Because of the old man's action, a large formation of forbidden space suddenly appeared, and the flying boat controlled by Jiang Ting suddenly lost its balance and fell towards the ground.

"You're courting death." Jiang Ting was not flustered, standing on the deck, looking at the old man coldly... His face was not surprised at all, as if he was not surprised.

He doesn't know the old man.

In the wilderness, the old man suddenly invited him as a guest as soon as they met... There must be a problem.

Thinking of Shen Tuyang's murder before, even if Jiang Ting didn't think about it, he knew that the old man must have obtained the order of Juquemen in some way to stop him.

As for whether the Juquemen ordered it on a large scale, or whether it was aware of his whereabouts and only ordered the golden core, which was the only way to go, he did not know it for the time being.

"Juquemen has ordered, the old man has to listen. I hope fellow Daoist Jiang Ting will not blame the old man." The old man was no longer concealing his actions, shaking his head slightly and sighing.

The reason why Jiang Ting wants to hurry to leave is because all the families and sects in the Juquemen are under the jurisdiction of the Juquemen. If those forces are ordered by the Juquemen, they must take action whether they want it or not. .

He is not afraid of the chasing soldiers of the pure Juquemen, but he is worried that the people in the entire Juquemen are looking for trouble for him!

After twenty breaths.

The flying boat where the free body fell, was less than thirty feet from the ground.

Jiang Ting, who had been staring at the old man coldly, only then moved. With a wave of his hand, he first put the flying boat into the storage bag, and then suddenly slapped him down.

The mana surged down into a giant palm.

With a "bang", a palm print about four feet deep appeared on the ground. Although it was not powerful, it attacked the ground in a large area, and the shock was returned in time. With the help of the shock, the impact of Jiang Ting's fall was reduced countless times. .

However, it didn't completely dissipate... If he used stronger mana, it could completely offset the impact.

However, if the mana used is too large, the power will also increase a lot. It doesn't matter what the ground will be beaten at that time. What matters is that once the aftermath is wanton, Jiang Ting can't stay in the air in the forbidden space, and he will fall headlong. Go down, I'm afraid there will be a big problem.

At this moment, just right, there is a shock to offset the impact, and there is no aftermath.

Falling to the ground with a moderate impact force, Jiang Ting had just touched the soil on the ground with his feet, and without regard for his demeanor, Jiang Ting rolled on the spot, infiltrating all the impact force he carried into the ground.

The place he turned over left a string of marks half a zhang deep, and replaced it with an ordinary person... If it is an ordinary person, even if Jiang Ting's previous actions to reduce the impact force, he would be smashed into meat patties instead of still!

As for Jiang Ting, as the Golden Core Realm... According to the estimation in advance, although the appearance is not very good-looking, there is no injury.

The old man lowered his height slightly and said slowly: "Daoist friend, the old man lives in the air, you live on the ground, you can't get out, the old man is just a last resort, why don't you cooperate with some fellow Daoists and stay here for a few hours?"

I have to mention that the old man's cultivation base is not weak, and the situation is late.

If there are no other threats, in a head-to-head battle, Jiang Ting may not be easy to win, but he can win.

But at this moment, where did he get the time to fight with the old man?

However, Jiang Ting's face was not worried at all: "Release the formation within three breaths, otherwise, you will die."

The old man became displeased: "Fellow Daoist, you are too arrogant."

"I don't know what it is!" With a cold snort, Jiang Ting turned his wrist, and three silver beads the size of fingers appeared.

He clamped the three beads between his fingers, and the mana in his body rushed towards the beads.

He doesn't have time to waste time with the old man here... He is also not interested in the old man's name. Since the old man is all about stopping him, then... he will kill the old man quickly with other things!

After half a breath.

The three beads all showed a faint fluorescence, Jiang Ting then flicked them, and the three beads flew towards the sky with arc light.

"Booming Thunder Pearl..." The old man's expression changed drastically.

Without thinking about it, he tilted towards the higher sky and flew towards the sky... However, the bead seemed to have eyes, the old man changed direction, and the bead changed direction.

"Damn..." With a secret curse, the old man hurriedly took out a log shield to protect him... Then, he continued to run.

Unfortunately, the speed of the bead suddenly accelerated.

No matter how the old man ran, in just over a breath, the beads chased the old man.

"Boom..." The terrifying sound of explosions erupted in the sky, making people creepy, and fireworks composed of thunders bloomed in the sky.

You can vaguely see some stumps and minced meat scattered.

Thunder Pearl, a pearl that condenses the power of thunder... It is similar to the more popular Huo Leizi in Qi Refining and Foundation Establishment.

The difference is that once the Huo Leizi is thrown, it will explode directly as long as there is the slightest collision, and it cannot change its direction. The reaction is fast enough, and it is not difficult to avoid it.

But the Thunder Bead is different. With the divine sense as the guide, the offensive is locked. Unless the person who sacrificed the Thunder Bead dies, otherwise the Thunder Bead will keep chasing.

Under the same power, one Thunder Bead is equivalent to ten Sword Talismans, which is extremely precious... Although Jiang Ting does not lack spiritual stones, he does not have many Thunder Beads.

It's not that there are no spirit stones to buy, but... For the Jindan realm, many things cannot be bought with spirit stones. If Jiang Ting's reputation is not low, he would not be able to exchange a large number of Hongtian in the sect. Thunderball.

If it weren't for the critical moment, if it wasn't to ensure a one-hit kill, he wouldn't directly sacrifice three Thunder Orbs at once.

That's right, one hit kills... Although the old man has the cultivation of the late stage, unfortunately now, he is already dead, blown up by the thunder bead, and there are no bones left.

"Looking for a dead end." Jiang Ting retracted his gaze, tapped his feet, and quickly began to leap in the direction of the previous flight.

Forbidden sky formation, there is always a range, and when he is out of range, he can continue to travel in the sky... The distance to Zishuangmen is coming soon.

I just don't know if I can go back to Zishuangmen this time.

What are you afraid of, what are you coming!

Just less than half a mile from the leap, Jiang Ting suddenly stopped... In front of him was a valley, a valley with many flowers and plants and buildings.

There are no towns for dozens of miles nearby... There are buildings in this valley. Obviously, that valley is where the old man lived before.

What Jiang Ting looked at was not the valley scenery, but a colorful, round object half an inch high and a radius of about three feet in the center of the valley.

That's a teleportation array.

It doesn't matter when the old man arranged the teleportation array, and why he arranged the teleportation array is also not important.

The important thing is that at this moment, the teleportation array is filled with little ripples... Obviously someone is teleporting.

Obviously, when the old man blocked Jiang Ting before, he probably informed the people of Juquemen by some means.

"Old thing..." Jiang Ting was a little annoyed, scolded, and then waved his hand suddenly, ten magic swords flew out, and slashed towards the teleportation formation.

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