After they made a decision, they dispersed and left quickly. Among them, Chen Rong and Wenchang didn't waste time. When they reached the edge of the platform, they jumped out on the spot.

Jiang Ting is not!

He noticed that after the bodies of Chen Rong and Wenchang disappeared, they had left the foot of the high platform and immediately retracted... Looking from a distance, the whole person was quite funny.

He leaned forward on the edge of the high platform, and one foot stepped out directly like an ordinary walk... The fierce retraction looked as if he had almost fallen.

However, no one here is paying attention to Jiang Ting... Or even if someone wants to laugh and notices the bad smell of Jiang Ting, he won't seriously laugh and make enemies with an expert for no reason.

Jiang Ting was not interested in paying attention to the others. After taking back his feet, he looked at the direction of their disappearance: "really gone... Are they too stupid or am I too smart?"


Don't you have to stop at the high platform as a transfer station?

It seems that there is no problem... But the problem is big!

For no reason, why are so many high platforms built in this seemingly empty place?

As a transit station?

Have enough to support! From the entrance of the outside world, isn't it good to send it directly into the secret place? It's unnecessary to get a transfer station here... Anyway, it's also random to enter the secret place from this transfer station.

Since it is random, naturally there can be no forked roads to choose from... In that case, why bother to build so many high-rise squares?

If there are statues in this high platform and some statues that used to fight against the so-called foreign demons, we can still think that this transit station is used to remember the martyrs.

But in fact, according to Jiang Ting's observation, this high platform has nothing... Except the bare high platform and the many pictures on the ground, there is really nothing.

Jiang Ting, however, doesn't believe it. Since this high platform appears here, it must be impossible without other mysteries... There must be other greasy things, but he didn't see it for the time being.

Chen Rong and Wenchang, who left directly and decisively, didn't expect this, or did they bother to waste time here because they didn't notice the difference?

Jiang Ting doesn't know what kind of it is at the moment... But he doesn't bother to care. He's going to stay on the high platform for a while to see if he can find the fishiness of the high platform.

If this high platform is really just repaired casually when you are full... There is no way for Jiangting to do so. It should be a waste of time. Anyway, after this magic secret place is opened, it can stay for 30 years. It's nothing to delay a while on this high platform for such a long time.

About 30 minutes later.

Jiang Ting, standing on the edge of the high platform, frowned without trace... There are some things on the high platform!

He constantly sends out his spiritual awareness. Even if his cultivation is suppressed to the sixth floor of the foundation, his spiritual awareness is not what the sixth floor of the foundation can imagine. In this case, he feels inch by inch and finds nothing.

On the contrary, it alerted many strong and arrogant people, but they noticed the strong and arrogant nature of Jiangting and knew that the essence of Jiangting was not building a foundation, but building a foundation for suppressed cultivation, so they didn't dare to attack it.

At the moment, only those who dare to attack Jiang Ting can do it.

However, there are so many high platforms. There are only a few golden elixirs who enter the magic secret realm and Huaying who do not know whether they exist. When the three of Jiang Ting came in, they deliberately separated from others for some time. In this case, there is no essence on the high platform, at least the existence of golden elixirs.

Therefore, although many people with extraordinary strength noticed his thoughts on the high platform of Nuo Da, no one really took them seriously.

Under such an advantage, he did not notice any abnormality. It seems that this high platform is just an ordinary high platform.

Another moment passed.

"Interesting." with a whisper, Jiang Ting's mind slowly took back... The secret of the high platform may not be perceived by the mind.

So... Just look at it with your eyes!

His eyes swept away. The high platform was still high. Except for those people who came and went, sometimes mixed with some cultivation accomplishments in the refining realm, there was nothing else.

Crowds, white jade like platforms, ground pictures.

This is the whole thing of the high platform.

Isn't it, fishy, in the picture?

As soon as he read this, whether true or false, Jiang Ting began to look at the pictures carefully... Different from the previous superficial glance, this time, he looked at them one by one.

Although the high platform is large, the area covered by the picture is not small. In fact, it is only dozens of pictures.

No matter how carefully Jiang Ting watched it, in only half an hour or so, he saw all the pictures of these high platforms bit by bit, and even clearly remembered them in his mind.

Still, nothing is different, nothing more than the invasion of demons, the wanton plundering of demons, and the counterattack of Tianlan's local strong.

Those pictures roughly represent the three meanings.

Suddenly, Jiang Ting's eyes were puzzled: "am I wrong? This high platform is really just an ordinary transfer station... But, it shouldn't be..."

Is he thinking too much?

I can't think of the answer, and even the slightest clue... Jiang Ting can't help but feel a little helpless. Is it true that this demon sealing secret place opened by someone is really full

Wait, seal the magic realm?

Seal the devil?

Although the pictures in the high platform are scattered and even have no coherence, they seem to be an obscure expression of the invasion of evil spirits to be suppressed?

After thinking a little, Jiang Ting revealed that he was not sure... Could it be that the deepest part of this magic secret place wants to get some treasures, which is related to the pictures in the high platform?

Unfortunately, he can't go to other high platforms. Otherwise, he can look at the pictures in other high platforms. With other evidence, he can solve his doubts more easily.

Unfortunately... Unfortunately

After pondering for a while, he confirmed that he could not detect other abnormalities... Jiang Ting did not hesitate. After writing down all the pictures, he left the platform and jumped on the spot, disappearing in the fluctuation of space.


Tianlan, I don't know where.

A village, Weiyang village.

Although it is a village, in fact, there are a lot of buildings in that village. In fact, there is a slowly continuous manor, which is richly decorated. It can be seen at a glance that it has an extraordinary origin.

Deep in the manor, a, backyard.

In the yard, there were many people like servant girls and mammy, as well as several strong women with calluses in their hands, almost all of whom were women.

There is only one man... The man is wearing a wisp of green shirt, tall and thin, with some scholar's elegant temperament. At a glance, he knows that he is definitely an unusual person.

Here is the gathering place of mortals.

In this kind of large family, the backyard is full of women, and male servants and servants, even the yard guards, can't enter here as long as they are men.

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