After the wind fox was surrounded by the people of Qiushui Pavilion, Jiang Ting confirmed that there was nothing missing. He immediately stopped wasting time and took out his mana and mind from the compass.

When the mana is calm, go up a little and sit in front of the cave... The mental consumption is too large. Recover a little, yes.


In the cave.

A relatively large cave.

Four feet high and twenty feet wide.

"Roar..." Feng Hu stood in the center of the cave, his limbs were slightly bent, the white hairs on his three tails had become straight, and his blood red eyes were looking around. At the same time, he was constantly yelling, as if he were demonstrating and intimidating.

The eyes of the wind fox, originally red, complement each other with the snow-white body.

Around the karst cave, there are more than ten fork roads.

At the moment, there are people from Qiushui Pavilion in more than ten roads. On average, there are two people on each road.

Because they wanted to be captured alive, they did not rush to do it.

Looking at the people around, the wind fox roared: "human beings, it's you again."

Although its strength is not low, it just doesn't want to fight at all... There are too many people here.

According to the realm of the Terran, it belongs to the cultivation of the fifth floor of the foundation... The fifth floor of the foundation is not low.

But here, there is a circle of nearly 20 people... And there are Qiushui Pavilion disciples who build the sixth floor of the foundation. Fenghu has no chance of winning at all.

If it is in an open place outside, it can escape from the sky or other directions.

But this is a cave... All the opened exits are blocked.

Open up a road from the heart? Wind fox can do it, but it takes some time... Even if it takes little time, it does take some time.

How can people in Qiushui Pavilion watch it dig a new road?

Su Qingyi stepped forward and said, "you can't escape. We won't kill you. Let's catch you."

So many of them set up banners and drums, not to kill the wind fox, but to capture it. If they can subdue the soldiers without fighting... Cough, it's good to subdue the hearts of monsters without fighting.

It is worth mentioning that the cave path where Su Qingyi is located should be a main road... Plus her, there are four or five people at the cave entrance where she is located.

"Delusion!" with the roar of the wind fox, it rushed towards Su Qingyi.

The strong wind rose sharply, and countless wind blades also took shape with the sprint of the wind fox, overwhelming Su Qingyi and the direction behind him.

If he was alone, Su Qingyi might choose to avoid.

But now... Su Qingyi stood a little straighter. The mana of her palms was turbulent, and suddenly turned into a semi-circular cover. People behind her also came forward to use mana.

"Bang Bang..." with the dull noise, the wind blade hit the cover first, but it brought some ripples, which had no effect.

The wind Fox's eyes sank, but he didn't give up the attack... His real claws patted directly towards the cover.

Speaking of this, I have to mention that the wind fox is not very big. Even if it straightens its tail behind it, it is also long... It is only less than ten feet, plus the furry fur around it.

Its real body is not big.

Just as its claws flapping the cover at the moment are about the size of a human arm, and because of the fur, it looks not only no threat, but also a bit of joy.

"How lovely."

"I really want to hug..."

"Cute? If it bites you..."

In the sound of teasing or displeasure, the wind fox hit the cover with a claw.

Another "bang", the claw of the wind fox is obviously stronger and more terrible than the attack of the wind blade... A claw makes the cover flicker continuously.

It's obviously a threat to the cover. It's possible to break the claw of the cover.

With such success, the wind fox is still ready to continue to pursue.

"Good courage!"

"Animals are animals."


A lot of yelling, displeasure and cold humming sounded constantly.

It's not just Su Qingyi and several other people near the cave, but all the Qiushui Pavilion disciples, a total of more than a dozen people, tried to persuade them to surrender before, but they didn't hurry. Now that they fight, they naturally won't go to the theatre again.

"Hoo Hoo..." countless broken empty voices sounded.

"Not good." the wind fox was not stupid and rushed to other places.

"Boom..." many attacks that didn't have time to stop hit the protective cover one after another.

"What are you doing? Do you want to kill people?" several roared behind the hood.

The man who shot before looked slightly changed.

"Damn it."

"Don't make a noise. The fur is gone. This time, I let the wind fox escape. I'm afraid I can't explain to the elder. Catch the wind fox first."

Before a greater conflict was born, several of them who had stopped very quickly drank low.

"Stupid human, haven't you learned a lesson yet..." the wind fox jumped to the stone wall of the cave, and his eyes flashed cunning light... No one heard that whisper.


Outside the mountain.

About half an hour later.

"Boom..." the explosion began to sound continuously.

Jiang Ting, who was still resting, opened his eyes and just saw that the mountain began to collapse after some fierce fighting and collision.

Although the peak can only be regarded as a small mountain, the height of tens of feet is not false.

Looking at the smoke and dust that still appeared, Jiang Ting frowned: "what's the matter? Catch a wind fox that built the fifth floor of the foundation. As for such a long time, it even destroyed the mountain?"

His intuition had a bad feeling.

As if to prove his intuition.

In the smoke and dust, a white shadow suddenly rushed out of the smoke and dust, and the position rushed out was just near Jiangting.

"Go away!" the white shadow roared at the river court.

Wind fox!

"Evil animals don't want to escape!"

"Damn beast, do you really think we dare not kill you!"

"Damn fox!"

A sound came from the mountainside... Even with the shelter and burial of mountains and stones, many sounds could not be isolated.

Obviously, after the mountain collapsed, the wind fox ran out at the fastest speed. The people in Qiushui Pavilion were not as fast as the wind fox.

It's just... Some people in Jiangting want to swear, and their strength is not low. How can they be like waste? More than a dozen people catch the wind Fox and form a seamless encirclement. As a result, the wind fox can run out!

Eager to escape, the wind fox looked at Jiang ting and roared, "if you don't roll, you'll die!"

A small tornado suddenly took shape around Jiangting, with a number of at least ten... Although it is very small, only the size of a fist.

However, the tearing force is not small at all. Jiang Ting only feels that there are more than ten ropes tied to him, and those ropes are desperately pulling him.

If his mana were not still circulating, his body would have lost control.

Looking at the wind fox, he said murderous words. As a result... The result was also murderous. He rushed to Jiangting.

Is the wind fox stupid?

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