In the face of the outcome and the covenant after the decisive battle, Jiang Ting first smiled and expressed concern when he spoke.

"Yes, unless the devil wants to return to the East desert."

After a pause, Taoist Qingfeng looked at the sky with his hands on his back: "although the devil's way is grumpy, it's not a fool without brains... Some young people who build the base of Qi refining can walk out of the magic ridge at will... But the golden elixir can walk out at will, which is stimulating the bottom line of two pavilions and three gates, not to mention turning babies?"

Jiang Ting's eyes immediately narrowed.

Seeing this, Taoist Qingfeng smiled and said, "if there is really a magic cultivation in the infant territory to go out of the magic ridge... Half a year at the latest, many years ago, a scene of two pavilions and three doors working together will certainly reappear."

Jiang Ting was puzzled again: "but not long ago, apart from the Tu Xing gate, didn't the five still fight each other?"

Although he guessed the reason... However, it's not good to be too smart.

Sometimes it's good to pretend to be stupid.

"The dead will not object. The living will not waste the benefits of the sect because of the dead."

After a pause, Taoist Qingfeng shook his head: "whether it's a golden pill or a baby... In essence, it's still a person, a person, so you have selfishness. Don't think too much of others."

"What the master said was very true, and the disciples were taught too." with a more respectful and loud voice, a middle-aged Taoist quickly approached from outside the mountain.

After arriving at the ladder, the Taoist saluted: "I've seen your senior... This must be senior brother Jiangting? Junior brother Jianchen, I've seen your senior brother."

Jiang Ting blinked, stunned.

Who is this man?

You look not young... If you cultivate accomplishments, you are not weak. Build three floors of the foundation.

However, he only built three floors of the foundation. According to the rules of Tianlan and zishuang gate, the most correct name to see him in Jiangting is to call the elder.

Elder martial brother?

He is a disciple of Qingfeng Taoist priest and a disciple of Qingfeng Taoist priest... There is only one kind of person who wants to call him senior brother by the cultivation who built the foundation. He is also a disciple of Qingfeng Taoist priest.

Only in this way can he be called his senior brother... If not, even if he is the personal disciple of other baby old monsters, he must honestly call him an elder.

But suddenly, thousands of thoughts appeared in Jiang Ting's heart.

However, there was no difference on the surface, but looked at Taoist Qingfeng with a touch of confusion and confusion.

Taoist Qingfeng's eyes showed a little strangeness: "he was a disciple of the teacher a few years ago. Jianchen... Jianchen, why did you come suddenly? Why is it difficult to cultivate?"

The middle-aged Taoist Jianchen said respectfully: "Hui Shizun, not long ago, the disciples heard that the maple leaf peak array suddenly opened. They were worried that something had happened to the master, so they stayed outside. Now the array has dispersed, and the disciples came to see the master at the first time."

Taoist Qingfeng shook his head: "I have a little understanding of the teacher. Time is tight, so I open the big array to prevent accidents... No problem. Go on to practice."

"I see."

Jianchen nodded slightly and then looked at Jiang Ting: "elder martial brother, since there is nothing to do here, younger martial brother will go down to practice first... According to the master, younger martial brother is only in his early 70s, but now he is already a cultivation achievement in the golden elixir realm. If he is free in the future, our martial brothers will be close."

After the courtesy was done, Jianchen turned and left... Come quickly, go quickly.

And Jiang Ting, quietly staring at the back of Jianchen, frowned slightly.

"What's the matter?" Taoist Qingfeng said again.

"Master, he..."

After hesitating for a while, Jiang Ting still said, "nothing."

Taoist Qingfeng was dumb and said, "what do you say is that you and I are teachers and disciples. Will you blame you as a teacher?"

"I......" Jiang Ting looked at the direction of Jianchen's departure and frowned without any cover.



The cultivation of Jianchen is really just building the third floor of the foundation. It is reasonable to say that with the strength of Jiangting, even the third floor of the foundation with peerless talent, he can run over with one finger.

But in fact... Just now, when Jianchen approached and said hello to him, his intuition kept reminding him that the man was very dangerous.

If he does... It's hard to say whether he can fight.

He is in the golden elixir realm, with sword array and magic nearby, and the ice method of bean sprouts. As the most obscure killer and card, he will be palpitating in the face of a three-story foundation building? Can it be dangerous?

Then... When the two talked, he was keenly aware of something wrong.

Compared with him... Taoist Qingfeng's attitude towards sword dust is somewhat indifferent.

No, it should not be indifference, but... How to say, although the words sound no problem, Jiang Ting always feels that there is a third alienation in the voice of Taoist Qingfeng, as if Jianchen is not his apprentice.

He didn't see anything else for the time being.

Just those clues, he felt that there was something fishy about Jianchen.

After pondering for a while, Jiang Ting tentatively said, "master, younger martial brother Jianchen, do you... Do you know his origin?"

He is ready to test... If Taoist Qingfeng knows the trickiness of sword dust, he thinks he doesn't know anything. He wants to exchange some baby and old monsters.

But if you don't know... There is a big difference between having a Huaying as the backing and not having a Huaying as the backing. In a short time, he still needs such a big tree to enjoy the cool.

Taoist Qingfeng picked his eyes: "what did you find?"

Nothing was revealed.

Jiang Ting hesitated for a moment and continued to test without trace: "master, younger martial brother Jianchen is indeed a younger martial brother... But, how to say, younger martial brother Jianchen's cultivation at the moment is still a little worse. If the disciple is younger martial brother Jianchen, in the face of the elder martial brother in the golden elixir realm, he can't be as equal and natural as younger martial brother Jianchen."

Yes, equality.

Sword dust's attitude... Too natural.

Although there is no problem with Yiying etiquette, and it doesn't even offend Jiangting... However, that's the biggest problem. A foundation building environment can't be as equal and free in the face of Jindan environment!

"So?" Taoist Qingfeng looked unchanged.

Still, there is no difference.

"..." Jiang Ting only felt a headache.

I knew. I didn't reveal anything just now... I wanted to test, but as a result, Taoist Qingfeng didn't reveal anything. How did he speculate?

Of course, there may be a big gap between his accomplishments. Therefore, with his accomplishments of entering the golden elixir for the first time, he can't see the change of Taoist Qingfeng's look at all.

So now, what?

After a long silence, Jiang Ting still clenched his teeth and said, "younger martial brother Jianchen is not old... But based on Shouyuan, who built the foundation, and younger martial brother Jianchen's face, I think younger martial brother Jianchen should be about 200."

After that, Jiang Ting pretended to be serious: "the disciple dare not say that he is very familiar with people's hearts, but in the disciple's opinion, he is a 200 year old foundation builder... Although the disciple doesn't know why he worshipped under the master's door, he can see it from the age of Jianchen, so that he doesn't dare to be so natural, casual, and even try to meet equally when facing the disciple who thinks he is a Jindan immortal..."

After a long list of obvious reasons.

Jiang Ting added: "of course, these are just the disciples' guesses. Whether this is the case or not needs your personal decision."

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