Looking at Han Youqing who forcibly suppresses his anger, Jiang Ting's face is full of smiles... If he can't get the purple fruit from Han Youqing at this time, he may have to rob and kill others to take it.

As for picking by oneself, the inner layer has been open for so many days. I'm afraid those proven places have already been picked clean, and the rest can't be used as medicine. It's useless for him to pick the immature fruits.

Moreover, if we don't give how much we need, that's the highest level of the open condition.


Han Youqing looks at Jiang ting. She is angry. She can only choose to exchange purple pineapple.

Just, how much?

Without it, Jiang Ting is not willing to.

Too much. She didn't want to.

After a while, Han Youqing clenched his teeth and said, "ten."

"Less." Jiang Ting frowned and looked unhappy.

Han Youqing's anger can no longer be suppressed: "how much do you want?"

Not everyone can calm his anger for a long time. Even if he didn't have a problem with his body instinct before, even if the sky fell down, Jiang Ting would not squint.


After that, Jiang Ting added: "your sincerity is also too bad... In this way, blood lotus, wisteria, green sand ganoderma and silverbell grass, give me ten of each, don't say no, since you are the leader of black feather Pavilion, the waste under your command should be very simple."

"Daoyou, you are too much!" Han Youqing side speech, teeth is bite "cackle" make a sound.

It's just being angry.

"If you don't want to exchange, I'll go. Anyway, you must be helpless to me. I don't care." Jiang Ting was not annoyed, so he turned around and tried to leave.

"You Han Youqing is furious, but he can only bite his teeth: "deal!"

Jiang Ting was happy for a moment: "what about things?"

"And the magic?" Han Youqing exhales constantly, trying to calm down.

Jiang Ting shrugged and took out an empty white jade slip. His mind poured into it and began to carve.

When Han Youqing sees this, she is silent for a while. With a wave of her hand and more anger, she takes out what Jiang Ting needs. All the materials are sent to the center of the two by her.

About thirty minutes later.

With a flick of Jiang Ting's finger, the jade slips flew out, and the materials were dragged back with magic power, all of which were temporarily put into the storage bag.

Han Youqing takes over the jade slips with cold eyes. Looking at Jiang Ting's eyes is like a dead man.

However, she didn't have a panic attack. Instead, she sank her mind into the jade slips and was ready to look at the records.

Soon, she read all the records in the jade slips.


Her anger was even worse: "these are incomplete!"

Although she can't tell the truth of the magic, she can also see that the magic given by Jiang Ting is not complete. According to the general outline at the beginning, the magic is only half.

That is, the upper part.

"Half of it is enough for you to practice, and the rest needs the golden elixir realm to practice."

After that, Jiang Ting shook his head slightly: "besides, Heiyu Pavilion is a killer force after all. I don't want to be targeted by killers."

Han Youqing clenched her fists: "what do you mean?"

"It's very simple. I'll wait until I break through the foundation, so that I won't be assassinated by you."

Without waiting for an answer, Jiang Ting said, "I'm gone... Don't chase me. Half of it is enough for you to take it back and make sure it's true or false. I've already written down the magic. It's urgent for me. It's uncertain whether the scales recording the whole magic will disappear in the turbulence of space."

Voice down, a few ups and downs, Jiang Ting disappeared in the woods not far away.

Han Youqing looks at Jiang Ting's back, his body trembles slightly... He is just angry.

We can only close our eyes to prevent and control our mood and restore our mood.

The other four look at each other, intending to kill, just because they don't get Han Youqing's order, and don't know how to do it, they can only wait in place quietly.

After 20 full breaths.

Han Youqing opened his eyes again... His mood has been calmed, his face is calm, and his eyes can't see any emotion.

The fake younger martial sister Ning said in a hurry: "elder martial sister, what shall we do next?"

Another man said, "why don't you summon other martial brothers and kill him?"

The other two nodded and agreed: "this method is good. It will take more than 20 days for the valley to be closed. If other martial brothers are called to kill, there will be more than enough time."

Han Youqing did not answer, just quietly looking at the direction of Jiang Ting disappeared, eyes slightly narrowed, I do not know what to think.

For a while.

"Elder martial sister?" The other four spoke again.

"When you summon others, his mind will recover long ago. He has a pair of flowing boots... Why do you kill him? You can't even catch his shadow. "

After saying that, Han Youqing involuntarily scolded: "he said you waste, now it seems that you are really waste!"

They all became humiliated, subconsciously bowed their heads, clenched their fists, and resentful.

I just don't know if the target of resentment is Jiang ting.

After a round of abuse, Han Youqing only feels that the anger suppressed by her suddenly dissipates a lot, and her mood is much lighter.

Sure enough, it's better to vent your anger when you feel angry. If you keep suppressing it, you'll get sick.

After a while, she began to think again... Thinking about Jiang Ting's purpose. In the face of Jiang Ting's series of verbal threats, she had no time to think deeply.

Now that she has time, she needs to be clear!

What puzzled her most was that Jiang Ting actually gave her the magic in the form of trade? Although only half, but also by the lion big mouth.

However, the fact is that she did get a spell... Although it's hard to tell whether it's true or not for the time being, she doesn't think Jiang Ting will cheat her with a fake spell.

Because if you cheat her, don't you completely enrage the black feather pavilion? An immortal in the realm of refining Qi can't resist the Revenge of Heiyu Pavilion, and zishuangmen can't really tear his face with Heiyu Pavilion for a small realm of refining Qi.

It doesn't look like much... But green bamboo is dead.

Judging from the trust shown by the two people before, just now, shouldn't Jiang Ting retaliate at all costs?

As a result, as if nothing had happened, the lion began to trade with her?

If you think in another place, she doesn't think she can be as calm as Jiang ting. What she will do is to break out all means to revenge.

In this way, Jiang Ting's actions just now are hard for her to estimate.

After thinking for a long time, she came up with two possibilities.

First of all... Jiang Ting had a keen eye on the battle before, and determined that the attack of green bamboo was harmless to him, but the essence was merciless.

Second, Jiang Ting's city government and mind are far beyond her estimation. Because of her lack of strength, the just calm is just forbearance. When her strength is enough, she will surely take revenge madly.

It will be. Which one?

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