Snow toad showed his ferocity and began to try to fight back. Unfortunately, he could not invade the sea of fire. He could only condense some cold ice for temporary self-protection... It was only temporary self-protection. If he continued, he would be burned by the array sooner or later.

Jiang Ting whispered, "elder martial brother, I admire his extraordinary skills."

Mo sang said with a smile: "it's not worth mentioning, it's not worth mentioning, ha ha..."

Now, nearly 70% of the mana in the three people's bodies are still left. In addition, there are pills ready to restore mana at any time... The death of snow toad is predictable.

What is missing is only time.

Looking at Jiang Ting again, he was puzzled: "senior brother, judging from the progress at the moment, I'm afraid it's hard for the snow toad to die without a few hours... Is the speed slower?"

It's really a little slow to kill with the array.

Before Mo sang spoke, Jian Han said, "younger martial brother, you don't know. This cold ice toad seems to be no threat, but it's not..."

It turns out that the cold ice snow toad is not only rare, but also very powerful.

The cold ice... Although the cold ice driven by the cold ice snow toad can only protect itself at the moment, if there is no array, the cold ice is enough to freeze the surrounding area in an instant.

With the same accomplishments, almost no one can resist the ice of cold ice toad. Even if it is a magic weapon, it may be frozen if you are careless.

In addition, the cold ice snow Toad's defense is extremely powerful. Among the known monsters now... The cold ice snow Toad's defense may be slightly lower than that of Jiaolong and other Jiaolong scales.

The seemingly harmless cold ice snow toad in the array has four layers of Foundation... If there is no array, the three people may not be able to kill the cold ice snow toad even if they try their best!

If it's just like this, it's not difficult... The most difficult thing is that there is a cold pool below the array.

Once han Xuexue toad returns to the cold pool, he will recover his strength very quickly. He is also the home of Han Xuexue toad... In the cold pool, I'm afraid the three people together are not enough for the snow toad to swallow.

All these... If Mo sang had not been prepared to trap the snow toad with the array, how could they kill the snow toad?

At the moment, the speed of fighting may be very slow, but the victory is safe and not dangerous.


Time passed slowly bit by bit.

The ice snow toad trapped in the sea of fire in the array also slowly lost its ferocity with the passage of time, and gradually became listless and weak.

In the blink of an eye, about half a day passed.

The snow toad has completely lost its resistance. Lying on the lower barrier, the snow white body begins to change to red... It seems that the ice snow toad has completely lost its resistance, and its body is being eroded by the sea of fire.

If they were not worried that unlocking the array would make the snow toad escape back to the cold pool... Now, they can unlock the array and kill the snow toad directly.

Jian Han's voice was full of joy: "there will be less than a quarter of an hour at most, and the snow toad will die."

Mo Sang was also quite happy, but he still forced himself to speak calmly: "younger martial sister, the closer you are to the end, the more you can't relax. Be careful to maintain the array. Otherwise, if this snow toad has any means of dying counterattack, I'm afraid it's bad."

Jiang Ting seems very calm and continues to quietly maintain mana output... He doesn't have much power in his body. At the moment, there are only less than 30% left.

Normal mana output doesn't make his mana consume so fast... Mainly, once the snow toad resists and attacks the array, it will lead to faster mana consumption.

Therefore, it was expected to last two days, but only half a day left only 30% of the mana.

Once again.

Snow toad has lower breath of life and more red body.

Jiang Ting, who has been keeping a low profile all the time, has no trace in his eyes... The people who have been following them since entering the mountains are approaching.

There are no anomalies and flaws. If his mind was not amazing, and if the man's tracking had not been able to hide from him... To be careless, he might not be able to detect it.

After a while, the hidden man approached Jiang ting and Jian Han not far away.

Jian Han still knows nothing... At least, on the surface, he still knows nothing.

And mosan

His eyes twinkled for a while and suddenly said, "snow toad."

"Goo..." the cold ice snow toad looked weak, and his eyes were full of resentment, but he didn't respond much... After being dealt with by the array for a long time, how can he still have strength?

Mo Sang's eyes continued to twinkle: "is there an ice flame and fire bead under the cold pool?"

"Ice flame... Fire bead..." Leng Leng, the cold ice snow toad suddenly showed Resentment: "originally... It's for it... Damn two legged sheep..."

Because of Mo Sang's inquiry, the cold ice snow toad spit out people's words in front of the three for the first time. Only because of the injury, his words were not very fluent.

Jian Han's face was surprised: "ice flame fire bead?"

What's that?

Although he didn't understand, Jiang Ting was surprised: "is it an ice flame fire bead? Elder martial brother, your goal is the ice flame fire bead under the cold pool..."

"This..." Mo Sanggan responded with a smile, looking embarrassed.

Just then

"Whew, whew..." the sound broke out suddenly.

I saw that a figure suddenly appeared not far behind them. The man waved to Jiang ting and Jian Han and gave two cold lights.

"Yellow Finch, can't help it at last." the consternation on Jiang Ting's face dispersed, and immediately erased the mark in the array flag, and his body retreated violently.

And Jane Han, she doesn't seem to find... No, it's not.

She really didn't find anything wrong. After the man appeared, she was hit in the head by cold light... And exploded on the spot.

Headless corpse, powerless soft fell to the ground.

Two of the three array flags lost their power sources at the same time. Therefore, the array was instantly disintegrated.

"Goo Goo..." the snow toad was overjoyed and hurried to the cold pool.

However, Mo Sang's reaction was faster. He hit a mana to directly split the snow toad and fly it to a place at least ten feet away from the cold pool.

"Damn... Two legged beast..." the snow toad lay on the ground and cursed powerlessly.

Just when mosan was ready to continue his pursuit and kill the snow toad.

"Are you ready?" a voice of surprise sounded.

Mo sang looked up and saw a bald man standing opposite the cold pool with uncertain weather.

In the distance of the cold pool, about twenty feet away, Jiang Ting took out a pill and took it. It looked ruddy.

Seeing Mo Sang's action, Jiang Ting whispered, "you are really together."

He was still thinking about whether Jane Han was together or innocent?

Unexpectedly, Jane Han was killed as simple as that... Her head has been crushed by sneak attack. Can she survive?

It seems that he overestimates Jian Han too much!

I thought that even if Jian Han and Mo sang were not together, Mo sang suddenly put forward the so-called ice flame fire bead, which everyone knows. It may be his distracting words, so we need to be careful.

But unexpectedly

Then again.

When the bald man heard the speech, he looked slightly changed and whispered, "let's fight together and kill him."

Dozens of cold lights rushed towards Jiangting.

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