you doing?"

"Are you really my younger martial brother?"

Without waiting for an answer, Hu Guan's eyes narrowed slightly: "I'm a disciple of darishengzong. I don't dare to say that I know all of them, but I have to know that I don't know any of them."

The fierce man surrounded by the fire, the God of seton, changes from time to time.

Hu Guan continued to talk to himself: "this medicine picking Valley has been open for a while... With you, I have met a third person I don't know."

The man said with a strong smile, "what do you say, elder martial brother? We met before we met?"

"Well, we did see each other at that time. I didn't care because I was in zongmen and elder Nie Miao was with me."

After that, Hu Guan tilted his head slightly: "just now, I suddenly doubt... Are you really a disciple of my dari Shengzong? I don't know one or two. It's an accident, but three or four. "

When it comes to the best, Hu Guan's eyes show cold light.

The fierce faced man's eyes became flustered when he heard the words, and then he clenched his teeth slightly and suddenly sacrificed a bead... The bead flashed slightly and turned into a light curtain to cover him.

Then he stared at the fire and ran to the rest of the plain... As if to run away.

Hu Guan said with a smile: "it's not my dari Shengzong."

But suddenly, Hu Guan's face was slightly cold: "I still want to escape in front of me, ha ha, who gives you confidence!"


Medicine Valley, southern region.

The place where Jiangting is located, where swamps and mountains are connected.

Besides the array arranged by Jiang ting.

Han Youqing, who has disappeared, appears quietly at the edge of the array. She will enter the array range one step closer... However, she does not enter the array, but stands outside.

After stopping for a while, Han Youqing whispered: "it's really lively down here... However, he should not be killed."

After thinking about it for a while, Han Youqing said something strange: "you're still the first one who let me suffer a big loss. In return... I'll give you more gambling, so that you don't have to go to the inner circle and rob me... I'm so happy, cluck..."

Laughing, Han Youqing's figure disappeared.


Underground caves.

Time goes back a little bit.

Jiang Ting looked at the two people who were not angry at all and nodded with approval: "well, we all try our best to keep the whole body for each other, but we don't know which one turned into the corpse at last."

"I guess..."

Pause a little, Niu San suddenly low drink: "it's you!"

As soon as the voice appeared, Niu San leaped up, carrying a huge sword to Jiangting, and then he chopped down.

"Sneak attack, it's a bit immoral." Jiang Ting retreated and three fireballs flew out.

Niu San's face is no longer simple and honest, but suddenly becomes ferocious: "just fireball, do you want to block my sword?"

"Bang, bang, Bang..." the fireball was smashed by Niu San. However, Niu San used the advantage of preemption to shorten the distance completely.

The huge sword, facing Jiang Ting's head, is a sword... Once it is cut down, the whole corpse that was "agreed" before must be gone.

Jiang Ting looked at the giant sword: "fight with me, who gives you courage?"

As soon as the words began, Xuanlong gun appeared in Jiang Ting's hands... In fact, he was not good at using a gun.

But it doesn't matter... Even if it's not good, it doesn't matter.

He took out the Xuanlong gun and swept directly.

With a bang, the Xuanlong gun began to tremble.

The huge sword has the advantage of volume, and it's from top to bottom... Even Jiangting can't break the huge sword.

Niu Si, who didn't move, suddenly drank, "dead!"

The huge sword flies out of the hand... Instantly divided into three huge swords, one of which cuts the real body of Jiangting, and the other two are blocked.

It's a good cooperation. No matter how Jiang Ting hides, he will be hit by the giant sword... Maybe some people say that he will retreat, but there is no giant sword in the rear. However, don't forget that Niu San is in front of Jiang ting. How dare he retreat, he will be killed by a sword.

If you are an ordinary person, even if you don't die, you will be seriously injured.

However, their opponent is Jiang ting.

Jiang Ting didn't see the huge sword coming from the air. He raised his head and said with a smile: "originally, I was still thinking about how to make sure that I can kill with one blow..."

Niu San looks at Jiang Ting's smile. Somehow, he suddenly shudders.

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