Although Jiang Ting's words were quite impolite, Ma Ji and the three did not hate at all... In their view, the foundation far beyond the gas refining realm should have been so.

The remaining mortals, led by Marquis Wu, although they have other ideas, can only nod yes and retreat one after another.

Soon, only Jiangting was left in the lotus pond of Nuo da.

Jiang Ting is too lazy to pay attention to others and has a quiet rest... He just came to see this task. Unless necessary, he doesn't need to do it.

The effect is just a passing through, don't care.


Outside the lotus pond.

The people left the lotus pond far away.

Xu Zhi's face recovered a little: "senior brother Maji, what's the clue about the demon cultivation?"

Now he just wants to hurry up to finish the task and separate from Jiang Ting... Even if Jiang Ting hasn't bothered him, he just feels uncomfortable all over.

I'm afraid that when Jiang Ting is unhappy, he will be slapped to death.

Maggie shook her head slightly: "No."

Then his eyes showed a little ugly: "I only felt the smell of demon cultivation near the king's capital before. I haven't found any other traces. Otherwise, I wouldn't ask the sect for help."

Although he asks for help, the purple frost gate will not be punished... But you know, if he solves it independently, the purple frost gate will give a reward!

If it can't be solved, why should he ask for help?

Xu Zhi's face stiffened: "no information?"

Ma Ji thought for a moment and nodded: "well, it's hard to say whether even the demon Xiu is still near the king capital."

Ding Feng returned, and Xu Zhi's face quietly became ugly.

The Marquis Wu found the opportunity and hurriedly replied: "there are three immortal masters in charge. Even if the demon Xiu ate the bear heart and leopard courage, he didn't dare to be presumptuous... The servant has prepared a reception banquet. How many immortal masters?"


Soon, the time turned to midnight.

Also because it was too late, except for a few servants, there were four immortals, and all the others fell asleep.

Lotus Pond.

Jiang Ting sits quietly in the Pavilion... He is ready to practice here for ten days and a half months, and then Maji and others should almost solve the demon cultivation.

He can take people back to the purple frost door.

But unexpectedly

In the middle of the night.

Jiang Ting, who was still practicing, suddenly sensed that a Reiki wave suddenly rose tens of miles away from the king's capital. It was very, rich Reiki wave.

No accident, it was caused by a statue built in the base, deliberately!

The fluctuation is still three points obscure, and it is almost imperceptible to build a foundation.

Because of the fluctuation, Jiang Ting quietly opened his eyes and got up.

Even if the direction of aura fluctuation was dark, he could see that there should be a small mountain... The huge mountain range for mortals is just a small mountain range for immortal practitioners.

Only the vast mountains like Heming mountain can be called big mountains.

Looking at the dark mountains for a while, Jiang Ting said, "come."

He could feel that although the whole palace was almost asleep, there were still some servants and maids who didn't rest... And there were three or four people waiting outside the lotus pond.

Obviously, although he was indifferent before, the Marquis Wu was still very knowledgeable and left someone outside to wait for dispatch at any time.


As soon as his voice fell, the maids hurried into the lotus pond: "immortal."

Probably a maid. Anyway, Jiang Ting doesn't know him.

Jiang Ting looked to the West: "over there, outside the king's capital, where?"

Several maids looked over... It was dark and couldn't see anything.

"Back to immortal, it seems to be Magnolia paddock over there..."

Before they finished, the maids reacted again and quickly explained, "Nanguo royal hunting ground."

"Hunting ground?" Jiang Tingmei asked quietly.

Sure enough, compared with the immortal practitioners who concentrate on cultivation every day, there is much more fun among mortals... At least, the immortal practitioners generally don't have much time to catch their prey and put them in a fixed place to play hunting tricks.

However, the hunting ground is not important. The important thing is, how did you suddenly run out of a foundation building environment?

Is it the devil who practices wind and rain in the south?

It's just, shouldn't it? He just came to have a look. He didn't have such bad luck. He just met a hard stubble.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Ting's body flashed and his imperial sword flew towards the hunting ground... Whether it was an accident or coincidence, or just his own bad luck, since there was a problem there, he had to go and have a look.

Ma Ji and other people, their accomplishments are nothing but refining Qi. I'm afraid they don't even know how to die.

Several maidens had peach blossoms in their eyes: "that's the immortal..."

Compared with Ma Ji, who has been guarding the southern kingdom for a long time, Jiang tingcai more agrees with the immortal's name... Although they didn't see Jiang Ting's hand, isn't it stronger to fly to the sky and hide from the earth?

As for Maji... Maji has been guarding the southern kingdom for many years, and there is almost no accident in the southern kingdom, so Maji has been guarding the royal capital for a long time.

Correspondingly, they have seen Ma Ji several times... Compared with ordinary martial artists, Ma Ji is also a fairy means, but compared with Jiang Ting, it is just too much worse.


Hunting grounds.

After Jiang tingfei went to the hunting ground, he simply found that this place is almost a place that has been artificially fenced. Most of it is grassland, and there are few peaks.

There are no beasts in the hunting ground, only some small animals.

Even if the sky has no moon, even if the sky is dark, it can't stop Jiang Ting's eyes.

After a random inspection for a while, my sight was not moving. I looked at the top of a small mountain just more than 30 feet away from the hunting ground, which may be a human built mountain.

At the top of the mountain, there was a man who could not see clearly, standing there, breathing as if he were observing him?

Well, there's no disgusting, disgusting smell.

In other words, that man is not a demon.

As soon as the heart turned, Jiang Ting approached again: "who is the Taoist friend..."

Before the voice fell, Jiang Ting flew not far from the mountain, and his eyes coagulated.

That man is really not a demon... But he seems to be a person who shouldn't appear.

The man slowly looked up and said hoarsely, "don't know me? Do you need a reminder?"

"No need." Jiang Ting's voice was filled with cold.

He really knows that man... I can say, No.

The man was the shadow who covered his space treasure fluctuation spell before entering the medicine picking valley. What's more, he once stopped him outside the zishuangmen Mountain Gate and asked him to kill Fu Zhenghua's hungry green bamboo, but gave up.

I don't know what secret technique the shadow uses. Even now, Jiang Ting can't see whether the shadow is male or female, fat or thin.

But strangely, he can feel the cultivation of the shadow... Like him, build a foundation.


The shadow spoke slowly: "you are a little swollen... Don't forget that you have many handles in my hands."

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