The little girl who could not be aware of Jiang Ting seemed to feel it again. She moved her eyes and looked at the direction of Jiang Ting... It was the servant girl next to the little girl who was normal. She didn't see anything along her line of sight and became anxious one after another.

The little girl pointed to Jiang Ting's position and looked innocent: "sister Hong, there seems to be someone there..."

Several servant girls looked at it, and their bodies suddenly trembled... There was nothing.

Immediately, he hurried to say, "Auntie and grandma, don't talk nonsense. Where is someone? You're wrong..."

"No... you see, he seems to be looking at me..." the little girl refused.


Jiang Ting didn't move. His mind was spreading rapidly and sank into the little girl's body. His mind followed his mind and went to the little girl's mind.

Chai Ying... Just look in your mind.

Although the little girl has accomplishments in her body, she obviously can't use it. She doesn't even seem to know how to stop Jiang Ting's mind.

But it's only half an hour.

Jiang Ting's mind entered the little girl's mind easily.

That mind... No scenery, no color.

Only two light masses... Or two conscious spirits?

One big, one small.

Small, just corresponding to the appearance of a little girl.

Big, vague, like sleeping now?

After seeing two conscious spirits, Jiang Ting's face suddenly froze... Chai Ying?

What's going on? How can another consciousness be derived?

With Chai Ying's cultivation, even if she is reincarnated with her eyes closed, it is impossible for her body to derive other consciousness. Is it because there are other changes halfway?

Puzzled, confused, together in my heart.

However, Jiang Ting did not hesitate. He immediately approached the sleeping soul, his fingers were slightly stretched, and the extremely pure power of the soul was transported towards the consciousness.

He will consume as much as he transports... It's not easy for the spirit to recover.

If we can't be sure that the sleeping consciousness is chaiying's spirit consciousness, he won't be so.

After about three breaths.

"Exhort..." with the unconscious whisper, chaiying's conscious spirit opened her eyes.

It was also at this moment that there was a clear sense of intelligence outside, but the little girl whose intelligence did not match suddenly became godless and stiff in her eyes.

Don't mention the panic of many servant girls.

In my mind.

"Here you are." Chai Ying woke up without much accident, but showed a smile from her heart.

Jiang Ting pointed to another consciousness that should not appear: "what happened to you?"

"Let me brush my memory." Chai Ying did not answer, but checked her memory in her mind... Countless pictures flashed in her mind like flowers.

Because of their relationship, chaiying did not avoid anything, so she watched it in her mind.

After about three breaths.

Chaiying gave a sudden wry smile and had a headache on her face: "do you know?"

"This......" at the moment, Jiang Ting also doesn't know how to speak.

The little girl outside, strictly speaking, is ten years old.

A 10-year-old child doesn't have much memory.

Through the countless pictures... Jiangting also knows the cause and effect.

Generally speaking, Chai Ying, the reincarnation body and the mother of this life, ate something she shouldn't eat when she was pregnant and hurt her fetus.

The trouble is that chaiying's reincarnation is almost self styled like Jiang ting. The only difference is that chaiying is like bean sprouts. At the time of reincarnation, Liang Shang has created a suitable skill and has practiced it since childhood.

The most troublesome thing is here.

When everything was sealed, the pregnant woman ate something she shouldn't eat, and the fetal brain was injured. At that time, chaiying had no power to resist... Causing the spirit to be hurt and fall asleep.

That's all.

The biggest problem is that after falling into a deep sleep, the baby is born... Chaiying sleeps, and the baby naturally breeds a new consciousness.

It is also because of the automatic cultivation of kung fu... Indirectly, the newly born consciousness will continue to strengthen and squeeze the living space of chaiying's consciousness.

So she can't wake up.

If she wants to wake up, there is only one possibility, such as Jiangting, to deliver the purest spirit power, and she will wake up temporarily.

Say trouble is troublesome, say no trouble, in fact, it is not troublesome.

The most fundamental reason is that chaiying's consciousness is traumatized. As long as Jiang Ting finds the pill or treasure to restore the soul, he will eliminate the consciousness that should not appear before feeding chaiying. Then chaiying takes the pill and naturally recovers.

However, it is simple to say, but it is not simple to do.

This mind belongs to chaiying as well as to the consciousness that should not appear. It is difficult to eliminate the consciousness that should not appear, and ensure that chaiying is not hurt at all.

If you don't have the skill brought by life, it's OK, but... If you have the skill, your consciousness will continue to strengthen. The stronger it is, the harder it is to deal with.


Jiang Ting's mind began to spin and think quickly.

Chaiying sighed: "don't bother."

Jiang Ting frowned slightly and said nothing.

As if she knew what he was thinking, Chai Ying shook her head: "she can control this mind. If you have the idea of eliminating her consciousness, you can't even get in your mind. Why don't you kill her without hurting me?"

Jiang Ting's look sank... Indeed, although the two senses are completely different at this time, in fact, it's just a look!

Unless another consciousness is willing, it can't eliminate one without hurting the other.

After pondering for a while, Jiang Ting whispered: "if you can't, you can only stay in the future and find a way to transfer that consciousness to other bodies."

As for chaiying's problem, it's impossible.

This consciousness, after all, is just one, newly born, belonging to this body, the consciousness of this world, without chaiying's memory, without chaiying's everything.

If chaiying wants to, she can't be bound.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ting didn't care, and directly said, "how can you come back?"


Stunned, Chai Ying frowned: "forget, I just remember, somehow, I suddenly got the source of detachment, and then I knew the road of detachment of the ninth reincarnation, and the reincarnation came here... I should be, I saw something or someone, but somehow, I was silent and completely disappeared from my memory..."

What she had to say, the whole consciousness suddenly became much dimmer.

There are some things that she can't talk about at the moment.

Jiang Ting cut off the topic and asked, "how do you deal with it now?"

Although he was puzzled and even worried, there were some things he could not talk about at the moment, so he could only skip.

"What else can you do? This body, you find a way to make his intelligence balanced and normal, and then find a way to separate consciousness..."

After saying that, chaiying thought of something: "at the moment, he has only the intelligence of a three-year-old child. Because I live in my mind, she is extremely sensitive to your existence. Don't stay here. If she is vigilant, I still want to control her body normally. I'm afraid I can't do it until I leave this world in the future."

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