The leader of the chopping wind city, named Tianchi, has a strong cultivation of transforming the infant territory. Therefore, after the chopping wind city was built in Tianchi, countless scattered practitioners rushed to the chopping wind city.

Over the years, chopping wind city has become extremely prosperous.

The Tianchi Lake, even for casual cultivation, has the cultivation of transforming the infant territory... Therefore, even if the chopping wind city is in the territory of Qiushui Pavilion, Qiushui pavilion has not accepted the suppression. Instead, it just sits idly by.

In this case, the chopping wind city is more and more prosperous.

Knowing the origin and strength of the chopping wind city, Jiang Ting nodded gently: "this chopping wind city is really worth visiting... Where are the other two places?"


After a moment of hesitation, the flying fish master shook his head: "I haven't been to the other two places, just hearsay..."

The other two places in his mouth are evil dragon square.

Second, stone city demon hunting.

Evil dragon square, because it's too close to Qiushui Pavilion, passers-by like to go to evil dragon square. Well, yes, it's the evil dragon square that Jiang Ting stayed for decades.

As for demon hunting in Shicheng, master Feiyu has never been to Shicheng or participated in demon hunting. He only knows that it is extremely busy. It is said that it is almost the most prosperous place in the whole Qiushui Pavilion.

The distance is very far. It is said that it seems to be on the other side of the territory of Qiushui Pavilion. If Jiang Ting wants to go, it will almost run through the territory of Qiushui Pavilion.

Also because it is too far away, the flying fish master has only heard of it and has never been there.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Ting said, "is there anything else?"

"No more."

After a pause, the flying fish master shook his head: "the places worth visiting in Qiushui pavilion are almost the same except Zhanfeng City, evil dragon square and stone city... Taoist friends, I'm afraid my disciples are worried at the moment. I'll take a step first so that they won't ruin something."

The words fell, hugged the fist, and the flying fish man walked away against the wind.

Jiang Ting didn't stop him this time. He just looked at the direction he left and secretly wrote down the direction where Master Feiyu left... If he needs a chess player or something in the future, he can threaten him with the help of this handle.

If you don't like flying fish in the future and suddenly get angry, the interrupted insight can also directly find someone to kill and vent your anger.

"Let's go to the stone city first. The city built by huayingjing should be very lively and worth visiting." with a whisper, Jiang Ting's mana operated and flew slowly across the sky at a very slow speed.

Shangao village? There's no need to go back.

Since we have decided to change the way we travel, there is no need to waste time.

Because of Jiang Ting's departure, only the burning fire and the burning buildings are left on the top of the mountain.

Nothing but.

I don't know how long.

A ripple appeared. A figure appeared in the sky. He quietly looked at the flames on the top of the mountain and shook his head. His eyes seemed to be a pity, some indifferent, some disdainful.

If Jiang Ting hasn't left yet, it's not hard to find... This man is not his cheap master, Taoist Qingfeng, and who is it.


It is divided by the great day holy sect and the black feather pavilion to the magic mountain.

Magic ridge, I don't know where.

Some island, floating in the sky, a hundred feet around.

In the center of the island, there is a blood pool.

Lord of the devil, Xia Hou Yuanhai lay quietly in the blood pool and bathed.

I don't know how long.

"Ta ta..."

With the footsteps, Xia Houping approached from other places and saluted respectfully: "father."

Xia Hou Yuanhai, bathed in the blood pool, didn't open his eyes: "you let me be a father. I'm very disappointed."

Still, just lying quietly in the blood pool.

Xia Houping opened his mouth and finally couldn't say anything to explain. He just suddenly knelt on his knees and put his forehead on the ground.

Xia Hou Yuanhai continued to speak, and his voice eased slightly: "just received the news from the inside, Jiang Ting left the purple frost door, did not cover up his breath and his tracks, and entered the territory of Qiushui Pavilion. It is speculated that he should be ready to travel."

Although he didn't open his eyes... But the terrible cultivation of the third realm is there!

Vast sky LAN, I'm afraid the cultivation is stronger than him. I'm afraid it doesn't exceed one hand!

Xia Houping stood upright in an instant, looked up and drank coldly: "I'll take someone to kill him. If he doesn't die... If he doesn't die, I'd rather die!"

He's still on his knees.

"You killed him?"

After a pause, Xia Houping suddenly opened his eyes, got up and stood in the blood pool with cold eyes: "why should you kill him? A message came from the inside. Taoist Qingfeng protected the Dharma for him and has successfully condensed the golden pill... You? Now he can crush you with one finger!"

"What?" Xia Houping's pupil magnified to the extreme. His body was soft and almost fell to the ground... Jiang Ting, broke through the golden elixir?

He, still, built six floors.

He can't break the golden elixir.

Jiang Ting has become his devil. Unless he can kill Jiang Ting himself, if not... He can't break through the golden elixir. There's no, there's no possibility to break through.

He is a devil and a heart devil, which has a greater impact on him... Of course, since he is a devil, compared with ordinary immortals, even if the heart devil does not disperse, Xia Houping can't have an impact on him unless he encounters a critical moment of breaking through the golden elixir.

Xuanmen, whenever they encounter heart demons, they will affect the counterattack from time to time, but Xuanmen can use all kinds of treasures to suppress them. It is easier to expel and strangle heart demons than demons.

And the devil's way... When encountering a heart devil, unless it is breaking through an important juncture like Xia Houping, the heart devil opportunity can't have an impact... However, the heart devil in the devil's way can't be suppressed with the help of treasures. It must be that the God of the devil's way belongs to the devil, and the treasures suppress... While suppressing the heart devil, suppress the devil's way itself? Hanging is also much more difficult than Xuanmen.

Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Which is more important depends on everyone's understanding.

After a while.

Xia Houping bit his teeth and looked up: "father, please... Please kill him yourself!"

Xiahou Yuanhai didn't answer, but looked at Xiahou Ping quietly.

Xia Houping was not afraid, but also gritted his teeth and looked at Xia Hou Yuanhai... Their eyes met constantly.

For a long time.

Xiahou Yuanhai shook his head slightly: "you are so disappointing to your father."

"Father." Xia Houping gritted his teeth and continued to make a sound.

Xia Hou Yuanhai continued to shake his head: "you have no chance."

"Father?" Xia Houping exclaimed, looking flustered.

Xia Houyuan heard the speech and looked at the sky: "you know, I regret being my father. Why did I put all my eggs in one basket when I was a father? If I let you live a life as a mortal... Why can't the mud help the wall at this time!"

Xia Houping wanted to explain. Finally, he thought of something and knelt down on the ground again.

Silent, request.

Xia Hou Yuanhai saw this and opened his mouth. After a long time, he sighed: "do you know what is the most disappointing thing for my father?"

"Please show me your father." Xia Houping was still lying on the ground.

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