Facing the words of bean sprouts, Jiang Ting did not respond, but looked at chaiyun... Although the opening words sounded like inquiry, the voice was full of a strong flavor of affirmation.

Chaiyun subconsciously hid behind bean sprouts again.

When Jiang Ting saw this, his eyes sank, and he felt very difficult... Unexpectedly, the spirit had recovered, and even more unexpectedly, Douya would recover chaiyun's spirit so decisively.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ting repressed his mood and slowly said, "what do you want to do?"

"I'm crazy, I'm not sure..." bean sprouts suddenly smiled.

Jiang Ting's eyes suddenly sank again, and then... Gently waved, and a series of Dharma swords flew, and 72 Dharma swords suddenly appeared, arranged in a mysterious array.

"Three layers of spiritual prohibition..." just at a glance, bean sprouts looked slightly changed.

Then, he wrapped chaiyun with magic power and was ready to turn into streamer. He left the range of the sword array first.

"Can you go!" Jiang Ting stood still.

However, the powerful power of the divine soul suddenly began to spread... The attack from the divine soul blocked all the positions where bean sprouts avoided in an instant.

The soul attack is the most effective and unavoidable... Jiang Ting carries out a frontal attack with the soul. Bean sprouts can't be avoided.

But bean sprouts are not easy to bully.

When I noticed that I couldn't avoid it, my five fingers stretched slightly... Ice layers rose one by one, with the power of countless gods and souls attached to them. It has miraculous effects in both defense against magic weapon attack and defense against gods and souls attack.

But in the blink of an eye, at least ten layers of ice rose.

"Bang, bang, Bang..." there were many dull sounds. The spirit of Jiangting broke three layers of ice in an instant. Then, because it consumed some power, the speed of breaking the ice was greatly reduced.

Although the effect is not good enough, Jiang Ting doesn't care. He continues to send out the power of the soul to attack and kill... His killing move is a sword array. As long as he can force bean sprouts to stay in place, it's enough.

Bean sprouts some naughty voice sounded: "she's dying."

Jiang Ting, who is attacking, makes an attack... Chai Yun, who is hiding behind bean sprouts, looks white at the moment.

With the help of the power of the ubiquitous spirit at the moment, Jiang Ting can clearly feel that chaiyun's spirit is close to collapse

Once it collapses, Chai Yun's consciousness will disappear, and Chai Ying's consciousness will disappear... The consciousness of reincarnation in this life will disappear. Although the essence returns, reincarnation will fail.

After all, chaiyun and chaiying are not two souls in the popular sense, but two consciousness in one soul.

Think again, yes... Although he controlled the spirit and never attacked chaiyun, his cultivation was there. The spirit attacked the protective ice layer of bean sprouts, and some aftershocks and shocks poured into the ice layer. Chaiyun's cultivation of building a foundation layer at the moment can't be stopped at all.

Continue to attack, bean sprouts are all right, but chaiying's reincarnation body is bound to die.

In desperation, Jiangting can only control the return of the huge spirit force.

It's a long story. It took less than half an hour from Jiang Ting's hand to his hand.

Bean sprouts, with a flash of body shape, surrounded by chaiyun, immediately left the scope of the sword array... The power of the sword array is unparalleled. You can show the disadvantages before and can't go around it.

After pulling away.

Bean sprout said with a low smile, "you are really cruel enough. The attack on the spirit is to destroy my spirit?"

Jiang Ting's face was expressionless: "I just have the advantage of cultivation. The spirit is better than you. Maybe I can hurt you and destroy your spirit. I'm afraid it's worse."

He didn't lie... In fact, strictly speaking, he doesn't really attack the magic of the spirit. He has always used the advantage of the spirit over others to suppress others.

The so-called "one force reduces ten meetings" is almost the same.

"Now, can I take her away?" Bean sprouts don't care.

Jiang Ting didn't say anything, but looked at Chai Yun again, and his mind began to rotate rapidly... Unless he made things big, otherwise, with his strength, he couldn't leave bean sprouts.

But things can't make a big deal.

If not, with the close relationship between him and Taoist Qingfeng at the moment, as long as he preaches, does Taoist Qingfeng have a reason not to do it?

Don't forget that his identity token is engraved with the mark of Taoist Qingfeng. Even in other religious areas, he can directly summon Taoist Qingfeng, not to mention that he is still in Heming mountain!

This matter should not be made big. Once it is made big, it will not be good for the three of them.

But if you sit and watch Douya with Chai Yun... Although he doesn't think chaiying will be secretly plotted by Douya in a real sense, now people are in front of you. It's impossible to let people be taken away without doing anything!

After thinking for a while, Jiang Ting's eyes slowly coagulated... Now, if you think about it, maybe you can only forcibly awaken chaiying's consciousness.

Reincarnation body, although there is a consciousness that should not appear now, the body is also controlled by the consciousness that should not appear... That, whether the spirit or the body, also belongs to chaiying.

Forcibly awaken her consciousness. By her means, she naturally knows how to deal with it, which is better than him wasting his energy outside.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ting said, "I want to stay behind, and then someone will let you take it away."

"People are in my hands. Why should I let you stay behind?" Bean sprouts sneered.

"The game should always be played within the rules, which is worth playing. When you act, you should always act within the rules, so that the world will not be in chaos."

After a pause, Jiang Ting tilted his head slightly: "are you going to lift the table? You know, if you lift the table, no one has to play!"

Bean sprout eyes flashed, no words.

However, Jiang Ting was keenly aware that bean sprouts' mana and mind were shrinking... Mana and mind had left chaiyun's body.

Obviously, he tacitly left some means in chaiyun's body.

Seeing this, Jiang Ting immediately surged the spirits without hesitation, and the power of many spirits also went towards chaiyun's body.

At the moment, Chai Yun's spirit is still unstable... Coupled with the feeling between them, there is a huge gap from cultivation, which can't stop the invasion of Jiang Ting's spirit at all.

However, he did not destroy it. He separated a part of the spirit and turned it into pure spirit power to help her recover the spirit.

The rest of the spirits poured into his mind silently.

This time, Chai Yun's consciousness didn't sleep. As soon as his spirit entered his mind, it was detected.


The mind changed, the mountains collapsed, the sky sank, and countless unexpected attacks rushed towards the power of the soul of Jiangting.

Jiang Ting did not care at all. The part of the soul that entered into the mind turned into the essence and flocked to the consciousness of Chai Ying, who was still asleep.

"No way!" Chai Yun screamed in an instant.

However, this mind belongs to Chai Yun and Chai Ying.

Such a big movement in her mind has already awakened chaiying

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