"Yes, young Xia, those people also say that our blood dress League is a place of unpardonable evils. It's even more ridiculous to say that it's all done by those who occupy our Cuiping sect!"

"We all went out to investigate this matter. We all suspected cuipingzong, but we had no ability to get evidence. This time, our Lord went to cuipingzong alone to investigate this matter!"

When it comes to this matter, the people of Xueyi League immediately talk about it, all of them look innocent.

Jiang Ting's eyes fell on everyone's eyes. These people's eyes were full of moving things. Jiang Ting thought he was right, so he said to Qiu san'er, "well, let's bring those people in and ask them how they are or not."


Hearing Jiang Ting say so, Qiu san'er and others all remember that they had taken more than ten people up the mountain? Because they have always been bullied, do not know how to interrogate these people, do not know why these people are so honest to let them!

These ten people were soon brought to Jiang ting.

"Hongqiao, what's your identity? Say Jiang Ting asked coldly.

At this moment, elder Hongqiao's face had already turned into the color of green vegetable insect. He knelt down in front of Jiangting and said, "grandfather, we are here under the master's command. Everything is the same!"

Jiang Ting is still cold face way: "your master, is that person who occupied Cui Ping Zong now?"

"Er..." Elder Hongqiao's face was bitter and he nodded silently.

"What's his name? What's the realm of cultivation?" Jiang Ting has always been willing to know well.

"Young Xia, his name is Zhong Lei. His accomplishments are the same as those of our Lord. They are all six levels of accomplishments in the bone refining period!" Qiu san'er hurriedly answers on one side.

Jiang Ting looks at Qiu san'er speechless and thinks in his heart, is there any brain in this product? Can't you be a little colder in front of these people?! I can't help staring at Qiu san'er.

Although Qiu san'er didn't quite understand Jiang Ting's meaning, he realized that Jiang Ting was not very happy now. He quickly covered his mouth and waved to Jiang Ting, saying that he didn't speak any more.

Jiang Ting looked at the red bridge again and asked coldly, "where are you from?"

"We are originally the people here. We are the people who have come here from endless sea for a short time. We don't know where they come from!" Hongqiao replied with great care.

Jiang Ting shook his head, knowing that he could not ask anything.

Although both of them came from the endless sea area, Jiang Ting also disdained these people for helping them to do evil. He didn't untie the ban on them. He just said to Qiu saner, "these people, I'll leave them to you."

When these people were taken down, Qiu san'er looked at Jiang ting and said carefully, "young Xia, you Can you show mercy and help us find the Lord back

Jiang Ting looked at the people kneeling on the ground with eager eyes and said, "if you want me to go to cuipingzong, I can promise you, but I have one condition."

People you look at me, I look at you, coincidentally at Jiang Ting asked: "what conditions do you have? As long as we can do it! "

Jiang Ting laughed and said, "don't call me young Xia grandfather in the future. Just call me Jiang Ting!"

“……” People's silence for a while, is it just this condition?!

"That We call you by your name. It's really We can't accept it ourselves. Let's call you young Xia! " Qiu san'er felt that they couldn't accept calling directly.

Jiang Ting felt that this was a little acceptable to him, so he said: "well, don't worry about this. You can lead the way. Go to cuipingzong to see who they are!

Qiu san'er nodded quickly, took Jiang Ting away from the Xueyi League, and walked on the path in the mountains

Among cuipingzong, the one who has completely controlled cuipingzong is a young man. People don't know how old he is, but it's said that he is no more than 20 years old!

He has a pretty face and is very romantic. Unlike other martial arts practitioners, he always looks like Wensheng. He always wears a Xiao around his waist, which adds a lot of charm.

However, at the moment, this young man, who was like a good young man, was looking at a man in prohibition with a gloomy face. His voice was cold and said, "Yan Hanyu, do you have to disturb my good deeds?"

Yan Hanyu is a tall man, who is also dressed in a red robe. He looks a little fierce, but the two prohibitions on him make him unable to move.

Hearing this young man's words, Yan Hanyu opened her eyes and said angrily, "bah, Zhong Lei, don't talk nonsense. If you can kill your grandfather, you will do it. If you let me leave cuipingzong, I will tell you all about stealing the children in this town. I will tell you all about the cruel things you do. How can you do it Stand on Cuiping mountain"Lord, look..." The man standing next to this scholarly man is also a young man.

"Dharma protector Liu, I'll give you the urge of prohibition. For such a long time, your technique of prohibition should also inherit some of the essence of the patriarch. Try it. With my prohibition, Yan Hanyu can't run away!" Cuiping Zongzhu Zhong Lei said with a bit of fun.

"Yes, Lord, I will live up to the trust of the Lord!"

Liu HUFA sits in front of the Forbidden One with his knees crossed. He keeps making pithy formulas in his hands. When these pithy formulas fall on Yan Hanyu's body, Yan Hanyu can't stand it any longer. Because the prohibition he supports has exhausted him. Now, it seems that other people's prohibition has a new power injection, which makes him more stressed!

In less than an hour, Yan Hanyu couldn't stand it. She was sweating and her face turned pale. This was because she consumed too much!

Zhong Lei has been looking at it with both hands on his back, as if he was watching a good play, tormenting people. In his opinion, it was like a kind of fun in general!

Qiu san'er led Jiang ting to the periphery of Cuiping sect. His face was already tense. He could not help looking at Jiang ting and said, "young Xia Jiang, this is Cuiping sect, and there is the sect. There are many disciples here. Someone is guarding the gate here!"

"Oh." Jiang Ting just glanced, and these people's accomplishments were clear. He looked at Qiu saner, who was already nervous and couldn't be more nervous, and said, "well, I know the place. Go back and call all the people in the blood League here."

"Yes Qiu saner wants to leave immediately.

But Jiang Ting grabbed him and asked, "what's the signal for you to contact the same clan?"

Sansha Dharma protector scratched his head, shook his head and said, "No

"Well, forget it!" Jiang Ting is speechless. He has no way to deal with such a clan. In fact, no matter who comes, he can drive them out of his clan!

"In this way, if you see a few words rising in the sky of cuipingzong and ask you to come in, you don't have to be afraid. Do you remember?"

Jiang Ting decided to let the clan, who had been wronged for such a long time, raise their eyebrows and let them see with their own eyes how the bully was driven away!

However, Qiu san'er couldn't stand it any more. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva and asked, "young Xia Jiang, are we going to break in like that?"

"People bully you like this. I'll take you to bully them once. Don't you dare?"

When Qiu san'er heard Jiang Ting's words, he immediately came to an end. He nodded and said, "dare, I'll call brothers now!"

"Go on!" Jiang Ting nodded to Qiu san'er with encouraging eyes!

Jiang Ting strolled to the gate of Cuiping sect. He was a little surprised to see the gate. Just from the gate, he was a bit noble. Although the gate was not very tall, he really had his own temperament. It didn't look like a nameless little clan in the mountains!

Just as Jiang Ting was about to step on the steps in front of the clan door, the disciple who was guarding the gate at the door yelled at Jiang ting in a cold voice: "where are you from? This is cuipingzong. Go away, go away!"

Jiang Ting seems to have not heard the same, continue to step, has climbed three steps!

"Hey, you son of a bitch, are you deaf or stupid? Didn't you hear that? Get out of here

When he saw that Jiang Ting didn't respond, the gatekeeper had already met Jiang ting.

Jiang Ting raised his head slightly, pulled his lips to show a sneer, and said to the visitor, "you'd better be polite, otherwise, wait a minute, you'll be miserable!"

"You're here to find fault, aren't you? You don't want to see where it is!" With these words, the disciple drew out his own sword, which was aimed at Jiangting's heart!

Seeing this man do this, Jiang Ting can't help but feel cold. They don't know each other at all. Can they use it to kill people!

Jiang Ting just suddenly raised his hand and hit the disciple's wrist with one palm from the bottom up. The disciple's wrist broke immediately. The sword in his hand was taken up by the afterwave of the palm and flew to the sky with a whoosh. He didn't know where it was. In the next breathing room, Jiang Ting bent his leg and his knee was right against the man's heart. He was like a man Like the spring, it flew to the inside of cuipingzong!

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