Yan Hanyu doesn't know how to take Jiang Ting's words. Does she mind her own business? Do you need to be so strong? Yan Hanyu always feels that there is a cool wind on her back. If this young man named Jiang Ting wants to occupy cuipingzong, maybe he is more terrible than Zhong Lei?

Jiang Ting first solved Yan Hanyu's dilemma, then turned around, glanced over everyone present, and said in a low voice: "all the people who forcibly occupied cuipingzong come to the front, who dares to slip away, I will let you have a good taste of my means!"

They rely on this Zhong Lei. In a flash, Zhong Lei falls into the hands of this arrogant boy. When they just want to slip away, they hear each other talk like this. Who dares to move? They were all in the same place.

"Not yet? Don't you understand me! Well Jiang Ting's voice didn't know how cold it was.

There are more than 20 people in the crowd. Look at me and I'll look at you. Although there are 10000 people who don't want to, they dare not disobey Jiang Ting's meaning.

All of them came to Jiangting.

Jiang Ting looked at these people, and his divine sense had already swept over them. Although ordinary people couldn't detect it, Jiang Ting could keenly detect that these people were uncomfortable with a bit of coldness. These people should have come from other places and then occupied Cuiping sect.

Jiang Ting's Qijue magic sword fell coldly on Zhong Lei's neck and ordered: "Zhong Lei, you'd better tell your subordinates that they are honest. If they dare to change a little, I will definitely be the first to kill you!"

In addition to the sharp pain from his arm, Zhong Lei can't think about it. Jiang Ting has done so many things, but he doesn't have any reaction. He didn't wake up until he said this to him. He finally met a master today!

He knew that his life was no longer in his own hands. After seeing the form clearly, he nodded and forced to endure the pain of a broken arm. He said to his confidants, "listen to me, no one is allowed to move!"

Jiang Ting nodded, and then took a look at the rest of the disciples who were originally cuipingzong. This made all the disciples feel uneasy, and they didn't know what their fate would be.

In particular, Jiang Ting's eye gave them boundless pressure.

Jiang Ting won't give them the answer so quickly, but he just ordered to these people: "don't you see that Lord Yan is still sitting on the ground? You don't even forget who your master is, do you

With Jiang Ting's angry rebuke, the faster minded of these disciples quickly moved the stool, which made Yan Hanyu feel better.

Jiang Ting looked at those cuipingzong disciples who were a little at a loss after finishing this, and could not help saying coldly: "it seems that you should be very clear that you are ashamed of your conscience to do so!"

"You all know that these people are the ones who have occupied your clan. But you, timid and greedy, are willing to make such a good home like this!"

"Are you worthy of your Lord? Are you worthy of your brothers and sisters? Are you worthy of your parents who gave birth to you? "

Jiang Ting's series of questions made all the disciples who helped him bow their heads in silence. Most of the disciples thought about these problems more or less. However, in order to save their lives, they were all silent. They did not follow the elder martial brothers and sisters to go out of the clan and fight against those who occupied their clan in various ways!

Looking at these dull people, Jiang Ting never said a word to them or looked at them again. He could not forgive these people for their help and indifference to evil!

All of a sudden, Jiang Ting's fingers flew over and made several hand decisions. These sudden actions of Jiang Ting made those people who were still in the same place step back a lot. If they started, they would not be able to stand such an existence.

However, the imaginary chopping did not fall on them. These decisions of Jiang Ting gradually formed a prohibition, but the simplest prohibition, because these prohibitions were just above cuipingzong, and slowly formed a few words, that is: three kill Dharma protector, bring brothers in!

The last hand decision falls on Zhong Lei. Then, as soon as the sword is removed, he stands aside.

This scene, make all people do not know what to do next, even Yan Hanyu have some hair, all people carefully looking at Jiangting.

Qiu saner, who has been hiding outside cuipingzong with all the brothers around him, has been paying close attention to the movement inside cuipingzong. Unfortunately, he really doesn't have the ability to judge what happened inside. At the beginning, there seemed to be a few screams, but later there was no movement!

"I said, if you protect the Dharma by killing three times, it won't be Zhong Lei who caught young Xia Jiang, too?"

"Shut your crow's mouth, you can't hope for something better!"At the time of their argument, one of them patted Qiu san'er on the shoulder. His voice trembled and said, "Dharma protector, look, look!"

These twenty people soon looked up and saw the words in the air. When Qiu san'er saw these words, he was very excited. He immediately stood up, waved his hand to the people behind him and said, "let's go, let's break into cuipingzong! No, we're going back to cuipingzong! "

At the moment, Qiu saner is excited. He feels that he has been oppressed and bullied for such a long time. Today, he finally has such an opportunity to get rid of all the evil spirit!

However, some timid people held on to Qiu saner. In fact, they were all excited and said, "Dharma protector, don't be so excited. It's only two hours for young Xia Jiang to go in. We don't know what kind of cultivation Zhong Lei is and what kind of fighting power he has. He still has so many confidants. Can he really win in such a short time Is that enough to beat Zhong Lei? "

Being reminded by this person, all the excitement just now seems to have been splashed with a basin of cold water. Everyone's heart is crossed with the fact that Zhong Lei is really too strong!

However, everyone did not want to go back to the meaning of the eyes of the kind of excitement, like a flame, slowly burning up again, because they were suppressed too painful!

"Brothers, if even this young Xia Jiang can't hold down Zhong Lei and save Lord Yan, I don't think we really have any chance!" Qiu san'er's eyes passed over everyone.

These twenty people actually have a tacit understanding and act in the same way. They look at the words in the sky. There are only two words on their expressions. They spell it!

"Cuiping sect is our sect. We have to go back, whether we live or die!" Qiu san'er was very excited and said, "if young Xia Jiang can help us get the clan back, we will cultivate well next, and live up to the kindness that young Xia Jiang let our clan continue to survive. If this is Zhong Lei's plot, we will die together with our patriarch. It can be said that we have shown our loyalty to the clan! "

"What about you?"

"Sansha Dharma protector, we have come here with you. Let's go in together!"

"Yes, let's go in together!"

"Life must be born together, death must also be died together!"

Several people, with ten excited feelings, rushed to the door of zongmen!

When Jiang Ting walked into zongmen, he had already thrown all Zhong Lei's confidants directly into it. Therefore, the door was cold and quiet, which made Qiu saner unable to judge what was going on inside.

However, this did not stop a few people's steps. Instead, they continued to walk inside. Their ancestral gate was completely familiar. Soon, they came to the largest courtyard.

When several people appeared here, they were shocked by this scene. Although this was the result they were looking forward to, it had a great impact on their three outlooks, which was almost unacceptable.

"Why, silly? Don't you know me? " Jiang Ting looked at a few people standing in the same place, and could not help shouting at them.

"Yes, yes, young Xia Jiang, we Here we are... " Qiu saner and others stammered excitedly.

"Qiu san'er, Zhong Lei stays here. I want to ask him something. For others, you can deal with it instead of your patriarch." Jiang Ting embraces his shoulders and looks like he doesn't want to interfere in your affairs!

Qiu saner's spirit suddenly came, and they finally had a chance to be proud!

Qiu san'er said to his brothers, "hurry up and lock up all those who bully us!"

"Yes The brothers behind him spoke in a lot of tones.

However, as soon as he was about to take action, Jiang Ting frowned and said, "wait for you first."

"Why do you lock these people up? Are you not afraid to waste cuipingzong's grain? "

In fact, Qiu san'er didn't know how to treat these people. He scratched his back and asked, "young Xia Jiang, what do you think these people should do?"

Jiang Ting was speechless. Qiu san'er couldn't teach him any more. He had to take a deep breath and said faintly, "I've abandoned their accomplishments and left them behind Cuiping mountain."

"Gulu..." Qiu saner had never done such a thing before. He felt a bit embarrassed.

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