But soon, the meteorite elf was not so excited, and continued: "however, I was really bored after staying here for hundreds of years. It's not bad to see your weapon. I came in, but if you let me out, your sword is the same as the meteor hammer, and the spirit of the weapon is gone. In that case, it's pitiful What a beautiful little sister? " Meteorite iron Spirit side head intentionally, looking at Mei Mei to say so.

"No!" Jiang Ting was a little speechless. After checking the fact of meteor hammer just now, Jiang Ting knew that the meteorite iron elf didn't lie, and Jiang Ting really couldn't do it!

"How to say, you are also my master, I don't seem to be bad to you, I will coax this little sister! Master, you can rest assured! " Meteorite iron elf very casual said.

"Just because of you, I won't trust Meimei!" Jiang Ting didn't hesitate to strike the iron spirit.

If he had a choice, he would be too lazy to be the master of this ugly man.

But Jiang Ting really can't help it. He can feel that the meteorite elf has no hostility to him. Moreover, he can completely control the meteorite elf in his own sword. What should Meimei do?!

Jiang Ting calmed down for a moment, and then said to the meteorite elf, "you enter my sword first. I want to see how strong you make my sword!"

Hearing this, the meteorite iron elf jumped up and said: "master, you take me into the sword. You can try any weapon. If you chop any weapon you can take out, I will lose!"

Half of the body of the meteorite iron elves went into the sword, but the exposed head did not forget to say to Jiang Ting, "if you are willing, there is no problem with the six spirit weapons!"

Liupin Lingqi The corner of Jiang Ting's eye twitches. How can he have such high-end things in his hand?

I don't know whether what this guy said is true or false. Jiang Ting just took out a nine grade spirit weapon from Linglong ring. If Mei Mei, the spirit weapon of the seven Jue magic sword, is not in it, the sharpness of the sword will be reduced. In fact, another reason is that Jiang Ting is a little reluctant to destroy an eight grade spirit weapon!

Naturally, after waving the qijuefeng magic sword, the incisions of this weapon are all smooth, showing the sharpness of the sword!

Jiang Ting can't help nodding to himself. This is the rigidity of the sword itself. There is no spirit, and he doesn't infuse spirit!

"Master, your weapon is too small. You can't try a more advanced weapon!" Meteorite iron spirit is very dissatisfied with said.

Jiang Ting gritted his teeth and took out a bapin spirit weapon. The effect is the same!

Just when Jiangting was playing with weapons, the meteorite iron spirit seemed to find something and said to Jiangting, "master, master, have you ever heard of the realm of sharp blade?"

Jiang Ting read countless classics, naturally heard of it, just a "um" and nodded.

"Master, don't you have a net? It seems that it's also a spirit weapon of eight grades. You can put this net on the edge of the sword and blow it gently. You can break the spirit weapon of eight grades. Have a try Suggested the iron elf.

After hearing this, Jiang Ting didn't believe it at all. He didn't believe it at all. In that case, how sharp the seven unique magic swords would be!

However, looking at the encouragement of the meteorite elves, Jiang Ting agreed and said, "OK, I'll try!"

According to the meteorite spirit, Jiang Ting put the net he got from Lv Liang of the moon stepping Taoist center on the blade. He breathed a breath. Sure enough, the net broke in two!

"My God Seeing this result, Jiang Ting was shocked. He had to say that although the qijuefeng magic sword became like this, it was much sharper!

However, the rainbow in the seven magic swords was also a strong attack. Jiang Ting couldn't help asking: "meteorite spirit, how can you make my sword black as soon as you enter my sword? Where is the original rainbow of seven colors? "

But the meteorite iron fairy widened his eyes and said, "you are the master of this sword, and that beautiful little sister is a spirit. You don't know why it is like this?! My God, if you don't meet me, your sword will be useless, you don't know! "

When Jiang Ting heard this, he was even more confused. What's the matter?!

The meteorite iron spirit sighed and said: "master, it's like this. Your seven rainbow of seven unique magic swords seems to be missing something. I can't tell exactly what is missing. But through my observation just now, they should lack an array, so that if these rainbows are sent out, they can't be taken back any more. They will become less and less and disappear gradually It's gone. When the rainbow of the seven magic swords disappears, your sword will almost be scrapped. At least your grade will drop! "

Jiang Ting was also shocked when he heard the words of the meteorite elf. He didn't know anything about it!

Meimei doesn't hide behind Jiangting now, and she stares at her eyes. She doesn't know at all!

The meteorite iron spirit looked at the two people confused and spewed out four words to them."Tyrannical things!"

It seems that the meteorite iron elves are extremely interested in weapons, and they can quickly see the faults of these weapons.

continued to rush to the court, and said, "my master, you have met me, and you can save your seven magic seals. I have used the magnetism of my iron iron spirit to converge the rainbow essence of the Seven Magic seals, so that you can find the forbidden system of the Seven Magic seals. You can use it again. Now, with my iron meteorite elves, you should not be afraid of your weapons. As you saw just now... "

The meteorite elves chattered a lot, and Jiang Ting hated the meteorite elves from the beginning, but now he is a little lucky to meet them!

"So I want to thank you!" Jiang Ting approached the meteorite elf and patted him on the head.

Jiang Ting only patted once, then retracted his hand, too hard!

Meteorite iron spirit is very happy, very impolite smile nodded, said: "you're welcome, you're welcome, if not for you, how can I leave here ah, I also recognize you as the main ah, master, you can rest assured, I will take good care of this little sister!"

"No!" Meimei didn't even think about it, so she refused directly. She desperately grasped Jiang Ting's sleeve and didn't enter the sword with this meteorite iron elf!

Meimei's small appearance is very pitiful. She looks at Jiang ting with big eyes.

Jiang Ting held Meimei in his arms and looked at the meteorite iron elf. He was reluctant to ask Meimei to go in. He said to the meteorite iron elf, "well, look at you. It's scary. Don't you think Meimei should be taken care of? Well, I'll put a ban in this sword. You can't touch Meimei! "

"Master, you are partial!" Meteorite iron spirit a face discontented of say.

"Meimei won't meet you, either!"

The meteorite iron spirit is full of black lines

Jiang Ting was relieved to let the two spirits enter the seven Jue magic sword. However, Jiang Ting found that he could not let his spirits come out at will. He could not help frowning and wanted to remove the ban. However, when he thought of Mei Mei's appearance, he could not help but give up the idea and said to the sword, "you stay like this for the time being 。”

"Master, if you meet a strong enemy and need the spirit to go out, what will you do? You may not have time to lift the ban! " Meteorite iron spirit is very intimate to remind, is intentionally to Meimei listen.

"Master, I can be with the meteorite elf..." Meimei was silent for a long time before she said so.

"Meimei, don't worry. Now the qijuefeng magic sword is so sharp that if you don't use it, you can cultivate in it." As soon as Jiang Ting turned his hand, he put away the seven unique magic swords.

Looking back, I looked at the stone table.

Now, Jiang Ting doesn't dare to move the table easily. What a surprise that happened just now.

Come to the stone table step by step again.

The original dust was gone. The table was very clean. A piece of words appeared in front of Jiang ting. These words really described a combat skill, which was called Tiger roaring and dragon singing blade. If you use this combat skill with bare hands, it is a set of palm techniques. If you use sword, it is a sword formula. If you use knife, it is a sword technique. If you use meteor hammer, it is completely useless something the matter.

Jiang Ting couldn't help admiring that this set of tactics is really good!

Look at the level of this combat skill. It's a medium level combat skill.

Jiang Ting looked at it once, and then he remembered it, and slowly in his mind, he imagined how it was carried out.

"My God, if so, the blade of tiger roaring and dragon chanting is so sharp that it can be compared with Da Fan Tianlong boxing!"

Jiang Ting closed his eyes, and then, slowly urged the formula, aura surging, palm, aura flow, the thick aura, as if slowly condensed together, gradually the aura flashed out of the silver light, palm heart, as if a world of its own, here is full of the sound of tiger roaring and Dragon chanting, deep and heavy, fierce incomparable.

All of a sudden, the aura in his hand was pushed out by Jiang ting. However, when he was about to meet the rocks, he turned around and came back. In front of Jiang Ting, the dragon like palm wind turned from aura came back obediently. Not everyone could make this kind of power so obedient!

This is the place where it is difficult to cultivate this combat skill. However, because Jiang Ting is full of spirit and has such strange blood, the power of divine consciousness has reached a shocking level because of the sea of books. Therefore, it is not very difficult to cultivate this combat skill!

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