The sword dust was stored in the mountain for a while. With a little helplessness, he turned and left quickly.

In fact, what Jiang Ting doesn't know is that the initial idea of Jianchen is to arouse Jiang Ting's curious interest and try to lure Jiang ting to track secretly and lead to the purple frost door

As a result, Jiang Ting didn't come out at all. He wasn't even interested in him.

Perhaps all the things and flaws he saw were deliberately exposed by the sword dust, or perhaps only some were deliberately exposed, and the rest were that he could not hide from Jiang Ting's thoughts and vision in essence?


time rolls on.

In an instant, a year passed.

This year, Tianlan, very calm.

With the end of Dabi, the name of Jiang Ting became more and more thick in Tianlan. This name has also become a taboo of demon cultivation.

In addition, there was no war between LiuZong and demon cultivation. It was an ordinary year... There was also news that demon hunting conference in stone city seemed to be rare.

However, unless they are local people in stone city, in other places, those at the bottom who don't know about demon hunting in stone city and have advanced cultivation don't care too much,

Purple frost gate, maple leaf peak.

The top of the mountain.

Jiang Ting lay on the grass on the top of the mountain, looking at the sunset in the sky.

A year ago, after returning to Zong with six disciples, he wanted to study spiritual prohibition or try to break through cultivation.

I just didn't expect to make any progress in a year... Breaking through the peak of human life in Qiushui mountains before is the peak of human life in the real sense. As long as we can make some progress, we can cross the peak of human life and reach the earth.

There was no progress in the perception of spiritual prohibition.

It's not too much to say that this year's time is wasted.

Time goes by. Soon, the sun sets and night falls.

Zishuang gate is one of the six schools of Tianlan after all. Although it is dark... Not to mention other places, at least the maple leaf peak is not dark, but it is faintly dark.

If Jiang Ting wants to, as long as he urges the array, he can even make the maple leaf peak as bright as day.

But he didn't.

Instead, he got up from the ground, sat cross legged on the top of the mountain and looked at the night sky. These days, he has been thinking about why he didn't make any progress in this year.

Travel, see the landscape, see the world of mortals.

He didn't leave the purple frost gate. In this maple leaf peak, he could see the landscape and the world of mortals in the purple frost gate... As a result, he didn't make any progress.

Normally, it shouldn't.

After thinking for a long time, he didn't have a clue. He could only guess that maybe his cultivation is not home yet... Looking at the landscape, what he understands is the power of heaven and earth?

The combination of landscape and red dust is the truth of travel?

In this maple leaf peak, he sat on the top of the mountain to watch the rise and fall of the tide, and the clouds rolled and relaxed. He didn't participate in it, so he couldn't integrate into it, so he couldn't get any understanding?

Cultivation is limited, true and false are difficult to know, and the principle is difficult to distinguish.

Thinking for a long time.

Jiang Ting shook his head slightly and lay on the ground again... In a few days, he was ready to continue his journey.

After a quiet trance, the night soon dispersed and dawn came.

When it arrived, there was a touch of sunrise in the sky.

Jiang Ting got up and sat on the ground, took down the identity token from his waist, and God's thoughts and mana poured into it.

After about three breaths.

The phantom of Taoist Qingfeng appeared in front of him.

Jiang Ting was too lazy to stand up and sat on the ground, bowing his hands: "master."

"But why don't you understand the cultivation?" Taoist Qingfeng smiled more politely.

"Master, what's the difference between the landscape you saw during your trip and the landscape you saw at zishuang gate?"

After a pause, Jiang Ting showed a touch of helplessness: "since returning to zongmen a year ago, the disciple has been looking at zongmen and the landscape on the top of the mountain, but he has no feeling whether it is cultivation or spiritual prohibition."

"It's no different."

After a pause, the Qingfeng Taoist whispered: "where there are people, there is the world of mortals. The world of mortals is everywhere. You are at the door and outside. The landscape and the world of mortals will not change."

Jiang Ting's mouth suddenly jerked... If you remember correctly, it seems that he once told Taoist Qingfeng that sentence, but now Taoist Qingfeng has that sentence to enlighten him?

Although he thought so, Jiang Ting did not refute, but showed puzzlement: "the disciple hasn't made any progress in a full year... Is it because the disciple is too anxious..."

Taoist Qingfeng shook his head: "but it's only a year. If you're too anxious, it's not good for cultivation."

Jiang Ting frowned when he heard the speech... He was different from others.

Although he calls himself sentiment, he only calls it sentiment, not others... He doesn't understand perception, but he understands the essence of perception.

Although it is complicated to say... In short, it may take hundreds of thousands of years for ordinary people to understand the same thing when they look at it, but he Jiangting will understand it in a few years at most, or at least in dozens of days.

That's the essential difference.

He sat quietly on the top of the mountain for a year and looked at the landscape and the door for a full year, but he didn't make any progress. It should be impossible.

However, these are inconvenient words.

It seems that we have to use other words to test and ask.

Just then, Taoist Qingfeng said again, "do you know what peace of mind is?"

Without thinking, Jiang Ting said, "my mind is calm, foreign things are difficult to invade, and seven emotions are difficult to induce."

"When feeling, there is another saying."

Before waiting for an answer, Taoist Qingfeng explained: "the word Tao is mysterious. The more you desire, the more difficult it is to understand... The more anxious you are to understand, the more elusive it is."

Jiang Ting thought for a while, and his eyes showed some insight: "I understand the meaning of the master. Although I also see the landscape and red dust when I am on the top of the mountain, it is difficult to understand the essence. However, when I travel outside, my mind is attracted by foreign things... I can't plant flowers and flowers, but I don't insert willows to form a shade."

Taoist Qingfeng smiled: "that's right."

Jiang Ting hugged his fist slightly: "in that case... In a few days, I'll go out for a trip. I don't know if the master has anything urgent to do with me."

If you want to plant flowers, you can't open them. If you don't want to plant willows, you can't control them. But now he has a heart, no intention, no intention, and can't control himself.

I can only travel.

Compared with other roads, Xiandao focuses too much on perception... Now it's just a golden pill, and I don't know what to do in the future.

Taoist Qingfeng frowned slightly: "go out and travel... For a while."

"Why?" Jiang Ting's eyes picked.

"You come to be the master's residence." Taoist Qingfeng didn't explain, but interrupted the summons.

Looking at the disappearing phantom, Jiang Ting hesitated for a moment, but he still hid his body and flew towards the sky... I was going to travel. Now it seems that there are other things happening.

I don't know what it is.

Before long, Jiangting flew thousands of feet high and appeared in the sky of countless floating islands.

At a glance, he locked the residence of Taoist Qingfeng and quickly moved closer... Because of the improvement of cultivation, this time, there was no mana riot like the last one, which needed to separate his mind to suppress mana.

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