Because of Yun Yuer's truth and his own position, Jiang Ting is convinced that if he doesn't cut the roots and lose love, there will only be Yun Yuer who hates, and he will take revenge on him.

He never lets anyone who wants to kill him live.

However, the two are not simple enemies... Under the mood fluctuation, Jiang Ting's mood in this life dominated, and he fell into hesitation.

But half a breath.

Jiang Ting suddenly suppressed his meditation and mood fluctuation... The array here has a great impact on his mind and mood. If he keeps thinking, he may also be hit.


After a moment of silence, Jiang Ting clapped his hands, and the pure power of the spirit poured into Yun Yuer... With his help, Yun Yuer's eroded mood recovered quickly.

When people recover, they will naturally calm down.

Calm down Yun yu'er, his look became... Reluctantly.

"I..." subconsciously, she wanted to explain something, but she couldn't say it.

Jiang Ting didn't care, but whispered: "such a secret, even if people become impulsive, you shouldn't easily say it. Why did you tell me so simply before you?"

When people become impulsive, it doesn't mean they are fools... But Yun Yuer just seems like a fool and answers all questions.

"I... what happened to me just now?" Yun Yuer tried to escape.

Jiang Ting took a deep look and said in a slow voice, "there are prohibitions and arrays hidden here, which will constantly amplify your emotions. You just had a big impact on the prohibitions, your emotions were aroused, and people became impulsive, verbal and reckless."

His eyes were full of exploration... He still wanted to know why Yun Yuer told him so simply that he could answer all the questions. Perhaps, the answer could also enable him to decide what to do.

Perhaps, under the influence of his emotions in this life, he doesn't want to make a move... Let Yun Yuer answer after he recovers his composure, which is to say, let Yun Yuer's answer leave a way back, so that he can turn over?

Look at cloud language.

Silence for a while, with a bitter whisper: "I don't know... Maybe it's because I don't want to lie to you."

Seeing this, Jiang Ting said for a long time: "this place has a great impact on your mood. Let's go and leave here as soon as possible."

After that, Jiang Ting chose a direction and began to move forward again.

"You... Are you not afraid that I will seek revenge on you?" Yun Yuer looked slightly stunned.

"Since you dare to tell the truth, why should I worry?" Jiang Ting went on without looking back.

Maybe it's because the two are involved. Moreover, he hasn't done what he promised before to help her kill the ancestors of the Lu family, and the gratitude and resentment have not been settled. Therefore, he doesn't want to do it.

And in the future... After parting, if Yun Yuer really seeks revenge on him, he will kill him with a sword. Once the gratitude and resentment are over, he won't have any hesitation.

Not to mention, with his cultivation speed, Yun Yuer can't keep up with his cultivation speed. What's his fear.

Two people, start moving forward at once.

This time, because Yun Yuer's words told the truth, they became much quieter. They only went on their way and seldom talked.

However, because of Jiang Ting's attention, Yun Yuer's own vigilance has been all the time. Next, her mood has not been affected... Even if it is affected, Jiang Ting can recover quickly.


About, a few hours later.

They are still in the aisle.

Although the speed of moving forward is not very fast because of the inherent risks here and together with Yun Yuer... A few hours is enough for them to go out, at least a few miles!

As a result, they are still in the aisle.

What you can see in your eyes is still a wall as high as tens of feet. The light curtain wrapped around the wall is still forbidden, and you can't even jump too high.

Could it be that they've been spinning around? Or something else?

A little further.

Before he could understand, Jiang Ting's nose suddenly moved slightly. He smelled the smell of blood.

It's a dull smell of blood.

"What's the matter?" Because Jiang Ting's speed slowed down, Yun Yuer hesitated for a moment and still asked.

"There's something wrong ahead. Be careful." After saying that, Jiang Ting did not hesitate, picked up his feet and walked in the direction of the bloody smell.

After walking here for several hours, I still don't understand what's going on here... Although the smell of blood means danger, it also means that there may be a way to break the game.

Therefore, he doesn't mind going to see it.

After a while, they came to a fork in the road.


I have to mention that they have walked here for a long time and encountered many forks, most of which are three forks and intersections.

This time, because of the bloody smell, Jiang Ting didn't hesitate too much. He sniffed carefully to make sure that the bloody smell came from the middle aisle and went straight in.

At the same time, there are some headaches. The mind can't be separated from the body at all, which has a great impact on perception.

If the divine mind can be separated from the body and smell only bloody, where to sweep it with the divine mind, he can determine what kind of blood it is and how long it has appeared!

Where is the trouble that you need to smell with your nose and look at the place with bloody smell?

With a goal, they walked along the bloody smell for about a quarter of an hour.

Finally came to the place with the smell of blood.

You don't have to smell it with your nose.

Both of them can clearly see that there is still an aisle here. In the aisle, except for the light curtain walls on both sides, dark red blood is scattered everywhere.

It seems that it has been more than a day since the bloody appearance.

There are some dark black scales on the ground, and I don't know what kind of monster they belong to... The mind can't be separated from the body, and the sense of breath has been weakened too much.

Yun yu'er looked at it for a while and could only guess that the blood here belonged to a monster.

Others, just guess, who should have fought with the monster here.

Wait... There are monsters in here?

Her breath was frozen.

Jiang Ting also frowned slightly at the moment... He thought he could find a clue, but... There was no clue.

In his opinion, if nothing unexpected, someone met an unknown monster here a day ago, and then fought with the monster... Finally, the monster was killed, and the body was packed and taken away by the man. Only some blood stains were left by the scales that had been knocked down during the fight.

As for who that man is... I don't know.

Hard to sense.

Only from here, it looked dim, but for him, it was more and more rich in the smell of blood. He realized... The people who fought should also be hurt.

With the help of divine thoughts, you can feel more helpless through your breath. However, your Divine thoughts can't be separated from your body

But it doesn't matter.

After pondering for a while, Jiang Ting shook his head without trace: "it seems that it's not so easy for this place to go out. Let's go on."

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