In the face of green bamboo's response, Jiang Ting, who was going to switch off the topic, closed his eyes for a while and then reopened his eyes... This time, he was not talking nonsense. He asked directly whether green bamboo wanted to do it or not.

It's not that he likes to suddenly open up the topic and let Han Youqing and others watch the play.

But he found that he underestimated the bitterness in his mind.

No matter what the previous life is... Everything in his previous life, except his way of dealing with others, is self styled. Today, he is just a 19-year-old boy who has this vast memory.

Moreover, every time he came into contact with green bamboo before, he was making a play.

True or false yes, false or true.

If you play too many false plays, they will come true.

After all, this life is just a teenager, because I've been acting all the time... There's nothing true or false about my little experience in this life.

If he continues to delay, I'm afraid that he will be unable to suppress the bitterness in his heart, and he will not be able to injure himself without limit.

Once that happens, he is likely to use his emotions. If that's true, that's the real trouble.

In this case, it's better to pick out the topic immediately... If Lvzhu doesn't want to stab her, it's not difficult to take her away by force.

If she wants to do it... Naturally, he doesn't have to hesitate.

Long pain is not as good as short pain. When a person dies, the rest is only memory.

Looking at green bamboo again, she was ready to say something. She opened her mouth and fell into silence... She just looked up at Jiang Ting, her eyes showed countless struggles, and many others were down.

What about Han Youqing? She showed her eyes without any trace... Although the three disciples of black feather Pavilion didn't say anything, they were ready to move. Obviously, once they had the chance, they would not hesitate to encircle.

Fight, fight!

Under the dull atmosphere, a silence spread.

I don't know how long later.

Green bamboo, who had been silent, suddenly said, "in fact, I haven't practiced many black feather Pavilion magic arts to kill you... If you don't want to, how can I kill you?"

Jiang Ting's eyes were half calm and half indifferent: "it seems that you have made a choice."

The eight handle blade began to fly again... A flying seal was taken out and put on his chest.

In his storage bag, the most indispensable running Fu Zhuan is flying Fu Zhuan... Almost everyone he killed in the medicine picking Valley had flying Fu Zhuan.

One less, one more, three or four.

In addition, Liufeng boots... Unless he is dragged down, or he wants to, if not, who can kill him?

Flying seal... But it can fly.

A group of small ants of refining Qi cultivation can also compare the proficiency of Yukong with Jiang Ting?

It's not polite to say that with flying seal characters, even if he is surrounded, there are countless ways to get out of trouble!

"Life in the world, in the face of a junction, always have to make a choice." After that, green bamboo shook his head and suddenly became indifferent.

Then, he took out a long sword and rushed to Jiangting.

Jiang Ting subconsciously waved his hand to control the attack of Zi blade... Zi blade just moved, but he forced him down again. His eyes were surprised.

Long sword?

The sword is really green bamboo.

But... Green bamboo is not good at using the long sword.

After all, it's been a couple for several years... What green bamboo is good at is the magic of wood!

The second level is to use magic weapon, and the magic weapon she is good at using is the one she wears in her bun, the jade hairpin!

That long sword was a magic weapon given to her by her master before the opening of the medicine picking valley. It might be powerful, but she didn't like to use it. It was just a preliminary refining.

It's not as easy as the hairpin in the bun.

The most important thing is to kill.

She didn't mean to kill... This is, ready to die?

I don't want to kill him, and I don't want to be sorry to Heiyu Pavilion, so... Die?

But in the blink of an eye, countless possibilities flashed through Jiang Ting's mind!

In his quiet gaze, in Han Youqing and others pan happy look.

Green bamboo with a little unaccustomed, holding a sword close to Jiangting, sword point toward the heart of Jiangting stab.

Jiang Ting doesn't seem to understand, but in fact, the mana has begun to flow, and the Xuanlong spear is on standby at any time... If the sword stabs the heart, he will use the Xuanlong spear to cut the bamboo in the back before the sword tip arrives.

If not... If not, let's look at the situation first.

Just like Jiang Ting's perception, the green bamboo suddenly approached. When the sword tip was about three feet away from Jiang Ting's heart, it suddenly reversed.

"Yi" sound, sword edge, across Jiang Ting arm.

Into the meat, about an inch.

It didn't hurt the meridians or anything, but just cut the flesh and blood, and some fresh blood flew away.

Then in Jiang Ting's bewilderment, the green bamboo mana rolled out, with joy, and the blood retreated.

Jiang Ting's doubts did not hide: "what are you doing?"

It's not that he can't avoid it just now... Even if the speed of green bamboo is twice as fast, he can easily avoid it. The reason why he didn't avoid it is that he has seen through the track of the long sword.

He was sure that if the sword went down, there would only be a bloodstain on his arm, which would not affect his combat effectiveness at all... A wound less than an inch, even if there was no healing pill, could be healed with a little mana.

That's why he stayed where he was.

For Jiang Ting, he saw through the result through the track of the sword front, so he didn't hide.

But for others... But in the face of green bamboo's attack, Jiang Ting stood still and suppressed the subconscious counterattack.

Even, there is no action to avoid!

Back to the place about five feet away, green bamboo said with a bitter smile, "are you not afraid of my sword piercing your heart?"

Jiang Ting is dumb: "so, do you have any?"

The indifference of both sides, the disappearance of tacit understanding.

At the same time, Jiang Ting's mood sighed... It seems that it is impossible to leave alone today, but I don't know what green bamboo is going to do to take away his blood.

Damnation? He doesn't know if there is a curse in the world with the help of blood, but green bamboo is not... Compared with the curse, isn't it faster for a sword to pierce his heart before?

In contrast, green bamboo, she was silent and happy for a while, did not answer, a wave, the spatter of blood together, fell on her palm.

And Han Youqing, looking at Jiang Ting's eyes become strange... She really didn't expect that she should stand in the same place so quietly, not dodging.

If that sword stabbed the heart or the head, Jiang Ting would have died long ago.

Others are shocked, have the same complexion, or look like Han Youqing. Their eyes become strange, or they are envied and respected.

People's hearts are unpredictable... Except for the natural and cruel people, most people, regardless of their own geometry, always have a little respect and respect for others, especially those like Jiang Ting who are "willing to die".

After about three breaths.

The green bamboo leaps into the valley with both feet and walks slowly towards the Dragon... Maybe it's because the array has been running for a long time, or maybe Hualing and others have all left.

Although the array flag is still there, the array has disappeared.

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