In the face of Xia Hou Yuanhai's solicitation, Jiang Ting was very polite and declined... There was no offense between his words. The courtesy was not many, not many, just good.

Although it's said that Xiahou Yuanhai and his party are not good at coming... Just a little more courtesy may delay and contain some time?

Whether it's useful or not... In short, it won't do any harm.

"That's a pity." said the disappointed words, but the look of Xiahou Yuanhai didn't change much.

Instead, he nodded slightly to others... Suddenly, many gold pills retreated quietly.

Yes, step back!

Not, attack!

Because of the retreat of many gold pills, the sky here suddenly seemed a little empty.

What is this?

As if he knew what he thought, Xia Hou Yuanhai also began to retreat: "you two fight. Who wins, who lives, who loses, who dies, who dares to intervene, will die!"

The voice is not big, but it shows people, no doubt, undeniable, majesty.

Battle, winner, live?

Loser, dead?

Jiang Ting was stunned.

Soon, Jiang Ting showed his respect: "elder, don't laugh. Xia Houping's Taoist friends have extraordinary strength. Jiang may win by chance. If you want to kill him, it's as difficult as heaven."

Xia Houping sneered and said, "you don't measure your strength."

Jiang Ting simply doesn't bother to pay attention to Xia Houping... He remembers that Xia Houping in his memory was not so stupid, but now... I don't know it's because his enemies are particularly jealous when they meet.

Or because Xia Houping tried to hide his foolishness and pretended to be silly in front of Xia Houyuan's sea.

Or because Xia Houping paid too much attention to Xia Hou Yuanhai's view of him, he lost his usual square inch.

Or some other unknown reason.

Jiang Ting doesn't know what it is. He only knows that now he doesn't want to talk to Xia Houping, who is stupid. It's easy to lower his IQ.

I noticed Jiang Ting's line of sight.

Xiahou Yuanhai did not respond.

Until I retreated to a distance and stopped, I whispered, "you are very smart... I heard that your talent is not good."

Jiang Ting's eyes suddenly picked, and he didn't understand what Xia Hou Yuanhai meant.

As if he knew what he thought, Xia Hou Yuanhai raised his mouth slightly and opened his mouth: "I heard that although your strength is good, you are also loved by Taoist Qingfeng and passed on the green spirit sword classic... But your talent is the three attribute spirit qualification."

Jiang Ting looked unchanged: "what do you mean, elder?"

Xia Hou Yuanhai didn't seem to hear it. He said to himself, "look at your bone age, you're only in your early 60s. Although I don't know why your cultivation speed is so fast, I think it's nothing more than Dan medicine... Ordinary foundation builders want to break the golden pill. Even if there is a pill, it's also one in a thousand miles. With your qualifications, it's almost impossible to break the territory, even if there is a pill."

Jiang Ting shook his head slightly: "I don't understand what my predecessors mean."

But I don't care.

Xia Hou Yuanhai still didn't answer: "tell him what kind of qualification you used to have, and what kind of qualification you are now."

The object of speech is Xia Houping.

Xia Houping's expression suddenly sank. Although he was reluctant, he still said: "I didn't have the talent to practice... Now, under the condition of killing 100000 people, I use the magic skills to condense in my body and blood spirit."

Blood spirit? What qualifications?

Jiang Ting, I haven't heard of this qualification at all.

As far as he knows, there are not many kinds of immortal cultivation qualifications.

There are seven kinds of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind and thunder, or some variant spirits based on those seven kinds... But there is no so-called blood spirit.

Artificial spirit?

"Younger generation, I have learned from you." Jiang Ting shook his head slightly and declined again.

He's not stupid. Xia Hou Yuanhai suddenly gave him popular science... It can't be because of kindness, it can only be because he's ready to try to win over.

Since I refused before, I will not agree because of the so-called blood spirit at the moment.

When Xia Hou Yuanhai heard the speech, he shook his head. Instead of speaking, he closed his eyes and rested.

Obviously, being declined again, he has completely put out his mind to solicit.

Looking at Xia Houping again, he licked his lips, and his eyes showed a three-point killing intention: "your life is over in the end."

Jiang Ting smiled: "if you let Jindan do it, Jiang may have to wait to die... But if they don't do it, how can you fight me with confidence?"

In the past, he could force Xia Houping to die and survive before he controlled the magic and the breeze sword array... Now he is carrying the two killing weapons of the sword array and the magic.

Xia Houping, why fight him?

Xia Houping was not talking nonsense, but roared: "extremely arrogant!"

In words, Xia Houping clenched his fists... An invisible wave spread. Suddenly, Xia Houping's coat turned into debris and his upper body was naked... His body was not strong, but there was no fat. He was just in the right shape like an ordinary immortal.

"I will break your bones one by one, and then take out your spirit and bake it in the fire day after day..." Xia Houping was shrouded in the visible blood.

Only left, bloodthirsty and ferocious face.

"Since it's a battle of life and death... Then Jiang will defeat you with the sword array passed from the master. In this way, he will not lose the grace of the teacher." Jiang Ting whispered.

Suddenly, green lights flashed... Many situations turned into a Dharma sword around the four sides, enveloping Jiang ting and Xia Houping.

Sword array?

Bathed in blood mist, Xia Houping, who was about to attack, looked slightly aside. If he didn't want to, he turned into blood light and retreated... Man's name, the shadow of the tree, Taoist Qingfeng became famous for the Qingfeng sword array and was proud of the world. As long as he wasn't stupid, no one dared to underestimate the sword array.

"Can you walk away?" in Jiang Ting's calm face, a trace of coldness flashed through his eyes.

"Clang......" the sound of the sword sounded.

As soon as Jiang Ting raised his hand, the soul refining child and mother blades were instantly combined into a huge sword and split towards the rear of Xia Houping... Xia Houping continued to hide and may be able to leave the range of the sword array, but that sword can also inflict heavy damage on him.

"How dare you take out such a medium-level magic weapon to make a fool of yourself!" Xia Hou was angry.

Then Xia Houping took out a square metal magic weapon and threw it into the sky... The magic weapon rose in the wind and instantly became the size of a hill.

With a bang, the giant sword hit the hill. The hill didn't even leave a trace of evil. Instead... The giant sword was smashed by the hill.

"Ha ha, did you even take out the magic weapon? It's really shabby." with a wild laugh, Xia Houping also took the opportunity to leave the range of the sword array.

"Poor?" Jiang Ting recalled his son and mother's blade and looked strange.

In fact, he prefers the attack method of son and mother blade... He can attack in a large range, attack and kill continuously, and gather together to kill in a small range.

Unfortunately, the level is still a little low.

When dealing with waste, deal with some strong people... The level of intermediate magic tools is doomed, and the power of child and mother blades is not enough.

Fortunately, he didn't expect his son and mother blade to make achievements.

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