Ling Ling and Chai Yun have nothing to check. Not far away, bean sprouts hide their body shape and look at them and the poor tiger. Their eyes flicker... The words that no one hears are interesting, ironic.

During Jiang Ting's travel days, she was not idle.

With some unspeakable means, I got a lot of magic weapons and some disposable treasures... I also learned the spirit prohibition of Tianlan.

Strength soared, but cultivation fell a little.

Before that, she moved to the cave and noticed the return of Jiang Ting's breath, so she decided to have a look. As a result, she saw that Jiang Ting had brought back a little girl.

Then he hid his breath and guarded outside the mountain. Before long, he saw that a foundation was taking the little girl out... She followed.

Even if she only observed for more than a day, she also saw that there was a problem with the little girl's intelligence.

If that's all, she won't care... What she cares about is that she and Jiang Ting come from the same origin. Therefore, she also sees some differences.

For example, Chai Yun can see the shadow of Chai Ying even though she is still young and young.

For another example, she observed quietly with her mind and noticed the means of Jiang Ting's arrangement... She noticed that there was a cultivation of refining Qi in chaiyun's body.

The mana in the body is even more pure. A wisp of mana is worth four or five wisps of ordinary people!

The mana is like this, but he can't use it at all. He is only working and practicing on his own.

Most importantly, with Jiang Ting's temperament, he will take an apprentice for no reason? Or a person whose wits have gone wrong?

There were so many... She saw who chaiyun was.

Because you see, so, ridicule.

A supreme cultivation, after reincarnation, the body has a problem and is occupied by other consciousness?

Even if she can't see Chai Yun's mind, she also knows... The reincarnation under normal circumstances, when consciousness has not recovered, the whole person will only be a fool, only some physical instinctive reactions, not spiritual consciousness.

As long as the spiritual consciousness recovers, it will completely recover... For example, Jiang Ting, for example, herself.

Instead of Chai Yun's ten-year-old face and IQ of three or four-year-old children... Although she didn't know what had happened, she knew that something must have happened. The current children must not be chaiying's own consciousness.

Played again.

Ling Ling glanced at the sky and began to turn around the Mountain Gate with chaiyun... It's almost time. It's time to go back.

This time, Douya didn't keep up, but stood in place and looked at their backs.

After a while, his body scattered: "interesting... It seems that the plan needs to be changed..."

Paranoid, she thought she was hiding her body shape, and tried to cultivate herself to gain the advantage of creating the merits. She would kill the court, and she has the final say.

But now she changed her mind.

It's too risky to kill Jiang Ting... Jiang Ting's fighting consciousness is too strong. Even in the past ten years, she has been constantly preparing and learning various means in this field to increase her strength, but it's still too risky.

But now Chai Ying's reincarnation body appears... Although she doesn't know why it's clear that in the rumor, tens of yuan may not be a way out. Suddenly there are so many, even Chai Ying.

However, it doesn't matter. Chaiyun is indeed chaiying's reincarnation. That's right... Make good use of it and plan. Maybe she doesn't have to turn against Jiang ting in advance?

If you succeed in plotting against chaiying, chaiying will no longer be chaiying

Although it is difficult, if Haosheng plans, it may not be impossible!


Purple frost gate, main peak, main hall.

An old Taoist looked at Jiang Ting: "elder, with your reputation, you should take over the position of elder. It's reasonable to make a lot of arrangements... If you want to be busy next, if not, postpone the ceremony first?"

The old Taoist priest dressed up like Qi Yang, the former leader, but not Qi Yang.

Well, Qi Yang, the former leader, is dead. Shouyuan ends up sitting.

This old Taoist was the one who took over the position of leader after Qiyang's death. His name was Liu Feng. His cultivation was a little higher than that of Qiyang. He had three layers of cultivation.

Jiang Ting shook his head slightly: "no, Jiang doesn't like the excitement. You can report the news to zongmen and spread the news. It's so settled. There's no need to say more."

After he transferred the cave to maple leaf peak, he came to the main peak and saw the new leader Liu Feng... Other things didn't matter. What made him helpless was that according to Liu Feng, he took over the position of inner sect elder and had to do it wantonly.

He didn't have that mind.

The ceremony would have been fine, and he wouldn't care.

The main reason is that when he moved to the cave, he found that Douya's cave had been abandoned for a long time... I think, after he began to travel, Douya also left the cave, either quietly left the purple frost gate or went out with him?

No matter which kind, in his opinion, bean sprouts should not be in the door. Then, when he came back with chaiyun, he didn't know if he wanted to come to bean sprouts.

Therefore, he doesn't want to make a big deal... Otherwise, once he makes a big deal of it, his apprentice will be widely spread. At that time, based on the knowledge of bean sprouts, he must know that his apprentice must be not simple.

If not, he won't take an apprentice.

"All right." Liu Feng heard the speech and could only nod with a bitter smile.

If you don't agree, there's no way... Jiang Ting has decided not to hold a ceremony or something, and only spread the news... The Lord has decided not to change. He is a mascot. Although he is called the leader, how can he manage Jiang Ting, an inner sect elder?

And Jiang Ting said, "one more thing."

Liu Fengqiang said, "elder Jiang, you said."

"Ling Ling and dusk, when my master was still there, he had long performed the task of guarding the foot of maple leaf peak. The task was also sent by my master."

After a pause, Jiang Ting said again: "now my teacher respects him. The old man has left maple leaf peak, and the task will naturally be cancelled... Next, don't cancel the task. The contribution and expenditure should be recorded on Jiang."

Liu Feng nodded and said, "elder, do you want to change the task disciple?"

Jiang Ting shook his head slightly: "no, since they have guarded the foot of the mountain for many years for the master, they want to be loyal and dutiful... Next, Jiang should be closed. If there is no extreme emergency, don't contact with identity tokens."

"OK..." just nodded, Liu Feng looked stunned. He saw that Jiang Ting had turned into streamer and flew away.

A moment later, he touched his head, sat down in the chair again and closed his eyes.

He felt that Jiangting was not easy to get along with.

Although Jiang Ting's words are not superior... He always feels that Jiang Ting is more difficult to approach than others.

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