Facing Ronghao's fierce general, Jiang Ting's eyes picked up, and then the corners of his mouth rose. He refused in the name of timidity.

Although the method of motivating the general is a bit clever, it even carries the human flag... Unfortunately, it's too far to motivate Jiang Ting, and his mood doesn't even fluctuate.

"It's under menglang." Ronghao apologized instantly and was very sincere.

Jiang Ting smiled and didn't reveal it.

The monster shark and the people in the river shot at each other, and then retreated silently.

Being provoked?


As soon as the monster shark retreated, Xu Lin, the vice mayor of Shicheng, suddenly waved his hand. The boat under his feet flashed and turned towards the river and returned to a place ten feet away from the sea.

There is a provocative distance.

The ship settled.

Xu Lin looked at the direction of the sea and smiled: "I haven't gained anything for a long time. Who wants to try?"

Many monsters are silent.

Xu Lin can become the vice mayor of the stone city. Besides being a person of Ruyi view, his own ability is not simple... No, before the monster blocked the door, there was no one to fight.

At the moment, he blocked the door, and there was no response from the monster.

Seeing this, Jiang Ting shook his head without trace... Cultivation.

Xu Lin's cultivation is there. It's hard to find a person with the right cultivation to fight with Xu Lin... And Xu Lin's strength is not low. Even if he finds a monster to fight with Xu Lin, Xu Lin will kill the monster. With the advantage of cultivation, it's difficult to stop Xu Lin from leaving.


Purple frost gate, somewhere in Heming mountain, the top of the hill.

Jianchen sat quietly on the top of the mountain, his hands flat on his knees, and his five fingers turned into orchids.

A foot in front of the body, the repaired broken sword floats quietly in front of the body. A faint artistic conception continues to spread along the sword body. The artistic conception seems to be a pure artistic conception of the sword, and it seems to be the artistic conception of heaven and earth.

The cultivation breath of the sword array is continuously improved with the continuous improvement of the artistic conception... Although the improvement speed is not slow, the sound is stable, and the breath is more stable without any floating instability.

If there is no accident, the breath will continue to improve... It won't take long for him to reach the realm of golden elixir.

However, good things always wear out.

When the breath of sword dust is only a line away from the golden elixir.

A trace of faint black gas appeared on the blade without any reason... Just for a moment, the black gas immediately entered the body of the sword dust along the air flow and nostrils.

The time when the black Qi appeared was very good. It was just the moment when the sword dust was about to condense the golden elixir. It was also the moment when the sword array could not resist and prevent.

Black Qi enters the body, and the sword dust is still rising. The breath is a meal in an instant.

"Cough..." with some deep cough, a touch of red blood appeared at the corner of Jianchen's mouth.

"What's the matter..." in some vague whispers, sword dust opened his eyes with three ugly.

Strangely... One eye of Jianchen looks no different, but the other eye, black, begins to spread rapidly.

Even before half a breath, his right eye became very dark and no other luster could be seen.

After the black spread and invaded his right eye, it continued to spread, ready to continue to erode other flesh and blood along the pupil of his eyes.

However, sword dust is not an ordinary foundation.

It's still black and needs to spread. The look of sword dust has changed greatly. I feel something bad

"Damn it... How could it be..." with that confused roar, Jianchen hurriedly closed his eyes and quickly ran mana Deliberately, the intact eyes are closed, but the eyes that have completely become dark are still open.

It is clear that it is pure black, and we can't see the difference between the pupil and the crystal eye. However, we can see from the painted black pupil that there is a murderous, cruel, ferocious and so on.


It's closed and empty. It's the demon killing city.

The broken buildings of the demon killing city and the city master's house destroyed by the black fog have not been restored.

Two dark shadows mingled at the gate, and the black fog spread, but it could still be seen clearly.

A shadow whispered, "evil Qi is infecting... Evil Qi is infecting..."

Although the voice seems to have no emotion, it is actually full of joy.

Another shadow looked back at the city Lord's residence: "it's just a preliminary infection... It can be completely infected and transformed by the magic gas before it can be used as a lead to take it away... I don't know whether the time is enough..."

The shadow who took the lead in opening his mouth said something bloodthirsty: "enough... Will be enough... The creatures who lost their lives are most afraid of dying... The biggest flaw is that the soul and body are not united... It is difficult to recover this city without a hundred years..."


Twenty degrees west of the northwest of Tianlan, in Qiushui Pavilion, bordering the sea, Shicheng.

Jiang Ting controls the flying boat, slowly from the stone city towards the East.

He participated in demon hunting twice in stone city... Come on, nine golden elixir territories were torn, almost complete.

Originally, he wanted to stay, but he thought that there was a dark son of the devil in the stone city, and there was an old friend in Weiyang village. After all, he didn't continue to delay time, but chose to leave first.

Practitioners of immortality, after all, do not have very high requirements for physique, and it is not very important whether the body is strong or not.

After leaving Jiangting in Shicheng, the flying speed of the flying boat is not very fast. Sitting on the deck, you are not sorting out the carcasses of monsters or closing your eyes.

Flying, before long, he flew over Weiyang village... However, he seemed to know nothing. He didn't show any idea of staying or even approaching Weiyang village, but continued to fly to the East.

Flying again, soon, it was more than 20000 miles away from the stone city.

The sky changed suddenly, and three streamers came together at a very fast speed... He seemed unaware and continued to fly slowly to the East.

About half a column of incense.

Three streamers in the sky, which came later and came first, blocked the way of the flying boat.

Jiang Ting, who "closes his eyes and nourishes himself", seems to have just noticed. He slowly opens his eyes and just sees that the three streamers blocking the road have become three people, two men and one woman.

Controlling the flying boat to stop, Jiang Ting got up with a strange: "you did come."

The three people blocking the road are Zhao Jin, Rong Hao and Qi Chun.

The three looked slightly changed: "do you know?"

"Where's Xia Houping?" Between words, Jiang Ting scanned all directions.

"It seems that we underestimated you."

The voice fell, and Rong Hao, the strongest cultivator, was slightly absorbed: "you can't get started in the battle of the golden elixir realm and building the base territory."

Jiang Ting shook his head: "with Jiang's understanding of fighting with him several times, he should, and is unlikely to hide at such an important juncture as killing Jiang."

"Do it." The three men looked heavy, but they didn't speak, but burst into action at the same time.

Although Jiang Ting's reaction at the moment was more than expected... But as long as you kill Jiang Ting, everything will disappear naturally.

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