It took di Xinzu more than two hours to open his eyes. At the same time, he expressed his thanks once, while Jiang Ting shook his head, indicating that there was no need to thank him many times.

But Dixin didn't agree: "if it wasn't for the younger martial brother to protect the Dharma, I wouldn't dare to heal my wounds. Just thanks, it's the elder martial brother's stinginess."

Jiang Ting smiles and shakes her head without any trace... Although his Dharma protector doesn't want to give back, it's just that di Xin is not ready to give some back, which is too stingy.

Of course, he did not expose it.

Instead, he whispered: "the monster that elder martial brother dealt with before should be extremely difficult to deal with. Why don't you take out the jade pendant and locate it and ask the nearby elder martial brother to help?"

Well, he just asked casually, so that he could control the chat rhythm in the follow-up. He didn't ask about the hearsay and legend of the medicine picking Valley very abruptly.

Two Dharma protectors for more than two hours. When he was bored, he naturally took out the jade pendant to observe the position of others... Dixin was beside him, but the jade pendant showed that he was alone nearby, and there were no other purple frost disciples.

It's not that there was a mistake in the positioning of the jade pendant, but that di Xin put the jade pendant in the storage bag and didn't take it out, so he couldn't locate it.

Dixin showed some embarrassment: "I forgot."

"Forget..." the corner of Jiang Ting's mouth suddenly drew.

Even this can forget... Should Dixin be stupid or naive? Well, innocence here is a commendatory word, an absolute commendatory word.

When Di Xin saw this, he looked a little heavy, and then he said with a smile: "it seems that I can't hide it from my younger martial brother... To tell you the truth, the monster just now has extraordinary strength. The reason why I don't take out the jade pendant is that I'm afraid it will attract some unkind classmates. Younger martial brother, as you can see, with my injury just now, if other people have a bad heart, I'm afraid I have no resistance."

Jiang Ting's meaningless and relaxed mood quietly coagulated and his eyes narrowed slightly.

Worried about other people's bad intentions?

He took out the jade pendant before, but he was the only one around... According to the geographical location shown by the jade pendant, the nearest purple frost disciple here was at least 700 Li.

Green bamboo and fan Bowen, who have an appointment with Jiang Ting, are more than ten thousand miles away.

In a word, the purple frost sect's disciples around here are only Jiang ting and di Xin from the perspective of jade pendant.

Di Xin said that he was worried about other people's misdeeds... In short, is he worried about Jiang Ting?

Think of here, Jiang Ting eyes slightly a MI, this di Xin, have a problem!

Of course, Jiang Ting never said that he was a good man, and di Xin was worried... But, since he was worried, why did he take pills without checking just now? Why do you heal without any vigilance?

utter words that do not hang together!

something the matter!

Looking at Dixin again, he saw Jiang Ting's reaction, and soon he was in a state of mind... Obviously, he also found a loophole in his own speech.

"This... That..." intermittently, I couldn't speak for a long time.

"Elder martial brother doesn't need to explain. Younger martial brother and elder martial brother don't know each other well. It's normal for elder martial brother to worry."

After a pause, Jiang Ting said with a smile: "just now, the elder martial brother thought that he was seriously injured, so he didn't care to be on guard, lest he was dying."

Di Xin sneered: "younger martial brother, you can understand. It's elder martial brother. I'm a gentleman with the heart of a villain."

Jiang Ting smiles again, and his mood gives birth to countless coldness... Di Xin's problem is getting bigger and bigger. What he just said just gives Di Xin a step down, so that di Xin won't be able to speak clearly.

At this point, Jiang Ting turned his mind to test... But as soon as his mind began to rotate, Jiang Ting's face was stunned.

Dixin has a problem. What does it have to do with him? Di Xin was a member of zishuangmen, and also a medicine collecting Valley brought by Qingfeng Taoist.

It's just a coincidence that he will meet Di Xin here... After all, before he got close, he didn't know that he was a classmate of zishuang sect. He was just going to come to see if he had a chance to make a move, or to see if he had a chance to talk.

Why should we pay attention to some things that have nothing to do with ourselves?

Even if Dixin has a problem, it's not him... Why bother?

Thinking of this, Jiang tingquietly retreated a little: "elder martial brother, younger martial brother, I have something to ask."

Dixin is still sitting on the ground: "what's the matter?"

Jiang Ting asked directly, "is there any legend about this medicine picking Valley?"

Since Dixin has a problem... He is not prepared to have too much entanglement with Dixin. It's a big deal to force him to repay his kindness. Well, in return, he will answer.

"Legend?" Dixin looks stunned, as if some can't react.

Jiang Ting nodded in affirmation: "well, legend."

"Let me see." Dixin looked down and thought.

After thinking for a long time, di Xin just looked up and said with uncertainty: "if it's a legend, elder martial brother, I think of one."

Jiang Ting's mood was momentarily happy: "what legend?"

"It's said that many years ago..."

Legend... It's a legend.

Countless years ago, the immortal of the fairyland opened the door of the fairyland and killed the demons invading the world with Beidou Xianjian. Therefore, the fairyland was named Beidou sword domain.

This is a legend known by Jiang Ting... And the legend of caiyao Valley is related to Beidou immortal sword.

It is said that the immortal did not bring back the Beidou immortal world to the immortal world, but the immortal world was left in the Beidou sword field... And the immortal sword first fell in the medicine picking Valley, and then disappeared.

I don't know when it started. It's said that the Beidou immortal sword has a spirit, leaving a test in the medicine picking valley. If you can pass the test, you can get the Beidou immortal sword.

This is what Dixin knew about the legend of caiyao valley.

When Jiang Ting heard the words, he took another puff from the corner of his mouth... This legend is 100% false.

If you are an ordinary person, you may be looking forward to it... But with Jiang Ting's vision, he knows with his feet that no matter what the level of Beidou fairyland is, it is not something that fairies can covet.

Moreover, there is no spirit in Beidou fairyland... If there is spirit, then Beidou fairyland is a complete and living creature.

Since it is a living creature, the Beidou sword domain can not carry the strong from the upper world.

The most important thing is that if the Beidou immortal sword is really in the medicine picking Valley... The six sects including zishuangmen will not open the medicine picking Valley at all.

In other words, if Beidou fairyland is in caiyao Valley, other strong men have already taken away the sword. How can they wait for a group of ants to come near?

At this point, Jiang Ting whispered: "is there any other legend?"

False legend, obviously can't satisfy him.


For a long time. Di Xincai said uncertainly: "yes, it is said that it is precisely because the Beidou immortal sword once came to caiyao valley that the power belonging to the upper world transformed the caiyao Valley and filled the valley with spiritual veins everywhere. Only in this way can countless spiritual grasses and spiritual grasses needed by Zhuji pill be bred, which can hardly be found in the outside world."

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