Facing the bow and arrow from Hualing, Jiang Ting didn't accept it, but showed his exploration.

Hualing nodded to other people: "Taoist brother should have been puzzled, under the premise of gratitude and resentment, and I have spare power, why do I want to cooperate with you?"

All of a sudden, the ten disciples of Qiushui Pavilion all jumped into the valley... They were extremely careful in their actions, for fear of destroying the flowers.

Jiang Ting couldn't deny it and said, "girl, I don't mean that there are few maces left. I'm worried about accidents."

When he answered, one of the disciples of Qiushui Pavilion who jumped into the valley counted as one and took out a jade bottle one after another.

The most important thing is... The disciples all poured the liquid in the jade bottle towards the ground.

The liquid poured out of the jade bottle is not water, but blood.

Pungent, bloody, bloody.

Of course, it's not human blood... It's monster blood.

Looking at Hualing again, he said: "that's one of the reasons. There's another reason. We need to use this bow and this arrow here. The bow and the arrow are forged by master Qi refining of Qiushui Pavilion in a secret way..."

To put it simply, the bow and arrow are matched magic weapons.

Cast with a special method of refining weapons, although the bow is only an intermediate weapon, its power can directly catch up with the advanced weapon... And that arrow is also the arrow that directly catches up with the advanced weapon.

The value of a simple bow is still not expensive. If you attack with arrows, you can surpass the ordinary advanced magic weapon that has been activated.

Jiang Ting hears the speech, the pupil instantly shrinks.

The gap between advanced weapons and intermediate weapons is not simple... Once his serial blades burst out, his power will catch up with advanced weapons.

However, catching up with advanced magic weapon is not equal to being comparable with advanced magic weapon.

With bow and arrow, what is the concept of power surpassing advanced magic weapon? The concept is that if the building site is accidentally hit by arrows, it will also die.

After a while, Jiang Ting's mood returned to normal: "what do you do for such an important treasure?"

"Lianhuan Zimu blade is one of the most difficult to control among the intermediate weapons I know. You can activate a whole set of weapons. Your mind may not be as good as building a foundation, but it's not far different."

After that, Hualing looked at the valley again: "you pay a little price, which is enough to push the arrow. Although you are not sure how big the price is, you don't want to be fatal... If you want others to push you, you have to sacrifice four or five younger martial sisters."

Jiang Ting frowned and did not hesitate any more. He took the bow and arrow with his hand, and his mind began to make a mark.

Although I don't know what to use this magic weapon to deal with later... I need to use this bow and this arrow to deal with it. It's obviously not easy.

The disciples of Qiushui Pavilion in the valley are still pouring monster blood towards the ground.

That demon blood is poisonous!

Jiang Ting clearly saw that once the blood fell into the soil on the ground... All those infected with blood, whether they were withered grass or flowers, would wither, without exception.

With the increase of the area of blood dumping, the original fragrant hundred Flower Valley... Quickly broke down.

The valley was not very big, so in less than two quarters of an hour, ten disciples of Qiushui Pavilion watered the whole valley with the blood of demons and beasts.

The whole valley of the ground, has become bright red, stained by blood, red!

Because of the poisonous monster blood, the whole valley is almost lifeless... Grass, flowers, snakes, insects, rats and ants, as long as they are living creatures, they are all poisoned, almost without exception.

A disciple of Qiushui Pavilion even said, "elder martial sister, the only bamboo in the valley has not withered yet."

Indeed, in the valley, there was only one young green bamboo about three feet tall that had not withered.

Jiang Ting, who is still refining bows and arrows, looks sideways... It just happens that the green bamboo, with the speed visible to the naked eye, is absorbing the blood of monsters in the soil. It looks quite amazing.

However, from what he saw and heard, it should be an ordinary bamboo. At least, he didn't see any natural materials and local treasures related to the bamboo in the lingcao Lingwu illustrated book.

Hualing smiles in her eyes and turns to ask, "how is refining going?"

"It's only two quarters of an hour. It's still early." Jiang Ting shook his head without thinking.

He doesn't need to refine the bow and arrow thoroughly. He only needs to make the bow and arrow preliminary refining and can be used... It's not difficult to refine any bow and arrow simply, but if the bow and arrow are refined together, the difficulty will be increased by at least three times.

"Refining first, no hurry."

After that, Hualing said to the valley: "although there should be no accident, just in case... Arrange a formation here. If there is an accident, you can also deal with it."

The disciples of Qiushui Pavilion in the valley took the jade vase in their hands, then each took out eight or ten array flags and began to be busy all over the valley.

Maybe it's a serial array, or maybe it's an unrelated array, but it won't conflict... Before the array appears, it can't be determined for the moment.

The looting here is different from the one Jiang Ting once saw.

To seize treasure in the endless realm of God is nothing more than to pass through many tests and get inheritance or treasure. But here... Where is the test?

The only danger is the monster and other people... There are no other people around here, and the monster, an ordinary demon in the gas refining realm, is killed by all people when it comes near.

In Jiang Ting's slightly boring mood, he is already refining the magic weapon.

It's almost a quarter of an hour later... I don't know what the array is. I don't know what it is.

However, the magic weapon has been successfully refined and can be used temporarily.

Then he stopped refining: "OK, what am I going to do next?"

Without waiting for an answer, Jiang Ting frowned again: "I don't know what treasure is here?"

At the moment, he did not know what Hualing was going to capture, and whether it was the magic that fan Bowen said.

"Bao, it's the bamboo." Hualing squints at Qingzhu, her calm face can hardly hide her joy.

Jiang Ting looked up and said, "green bamboo?"

He couldn't see the secret of the bamboo.

"If it can be collected successfully, I will give you a look. Why worry?" Between the words, Hualing patted a bag slightly larger than the storage bag on the waist.

Then a streamer of light fell down the valley.

When the streamer dissipates, it just shows the dragon in the valley... The dragon is quite depressed at the moment. It seems that it has been trapped for so long, and its condition is not good.

Before that, the array that bound him had not been released, and the three Zhang size body was crowded in the small barrier.

Although I don't know the specific reason, Jiang Ting can see that the reason why Hualing insisted on capturing Jiaolong alive before is probably for the moment?

Hualing exhaled slightly: "your task is very simple. You will kill Jiaolong with arrows later."

Words, rare emergence of some very difficult to detect, tension.

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