The ashes of the green bamboo, with full vision and joy disappeared, but do not know, Jiangting, never emotional.

But, true and false, false and true, who can say clearly, who can see through?

Until the death of green bamboo, what she saw was only Jiang Ting's trust in her, only Jiang Ting's gentle appearance in the past... For her, how can it be said to be false?

It is also like right and wrong.

In the world, there has never been so-called good and evil, nor right and wrong.

Everything is just an artificial division. There are only positions.

True or false, who can make it clear?

Silent for a long time, Jiang Ting sighed: "Alas..."

Unfortunately... If Lvzhu is not an undercover agent, it is not difficult for him to rescue Lvzhu.

However, since she was sent by the black feather Pavilion, if she left the medicine picking Valley, she would die, and she would suffer a lot.

Doomed to die, now with a happy death, is not a kind of happiness.

Ignorance is also a kind of luck.

"Rustle..." a little is not big, the sound of wind and grass will interrupt Jiang Ting's thoughts.

Looking up, Jiang Ting just sees that Han Youqing and the people under Han Youqing's hands have formed a siege on him.

When the memory was gone, peace remained in his heart: "do you want to kill me?"


With a whisper, a black feather Pavilion disciple who looks like a small family Jasper came forward: "you can't keep the dragon scale. We'll let you go if you hand it in."

The person who is talking is the one who conceals his identity and deceives Hualing before. He once changed his face to the so-called "younger sister Ning", guarding the north gate.

"You can't say whether I can keep it or not."

Then Jiang Ting played with Jiaolong scales: "Han Daoyou, is this your superior and inferior of Heiyu pavilion? The dog under his hand can bark at will. "

Han Youqing's eyes suddenly narrowed. He found that Jiang Ting was calm and crazy.

After all, the same nine levels of refining gas, so close to each other, are still surrounded, but they name and say that someone is a dog... I don't know whether they are arrogant or arrogant.

The disciple of Qiushui pavilion was furious: "you want to die!"

Jiang Ting shook his head slowly, his eyes disdained to express: "Qiushui Pavilion failed this time, your credit can be said to be the first name, Hualing will kill you, I'm too lazy to dirty my hands."

In fact... If it wasn't for the loss of his mind at the moment that he had not recovered, he would not have laughed at it with words, but directly shot, broke out some cards, and killed one person in a sneak attack. It's not difficult.

"It's easy for him to kill you. Don't be noisy."

With the voice, Han Youqing came forward, soft voice: "although the sky is dark, but the breeze is dawn, a hundred trees into a forest, winding path of rare people, such a scenery, not as good as, I accompany you to drink a cup."

On one side, she did not know where to take out a full set of wine vessels, as well as several jars of wine.

At least, the fragrance is sweet, with the fragrance of flowers, the fragrance of bamboo, and the mellow fragrance of some kind of fragrant wood.

Many aroma spread, taste, think is extremely good.

"You can't do any other magic except flattery?" Jiang Ting did not understand half of the customs, sighed.

Xuanlong gun quietly out of the body, inserted in front of his ground.

At the moment, his mind is damaged... The Zi blade can only control eight at most. Compared with each other, the Xuanlong gun is more powerful.

Holding the wine jar and controlling many wine vessels with magic power, Han Youqing steps forward.

Soon, Han Youqing chuckled again: "it's more respectable to sink into a gentle hometown than to die with a knife. Daoyou, do you think that's the truth?"

Jiang Ting held the long gun in his right hand: "with their four wastes?"

However, he didn't pull the Xuanlong gun out of the ground, just made a gesture of pulling it out.

"You All the four disciples of the black feather Pavilion were furious.

If Han Youqing hadn't been here, they would have chosen to fight instead of just encircling.

Han Youqing's smile turned into sadness: "why do you make it difficult for me to do it?"

Jiang Ting looked up and looked down at the scales in his hands: "what are the red and green scales?"

This is red scale. After being sacrificed by blood, it turns green strangely. There is no red at all. It seems that it has nothing to do with blood.

Han Youqing's eyes are firmly locked in the scales: "a magic, it is said, is a supreme magic. If you succeed in practicing, you can be called invincible in the same realm."

For the scales in Jiang Ting's hands, she used all kinds of solutions, whether she or Hualing.

But did not think that under the wrong circumstances, Jiang Ting was successful.

"You know, what I want to ask is not this. I want to know how to look up the spells recorded in it."

After that, without waiting for an answer, Jiang Ting shook his index finger slightly: "don't think about threatening Jiang either. First, you can't leave Jiang. Second, you have forced Jiang to put this thing into the storage bag and destroy the storage bag. What's the difficulty in making the so-called scales that record the magic disappear?"

It's not Han Youqing's magnanimity, nor Han Youqing's willingness to suppress others to encircle but not attack under Jiang Ting's obvious arrogance... It's just two factors, as Jiang Ting said.

There are two factors. At the moment, Han Youqing doesn't dare to do anything at all. She only dares to try to control Jiang Ting without any trace. As long as Jiang Ting's thinking is still the same, she and others don't dare to do anything at all.

And Jiang Ting, also see very clearly, this is the basic reason that he, except take out Xuanlong gun to deter, no other action.

"..." there was a moment of silence, and Han Youqing was silent.

Jiang Ting said, "it's no use if you don't say it. If I can leave and return to zishuang gate, it's not difficult for me to know how to check the scales with the help of zongmen."

Han Youqing subconsciously retorted: "in this case, there is no half benefit, why should I tell you?"

Jiang Ting heard the words and looked at them for a long time before he said, "since it's recorded magic... Magic, it's not stipulated that only one person can practice it."

"You are generous." Han Youqing's face became strange.

Jiang Ting is too lazy to explain: "how to solve it?"

For the time being, his strength is not enough to kill Han Youqing... In this case, he doesn't want to be too stiff with Han Youqing for the time being, so as not to be targeted by Heiyu Pavilion.

As for the death of green bamboo... It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge.

When the strength is enough, kill all the people concerned.

Maybe it's because the green bamboo has disappeared, Jiang Ting's mood and mind, in this world, unprecedented Qingming... It's not that he has become smart, it's not that his city has been promoted.

Instead, he lost some invisible constraints, as well as some concerns from this life.

Without worries, when planning, his mind naturally appears indifferent and calm... He who has not sealed his memory, after all, is not a teenager, but the supreme one in the previous life, holding endless bloody corpses.

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