Ling Ling looked at the woman who was close to her. She was secretly absorbed. It was difficult to determine whether the woman hid her accomplishments or gave her an illusion because of her high temperament.

The woman approached and whispered, "I've seen this younger martial sister."

Ling Ling quickly saluted slightly: "Ling Ling, what do you call elder martial sister?"

The woman chuckled: "Luo Xue... What's the matter with maple leaf peak, younger martial sister? Why did you suddenly open so many large arrays? Is it that Qingfeng's ancestor is closing?"

Ling Ling was stunned, and then shook his head: "elder martial sister Luo, you misunderstood. Now please, old Feng has left maple leaf peak. Now the master of maple leaf peak is old Zu's disciple, senior Jiang Tingjiang."

"He has left." Luo Xue, like the corners of her mouth, immediately opened her mouth with three points of pleasure: "why did master Jiang open the array?"

"Elder martial sister, can I help you?" Ling Ling took Chai Yun's hand and retreated quietly... Although the closure of Jiangting is not a news to cover up, it's just that Luo Xue came up and asked all kinds of questions, which makes people feel a little uncomfortable.

Maybe, jealous of the girl's appearance and temperament?

Luo Xue seemed to know what she thought and explained, "I have some old friends with elder Jiang. I heard that he came back and was going to visit some. But now it seems like a bad time, so ask, younger martial sister, don't be careful."

"I see..." Ling Ling suddenly nodded: "well, Mr. Jiang has closed the door."

"I don't know how long it will take to get out of the customs? I can watch the time to visit." Luo Xue's eyes narrowed.

"This......" Ling Ling showed hesitation.

She doesn't know Luo Xue, and Luo Xue and Jiang Ting know each other. It's just one side of Luo Xue's story... Unimportant news can be said, but important news, such as when to leave the customs, how to say?

Not to mention, Jiangting itself did not give an accurate time.

But unexpectedly.

Chai Yun said naively, "master didn't say, less..... Well..... By the way, master said, less is three or five years, longer is twenty years, sister Ling, is that what master said? Sister Ling, have you forgotten?"

"..." Ling Ling's mouth twitched quietly. She built the foundation. Jiang tinggang's instructions and words just now, where would she forget? It's just inconvenient to say.

"Well, I'll visit again in three years..."

After that, Luo Xue looked at chaiyun: "what a beautiful and lovely little girl... What's your name, little girl?"

Chaiyun didn't doubt that he was there. He thought, "my name is... By the way, my name is chaiyun, with the word rain and snow, but the master said that he will call me xiaoyun'er, beautiful sister, you... Eh, the master doesn't seem to have called me that, but sister Ling has always called me that..."

There are too many words, because the spirit is still relatively young. It sounds like some forewords don't match the later words, but it's not difficult to know the meaning with the ability of the two people.

"Xiao yun'er, let's go back to maple leaf peak first." Ling Ling grabs Chai Yun's hand, turns his sword directly towards maple leaf peak, and goes on. Is that good?

But after two breaths, they disappeared into the mountain array.

Luo Xue was not angry, and her eyes narrowed slightly: "it's stupid... You're closed. It seems that after you leave the customs, I'm afraid your cultivation will go further..."


Heming mountain is unknown.

Sword dust sits on the top of the hill all year round. The broken sword he has repaired floats in front of him, sending out ripples and spreading artistic conception.

"Blood... Blood..." the unconscious whisper was whispering in the mouth of Jianchen.

Countless blood lines are spreading in his body. Blood lines appear to be ferocious.

I don't know how long.

The sitting sword dust suddenly opened his eyes... Both eyes were full of ferocious murderous light.

However, at that moment, Jianchen suddenly clenched his right fist and hit him a little higher on his chest.

"Poof..." with the sound of spitting blood, the bloodthirsty and killing in his eyes suddenly subsided, and even the blood lines on his body surface became much dimmer.

"Damn it, what is it..." wipe the blood on the corner of his mouth with his left hand, hold the repaired broken sword with his right hand, and insert the sword on the ground. The face of the sword dust became ugly and there was a faint fear.


Jianchen suddenly thought of something. He took out a disc and turned it into a flying magic weapon. He flew out of Heming mountain at a very fast speed... It seems that he ran for his life in a hurry. It seems that he doesn't want to have an accident in Heming mountain to avoid being noticed at the first time?


Purple frost gate, maple leaf peak.

The cave behind the waterfall, the deepest.

There is not too luxurious scenery in this cave.

Only a few, bookshelves.

There are many mysterious patterns on the walls on both sides of the cave, like some kind of deep array.

Besides, there are not many other things in the cave, only some broken metals and ore fragments?

Cave center.

Jiang Ting sat quietly in the center, holding a Dharma sword in his left hand, and his right hand danced with countless illusions. Mana fluorescence kept falling towards the Dharma sword, and then integrated into the Dharma sword.

I don't know how long.

The light dissipated, and the Dharma sword dissipated an extremely fierce breath.

Jiang Ting's eyes showed a smile: "three layers of perfect spiritual prohibition... Ten years..."

In a flash, in retrospect, it has been ten years since he closed down.

After ten years of retreat, he did not intend to practice. He has been refining utensils and practicing spiritual prohibitions. After getting familiar with them, he applied spiritual prohibitions to many magic weapons.

This time, when he practiced with magic weapons, he found that... The effect of spiritual prohibition is not constant.

At the beginning, he imposed spiritual prohibition on his magic weapon. According to his perception, he could increase his power by 10% every time.

However, this time he practiced with magic weapons and his understanding of spiritual prohibitions became more and more spiritual. He suddenly found that even the spiritual prohibitions that have been imposed on the magic weapons can continue to be slightly adjusted. Each spiritual prohibition can be improved by 20% at best!

That's a subtle difference that can't be practiced with weeds or a single spirit!

As a price, there are at least 30 magic weapons. If there is a problem when adjusting the spirit ban, the magic weapons will be directly broken.

The benefits are also huge.

If there is no slight adjustment, the magic sword in his hand will only increase its power by a little more than 40% compared with the case without spiritual prohibition.

This time, there were enough materials to adjust. At the cost of exploding many magic weapons, his control over the spirit ban was further increased. All the magic weapons commonly used in his hand were adjusted. Each spirit ban was adjusted to increase the power of two layers.

Although the Dharma sword has only three levels of spiritual prohibitions, the effect is... Each level of spiritual prohibitions has increased by 20% on the basis of the previous one.

Compared with no spiritual prohibition, the power of his Dharma sword has increased by more than 70% under the superposition.

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