Jiang Ting took the monster as an experiment and determined that the transmission array could transmit successfully without accidents, but there might be danger on the other side of the transmission array, so he didn't hesitate and directly entered the transmission array, and the transmission disappeared.

Transmission channel, colorful glass.

Unfortunately, Jiang Ting's cultivation is limited at the moment. He can't move forward and backward in the channel by himself. He can only be pushed forward passively by the transmission array.

Not long.

The brilliance channel of multicolored glass dispersed, and the transmission was over.

Unfortunately, now he has insufficient cultivation. Even if he can sense the fluctuation of space, he can only feel it reluctantly because of his previous memory and his familiarity with space. For the time being, he can't determine the distance by sensing the fluctuation of space.

After leaving the space channel, Jiang Ting did not hurry to observe the surroundings, but did not hesitate. He immediately ran the mana to urge the tiger hairpin and thousand feather clothes, and the double defense was formed in an instant.

Before, in order to avoid accidents during the white transmission, he endured not using body protection means to avoid mana fluctuations affecting the fragile space.

"Roar..." in the bluish roar of the tiger hairpin, Jiang Ting began to look around.

The environment here was unexpected.

This is not the expected poor mountains, nor is it a dangerous place full of flames or water, or a large array of prohibitions and even monsters.

Here is a high platform.

About a hundred feet in diameter.

The whole body is made of silver, I don't know whether it's jade or all minerals. It's silver and shiny. It looks quite luxurious.

He is now on the edge of the high platform.

In the center of the high platform, there is a seven storey tower about 21 feet high. The tip of the tower is conical. The whole body looks like some kind of bronze. The reason why it looks... The seven storey tower can never be made of ordinary bronze!

The tower is a little simple, and I don't know how many years it has gone through.

Except that there is a gate on the first floor, all other places are sealed, not even windows. It can only be distinguished from the appearance. There are seven floors.

At the moment, there is a light spot on the first floor, a light spot on the second floor and a light spot on the fourth floor of the seven storey tower. It is clear that the tower body can not be penetrated by God and the naked eye, but it is strange to see the light spots in the tower.

The rest of the layers are very dim, there are no light spots, and I don't know what the light spots of the three layers represent.

In the seven story tower, at the entrance of the gate, there is a stone tablet. From top to bottom, there are some unknown words. However, the stone tablet is extraordinary, and there should be another heaven and earth in it. Even if Jiang Ting doesn't know the words, he can recognize them through the array. Those words are all names.

The words on the stone tablet seem to record a ranking?

Besides, the most surprising thing is the edge position of the high platform... More than 30 transmission arrays spread around the edge of the round platform.

This is all the inherent scene on the high platform.

In addition to the inherent invariable things, there are people here!

A lot of people.

Close, fifty people!

A few people, most of them, stood in three lines at the gate.

A faint smell of blood also came into Jiangting's nostrils... The source of blood is the corpse of a monster.

It happened that the unknown monster thrown into the transmission array when Jiang Ting was experimenting with the transmission array... The cause of death was that it was directly dismembered by something very sharp.

I don't know who did it.

At the same time.

Silver metal table?

Silver Jade platform?

Because of the roar of the tiger, all the people on the high platform looked at the Jiangting... The cultivation of the people here is also balanced. The lowest one is the fifth floor of the foundation, and the highest... The highest person can only reach the sixth floor of the foundation.

This place should still belong to the magic sealing secret realm. After all, the suppression effect of the secret realm on cultivation still exists.

Aware of the people's line of sight, Jiang Ting took back his line of sight and revealed his simplicity: "sorry, it's Fu who is rash. Please forgive me."

The environment here is simple, and he has seen it all clearly.

"No problem."

"No harm."

"Taoist friends are cautious. Did you lose the little thing just delivered? I was rash and accidentally killed it before I left. Please don't blame it."


Without conflicts of interest, all the people here were extremely friendly, and some of them even joked.

One, its happy appearance.

Talk casually for a while.

A familiar voice sounded: "Fu Daoyou, come here."

Looking sideways, Jiang Ting's eyes suddenly picked... Acquaintances!


That's right. It's Shanxiu in the chopping wind city. He entered the magic sealing secret territory with Jiang ting and made an appointment to meet Wenchang in the inner magic killing city. Unexpectedly, he met here.

As for another teammate Chen Rong, I didn't see it.

"Wen Daoyou." Jiang Ting quickly approached with a little joy, and then stopped at about half a Zhang, embarrassed.

Wenchang is also in line.

Unfortunately, Wenchang is not the last... Although it seems that the queue here should enter the seven storey tower one by one.

Although I don't know what the seven story tower is for, if we get close to Wenchang, we will jump the queue... Under unclear circumstances, Jiang Ting is not willing to jump the queue and destroy the harmony here.

"It's all right. Just arrange it again." somehow, Wenchang smiled, left the team and directly ranked last.

Seeing this, Jiang Ting followed Wenchang in the queue.

Although there are many people here, there are only about 15 in each row because of the three rows, and there are not many people in front.

"Wen Daoyou, what's this place?" after lining up, Jiang Ting heard.

Wenchang did not hide: "break into that, seven story tower."

"Is that the seven storey tower?" Jiang Ting's eyes picked.

Break through? Somehow, he always had a feeling that a strong man was bored, made a gadget and went to the theatre.

However, this idea was soon suppressed by him... If this is the endless divine domain, or the upper boundary of Beidou sword domain, maybe it is possible.

However, at the lower boundary of Tianlan... The upper limit of strength is just like that. No one can casually open up a huge secret territory and forge treasures. They just want to see a play for boring playing time.

Just as Wenchang was preparing to answer, a whisper suddenly sounded.

"He's on the fifth floor!"

"These five floors are not easy to go up... Can you break through the fifth floor?"

"I'm more concerned about his temperament. If his temperament is good, we'll ask for advice. If we can get some experience, it's also convenient for us to visit the seven storey tower."


There was little talk, but almost all of them were full of envy.

It seems that if you can break through the fifth floor of the seven storey tower, you can get some benefits.

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