When Jiang Ting answered, he didn't describe the specific details, but he would get the cause and effect of the scales, roughly once.

When Taoist Qingfeng heard the speech, his eyes narrowed quietly, revealing three points of thinking.


Taoist Qingfeng smiled a little: "how do you want to be?"

Jiang Ting blinked... Then he realized that his cheap master was asking him how to deal with green scales. However, he suddenly chewed words. What are you going to do?

After realizing this, Jiang Ting immediately lowered his head and showed countless guilt: "I'm sorry for my teacher."

He underestimated the shrewdness of some people.

Perhaps most people at the Qi refining level are really naive and foolish, can't see through words, and are not proficient in calculation and conspiracy... But Taoist Qingfeng is not stupid.

Those who can cross the Ninth Heaven of gas refining, build the sixth heaven of foundation, break through the golden elixir, and even break through the invincible reputation in the same territory... Why is it difficult to see through some careful thinking?

At this point, I have to mention the purpose of Jiang Ting's visit.

He took out the green scales, but he didn't want to hand them over to the Pope... Instead, he needed to lean against the big tree to enjoy the cool.

Who made him underestimate the effect of scales... At the beginning, he didn't read thousands of articles. He thought that scales were only equivalent to books, which recorded fairies. What was precious was fairies, not scales.

But now he read all the records of scales and realized the importance of scales... Then he himself may not be able to protect scales.

Now the black feather Pavilion is aiming at the purple frost gate. Judging from the previous medicine picking Valley, Han Youqing and Hualing, if it is not an accident, a few foundation building pills will go down and break through the foundation building, I'm afraid it's a certainty.

If Han Youqing led a large wave to build a base territory raid while he was not killed? Or take two or three strong men who built the foundation and reached the peak to fight him

Maybe he just thought the situation too seriously, but it didn't prevent him from planning in advance. Let Taoist Qingfeng stand out for him first.

Since I'm called a master... As a master, it's not unreasonable to help him deal with some trouble.

But he lived outside for too long before. After breaking through the foundation, he closed the door and rarely communicated with people. Subconsciously, he took Taoist Qingfeng as someone else and induced him with low words. Then, he was directly seen through.

But no problem, these are just small problems... It's not a bad thing that the apprentice is in trouble and tries to make the master stand out.


The other side.

Seeing the appearance of Jiang Ting, Taoist Qingfeng nodded slightly: "don't worry too much. Although this thing is precious, it's nothing."

Jiang Ting looked up and said, "master, what's the explanation for this?"

Taoist Qingfeng pondered for a while before opening his mouth: "cultivating fairies depends on scales. If only this restriction is enough, however, if you want to cultivate, you need low qualifications... For most people, the fairies of medicine picking valley are just chicken ribs that are tasteless to eat and regrettable to discard..."

Then, in his words, Jiang tingcai understood.

Just as he once considered in the medicine gathering Valley, magic has already been backed up in the six sects, just because there are restrictions on cultivation, and you must have low talents to cultivate.

As a result... There are not many sects who are keen on the magic arts in the medicine gathering valley. After all, if you want to cultivate the magic arts, you need to rely on scales!

As a result of the superposition of the two restrictions, almost no one is keen on fairies... Only those with strong talents are qualified to plan fairies outside the medicine collection valley. However, those with strong talents cannot cultivate fairies.

Talent is not enough. Those who have ideas about fairies... Don't have enough cultivation and strength. They don't even have the qualification to know fairies. What's the plan?

Every one or two hundred years, the reason why some people in the medicine gathering Valley come to pick up fairies is not that they really need to practice, but that they need to practice some of the sects.

Those sects don't care about the result, but the process.

Of course, Heiyu Pavilion and Qiushui Pavilion may not care... However, it may not be possible to say that there are flower bells and Han Youqing in the medicine picking valley.

If it's just like this, Taoist Qingfeng won't care... No rainbow without wind and rain!

Otherwise, if anything happens, the strong one at the bottom of the purple frost door will show up... How can the disciples succeed without their own experience and suffering?

After Enlightenment, Jiang Ting saluted with great caution: "I see. Thank you for your enlightenment."

Taoist Qingfeng smiled.

Then his eyes suddenly coagulated: "I remember, your qualification is wood, fire and gold?"

"Disciple is the spirit of three attributes." Jiang Ting nodded gently.

Even people in the Qi refining realm can pass the test of magic tools... For such accomplishments as Taoist Qingfeng, the last time he broke through the foundation building and came to visit, I'm afraid his qualification has long been seen through.

There's no need to hide... Talent is born, and he won't complain.

"In this way, you can practice your magic."

After lowering his head and meditating for a while, Taoist Qingfeng raised his head again: "although you can't play the strongest effect of fairies, it doesn't matter. Compared with Tianlan's magic, even if you can't play your due power, fairies can't be compared with ordinary magic... Do you have, practice?"

When Jiang Ting heard the speech, he immediately showed three hesitations.

According to his idea, if the green scales in his hand were put to eat ash, it would be better to throw them out. They can not only remove many malicious eyes for him, but also make a windfall.

Yes, even if Taoist Qingfeng explained, he was not ready to leave scales... If the news spread and involved magic, God knows how many people would rush to try to plot against him?

He just wants to practice quietly, but he doesn't want to deal with some tricks every day.

What hesitates at the moment is not to change your attention, but to think about whether to inform Taoist Qingfeng of the news of practicing magic.

He must deal with scales. If he tells the truth... The source of scales is that one. He will deal with scales in the future. Anyone with normal thinking must know that he is the one who took the scales.

If Taoist Qingfeng knows about it, he will perform his magic in the future... I'm afraid countless people are interested in him who can perform his magic without the help of scales.

At this point, Jiang Ting suddenly had a cold sweat at the bottom of his heart.

Scales, he doesn't seem to be able to sell!

If he sells it, he will kill everyone who has seen him perform his magic in the future. Otherwise... I'm afraid there will be a great disaster! Once that time comes, I'm afraid Taoist Qingfeng may not be able to protect him.

Huaying... He is sure that Tianlan must have the strong power of Huaying, and many sects must have it.

The reason is very simple. During his previous trip to the medicine collection Valley, Taoist Qingfeng was the leader elder... If Taoist Qingfeng's golden elixir cultivation belongs to the peak of the sect, then the leader must not be the golden elixir.

Not to mention, in case of leakage, it can't be said that his cheap master is likely to deal with him.

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