Because forgetting Youti's innate openness and innocence makes it easier to be happy and forget sadness... Therefore, if an immortal loses the city hall, he will only die quickly.

It's rare that you forget your worries and your cultivation is booming.

At least, anyone who builds a foundation will hardly forget his worries.

Of course, a simple forgetting excellent body is nothing.

Tricky, a magic way.

A method called gathering worries and releasing feelings.

How the Dharma came is beyond examination.

According to the ancient records of zishuangmen.

Gathering sorrow and releasing emotion is a skill of the devil's way. I don't know who created it or who obtained it. I only know it. It's a skill for forgetting the excellent body.

It's nothing to be so simple. The trouble is that, like the literal meaning of the skill, you can gather worries and release feelings. Once so, the cultivator will begin to transform towards the human form treasure medicine.

If you kill the man's relatives and feed them with blood and soul... It will become an extremely precious medicine.

Principle, I don't know.

How precious is the transformed medicine?

Eat, add a thousand years of life! Increase understanding!

Savvy is both mysterious and mysterious... Different from the gifted spirit, savvy is the speed of cultivating skills, the speed of cultivating spells, and the difficulty of understanding heaven and earth.

That is understanding.

Of course, for the old monsters at the baby level, which is not a first-class understanding.

The emphasis is Shouyuan!

Let's not mention the longevity of Huaying, just the golden elixir The Shouyuan in Jindan territory is only 1500 years.

Gather worries and release feelings by forgetting excellent body cultivation, and then turn into treasure medicine to increase longevity for thousands of years!

It is almost half of the Shouyuan in the golden elixir realm. In this way, we can see its terrible effect.

However, according to the records of zishuang sect's ancient books, that kind of Dharma sect hurt Tianhe, so it has already been sparsely burned, even Tianlan six sect has not been recorded.

How did Linglong know?

Of course, none of this matters... What matters is that he already knows the truth.

After closing the book and being silent for a long time, Jiang Ting took out the extreme meaning ancient talisman, and his eyes showed some helplessness: "no wonder he chose me... It turned out that he was the most suitable person."

In the final analysis, it is because we gather worries and release feelings.

Gather sorrow... To forget the excellent body and condense sorrow.

To a certain extent, and then release all the sorrow.

Then, gather worries and release feelings.

Liu Xun's worries about the Liu family and the difficult situation of the Liu family gathered together.

When he reached a certain extent, Jiang Ting directly solved the trouble of the Liu family... His sorrow was relieved.

As for why we should go to Jiangting

It's simple.

Only Jiang Ting will be careless.

If Linglong old man looks for other golden elixirs and deals with Jiangting... Where will other golden elixirs be delayed? When I arrived at songningfang, I couldn't say I had a direct eye on the Zhu family. Where would I give Liu Xun time to gather worries?

As for, Linglong told the truth and asked the golden elixir he found to cooperate.

It's more important not to... Gather worries and release feelings. The more you practice, the more sensitive you become to emotions.

Once Liu Xun perceives malice... If he is careless, he will be on the verge of success. Only those who don't know the truth can let Liu Xun know nothing.

And don't know the truth... Not everyone can be like Jiang ting. After concluding the transaction, they will choose to delay time and sit on the sidelines because of fear.

Because of the gap in the level of information, Jiang Ting was used by Linglong old man... Of course, strictly speaking, Jiang Ting did not suffer losses. After all, the Jiyi ancient talisman is not fake.

The reason why Linglong didn't go out in person was to ask others to take Liu Xun to songningfang.

The reason is simpler.

Who is Linglong old man? It's Liu Xun's master!

If Linglong old man goes out in person... Even if he is sad, Liu Xun can continue to talk to Linglong old man. In this way, can he gather sorrow? What worries can we get together!

Some people may say that they only send Liu Xun back to the Liu family without adding more people... I'm kidding. Without external force, why should the Liu family resist the Zhu family? If the Liu family can't stop the Zhu family, how to release their feelings in the last step?

In all sorts of ways, Jiang Ting was found by Linglong, the most suitable person to take Liu Xun back to songningfang.

get down to business.

Jiang Ting put the book back on the shelf and whispered: "Linglong old man... Refining medicine with people... Taking soul and soul, swallowing blood and soul is the root of Liu Xun... You plan everything, but you don't have half the smell of evil... Jiang, remember you..."

After putting the book back on the bookshelf, Jiang Ting conveniently took down another ancient book he had never seen and prepared to turn over all the remaining books at one time.

As for the matter of Songning square, his mood was temporarily depressed... Although he hated the actions of Linglong old man, he couldn't fight because there was a big gap in their cultivation.

Disgust belongs to disgust, which doesn't mean that he will be foolish to go to Linglong old man to work hard.

If one day his cultivation exceeds that of Linglong old man, and he happens to meet him by chance, maybe he doesn't mind taking advantage of the situation.


In a twinkling of an eye, the forty-two days passed.

Time just passed.

Jiang Ting, who is still on the top floor of the library, closes an ancient book in his hand and gently puts it back on the shelf.

Detailed explanation of infanticide

After putting the books back on the shelf, Jiang Ting looked around... There were no books he had never seen.

This library, large and small, all kinds of materials, a clock autobiography and secret biography, he read them all once.

It's not polite to say that unless it's an extremely secret news, if Tianlan is born in a secret place next, if there's any Tiancai earth treasure, he can't hide it from his eyes.

Even if the next time Linglong old man or some other baby continues to want to use him, he will no longer know nothing.

After a glance, Jiang Ting didn't know what to think, so he took down the detailed explanation of Huaying, which had just been put back, and opened it again.

This is the only ancient book in the library, which explains the baby in detail.

There are not only differences in the realm of infant transformation, but also how to break through the realm of infant transformation.

It is also because of this detailed explanation of the native baby that Jiang Ting finally found out why the mutant spirit is better than the five element spirit!

Tianlan Xiuxian, now there are four realms, refining Qi, building foundation, golden elixir and transforming babies.

Qi refining and foundation building have low requirements for mood. If the wealth is thick enough and takes countless pills as the foundation, even the most garbage talent can break through the sixth floor of foundation building.

The golden elixir has requirements for the state of mind.

In this case, except for the five element spirit with obvious talent gap... Why is the variant spirit better when there is a single five element spirit talent and variant spirit talent?

After all, strictly speaking, the mutant spirit and the single five element spirit actually absorb Reiki at the same speed.

Since it is similar, why is there a gap?

The golden elixir also depends on the perception of heaven and earth... Where is the gap?

No one had explained to Jiang Ting before, and Jiang Ting was not interested in asking, but after reading the detailed explanation of baby melting in his hand, he knew.

It's similar to the golden elixir. There are also three realms.

First born infant, second born infant, third born infant.

Not to mention the two or three realms, just the first baby.

According to the ancient books in his hand, if he wanted to break through the first baby at the peak of the golden elixir heaven, he turned the golden elixir into a baby with the help of the vague power of heaven and earth.

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