Seeing the overwhelming and ubiquitous ice ant colony, Jiang Ting still remained calm, but Zhao Liu collapsed directly to the ground and unconsciously began to whisper and cry.

It seems that even the confidence to fight back has been completely broken.

Fortunately, Jiangting didn't expect Zhao Liu to help at the moment.

He still stood at the edge of the prohibition and looked at the ice ants that covered the sky and could see more and more dense... Quietly.

Thoughts begin to spin wildly.

wait for death?

Unless he is really dying, how can he lose his heart to fight back?

Just, how to break the ice ant colony?

Can't escape... Ice ant colony, too many, too vast.

As long as he dares to bump into it, no matter what means he has, he will die... Thousand feather clothes and tiger hairpins, if there are four, five, seven or eight spiritual prohibitions at the moment, maybe they can resist the devouring of ice ants.

However, there was only one level of spiritual prohibition, and his cultivation was suppressed... It was impossible to stop it.

If you can't stop it, you have to die.


Ice ant colony, getting closer and closer.

Jiang Ting is... Forcing his mind to be calm, and his mind rotates faster and faster.

He is constantly thinking about every magic weapon he controls and every spell he knows... He is constantly practicing in his mind with an extremely terrible mind.

Try, with the means he can, how to combine and how to do, so as to escape.

Soon, after a few interest rates.

The fastest ice ant arrived at the prohibition... Then, in the expressionless sight of Jiang Ting's face and in the panic of care, the ice ant directly lay on the prohibition with a mouthpiece with tiny tusks and pierced the surface of the prohibition light curtain.

Then, strands of forbidden power began to be swallowed up by ice ants.

With the arrival of the first ice ant, more and more ice ants fell.

In a short time, the great light curtain was crowded with countless ice ants... Fortunately, the scope of the light curtain came and went a little. Although the ice ants were terrible, they could not absorb the power of prohibition in an instant even if they died within a limited range.

According to Jiang Ting's induction and the changes of the forbidden light curtain... The forbidden light can last for about 20 to 30 seconds.

It seems that the number of ice ants with low cultivation goes up... The speed of breaking the ban is faster than Jiang Ting's forced outbreak without using magic. If they are all ice ants at the foundation level, they can even catch up with his speed of using magic.

It can be seen that zhente is surrounded by ice ants... It is equivalent to that Jiangting is constantly under the attack of magic from his all-out efforts.

Not to mention, Jiang Ting doesn't think his body and defense are equal to the defense ability prohibited here.


If you are a normal person, you must be like Zhao Liu at the moment. You lose all your fighting spirit and can only wait to die.

Jiang Ting... Is still making a lot of trouble. He frantically combines all his means and tries to find vitality... Unfortunately, his cultivation is not enough and his mind is too weak.

If not, he can combine all means to complete the drill in less than half of his breath.

Instead, it is still combining at the moment.

Fortunately, there is no way out of heaven.

After the ice ant begins to devour the prohibition, it takes about three rest times.

Jiang Ting suddenly looked up and finally saw a ray of vitality... A ray of uncertain vitality.

Flying boat silver dragon!

Qingfeng sword array!

If you enter the flying boat, then use the sword array to protect the whole flying boat... Go all out to urge the sword array and flying boat, then maybe you can break through the siege against the attack of ice ants.

It is reasonable to say that flying boat is the fastest way for him to travel. Sword array is also one of the few killing moves in his hand. The first combination should be flying boat Silver Dragon and sword array.

The reason for this delay... Is that what he started the combination exercise was the means that did no harm to him. With the passage of time, the combination means began to overload, and even the combination means that needed to burn blood and mind.

Flying boat and sword array are combined... He needs to burn his mind to load.

Some people may say that it is easy for Jiangting to urge the flying boat.

It's not very difficult for Jiang ting to load the sword array... After all, when building the foundation, you can only use 36 Dharma swords. Jiang Ting really can load 36 Dharma swords when he is still building the fourth floor of the foundation.

What's more, now that he has been suppressed from the realm of golden elixir to building the sixth floor of the foundation, his divine mind is stronger than when he really built the sixth floor of the foundation before.

Logically, it is.

Don't forget, after the combination... How fast is the speed under the full speed of the flying boat silver dragon?

The sword array is in place. At the moment, Jiang Ting can perfectly urge the thirty-six Dharma swords to explode with less than 60% of his mind... But it is in place.

If the flying boat is protected by the sword array... Then the sword array must move as fast as the flying boat.

Moving slowly has almost no load on him, but telling him to move has a great burden on his mind.

Under normal circumstances, urging the sword array and silver dragon at the same time will only occupy 60% of his mind and mind at most.

But after the combination, he ran for his life in the way he wanted... His mind is far from enough. According to his estimation, at least his mind in the golden elixir realm is not suppressed in order to barely move at a super high speed.

If you want to do it now... You can't do it without burning your mind and burning your blood as an aid.

Fortunately, no matter how expensive, it is a way out.

"It's over... It's over..." Zhao Liu, ignored by Jiang Ting, is still in his previous position. I don't know when he has recovered some strength and knelt on the ground.

It seems that her mind has completely collapsed. Maybe when the ice ant devours the aura and power contained in the prohibition, enters the prohibition and starts to devour her, it will hurt a lot to make her come back.

Jiang Ting frowned and raised his hand. The flying boat Silver Dragon got rid of it, flew into the air and rose in the wind, becoming a normal giant of 20 feet.

With the emergence of the flying boat, the light in the prohibition suddenly darkened... The scope of the prohibition is only about 30 feet, and the height is limited.

With the size of the flying boat, once it appeared, the scope of the prohibition was occupied. Originally, the prohibition was quite empty, but now it seems to be a little narrow.

Prompted by mana, the defense shield previously broken by Wang Qi with an unknown seal character appears again.

"Don't howl." Jiang Ting, supplemented by divine thoughts, drank to Zhao Liuleng, and then flew into the flying boat.

Because the cold drink was mixed with thoughts, suddenly, no matter what state Zhao Liu was at the moment, his voice was instantly transmitted to the bottom of his heart, involuntarily looking up.

Jiang Ting looked at the prohibition that had begun to flicker, and said, "do you want to die or live?"

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