Facing Jiang Ting's inquiry, Chai Ying pondered for a while, but shook her head slightly... Words, some troubles have been found, and she can't leave if she wants to.

Jiang Ting raised his eyes: "Have you found it?"

Indeed, there is trouble.

As early as five days ago, there was trouble.

It's just that the trouble didn't show up, and he was explaining the situation of Tianlan to Chai Ying, so he didn't point it out, but pretended he didn't find it.

Unexpectedly, Chai Ying actually found out?

Chai Ying covered her mouth and smiled: "The wind is invisible, but it is everywhere. I have been trapped here for decades, and I am not just a prisoner here."

Jiang Ting heard the words, his eyes twitched... Sure enough, he was indeed a peerless genius who could walk with him.

Secretly, he was a little helpless.

Bean sprouts and Chai Ying, one talent is better than the other.

His own... talent is almost impossible to look directly at.

Who can make sense of this? Should I say, when he was reincarnated, he forgot to leave some kind of means to assist his growth?

It's just that he can't be blamed.

He is reincarnated and has no indescribable origin.

The reincarnation of Chai Ying and Bean Sprouts has an indescribable origin... I don't know why.

In his mind, Jiang Ting suddenly stretched out his hand and waved.

In an instant, dozens of cold beams hit somewhere in the air.

Hanmang flew about twenty feet away.

"The peak of the realm... How did you do it?" A light curtain rose, and all the cold lights were blocked. One, a man with a red and black mask appeared, his voice was full of confusion.

I was stunned by Jiang Ting's cultivation at the moment!

But Chai Ying suddenly whispered: "The devil from the sky...he is not from this world."

In an instant, the masked man looked at Chai Ying with cold eyes.

Jiang Ting also tilted his head at the right time... He can sense the concealment of the masked man, and it can be said that he has been trapped here for too long, and he is too familiar with this place. Where did it come from?

Except for Heaven... I am afraid that no creature can see whether a creature is a creature of the local world.

As if she knew what he was thinking, Chai Ying shook her head: "Fortune and misfortune depend on each other. Although there were accidents before, there were also some benefits. The connection between Yuanyuan and me became more and more close... Through Yuanyuan, I could see that there was a connection between him and this world. The aura that doesn't fit in, and that aura has dominated, he is definitely not a creature in this world."

When misfortunes depend on fortunes, fortunes and misfortunes fall on them.

Between misfortune and fortune, it is hard to say, hard to say, hard to understand.

The masked man sighed and said, "I don't want to kill more, so what can I do... little girl, it seems that today, you can't get out of this cliff."

Jiang Ting tilted his head and glanced, and bent his fingers a little... Immediately, his face turned pale, and light spots entered Chai Ying's body along his fingers.

"This is the spirit of the magic weapon you said?" Although it was a question, Chai Ying's voice was full of affirmation.

"That's right, the spirit of the magic weapon that I have split a hundred and eight is hidden in your body. Under the golden core, the sword is dead, except for the arrogance of heaven, no one can stand a blow."

After a pause, Jiang Ting whispered again: "You leave first, if you don't want to enter the Zishuang Gate, protect yourself with the spirit of the magic weapon, and you will be safe."

Chai Ying's eyebrows flowed.

After a long time, he said, "I'm afraid he won't let me leave."

"He didn't dare to stop him." Jiang Ting was quite confident.

Chai Ying's eyes twitched, but she didn't ask any questions. She tapped her feet, and two hurricanes appeared under her feet, supporting her to escape directly.

She is just a burden to stay here, and leaving is the greatest help to Jiang Ting. Tianjiao is like her, and she will not understand.

"Want to leave?" The masked man's only exposed eyes froze.

Jiang Ting spoke in a hurry: "Junior Brother Jianchen, why are you putting on a pretense there, Jiang is standing here, do you dare to do it rashly?"

The masked man looked stiff.

After a long time, he looked at Jiang Ting: "Where did you see it?"

While speaking, he also stretched out his hand and took off the mask... Although he was not dressed as a Taoist but in a black robe, his face was undoubtedly Jian Chen.

The leader of Taoshan Ten Thousand Burial Pit, who killed Shen Tuyang's murderer, and framed everything on Jiang Ting... was Jian Chen.

"I guessed it was you before, but I couldn't be sure."

After a pause, Jiang Ting shook his head again: "I noticed that there was a tracking mark in my body before, and at that time, I was completely determined."

"Oh?" Jian Chen floated to the ground.

Jiang Ting took out a chair and sat down: "I won't talk about other reasons, just say a little... The ones that can leave a tracking mark in my body and make me vigilant are some of the Huaying, Jindan I have seen. Among them, only Junior Brother Jianchen has the ability and the qualifications to do so, and just for that, it is not Junior Brother you, who else can it be?”

Jian Chen expressed curiosity: "I'm a little puzzled. Fifteen years ago, where did you hide? I've been to the place where you last appeared. It's just an underground place, and there's no place to hide."

It turned out that after Jiang Ting disappeared, Jian Chen went to look for it, but he couldn't find it.

Maybe he has been near the stone room, or maybe he hasn't. He just went to the Zhao country where Jiang Ting was mistakenly teleported into the stone room... That stone room, people from the outside world, if they don't have the qualifications to enter, can't see or detect the stone room.

Jiang Ting did not answer: "Senior brother, I will answer your doubts. Next, it should be your turn to answer, right?"

"You ask." Jian Chen said with a smile.

Perhaps it is worthy of being a senior brother. It is obvious that a fight will happen immediately, but before the fight, each one is more peaceful, as if it is really brother Gong's brother.

Jiang Ting spit out three words: "Why?"

Jian Chen's eyes narrowed.

Jiang Ting said again: "You have an extraordinary background, senior brother, I respect you, even if you are distant... Senior brother admits that there is nothing wrong with you, junior brother, man, no matter what you do, there will always be a reason, and Junior Brother, what is the reason for you to deal with Senior Brother me?"

Indeed, even now, Jiang Ting still couldn't figure out why Jian Chen wanted to deal with him.

"That little girl, I have already explained the reason." Jian Chen shook his head slightly.

"A creature from outside the sky?" After a pause, Jiang Ting whispered: "This is not a reason... a creature outside the sky is still a creature, and there is a reason for doing things. What is your origin, brother, I don't want to know. "

Indeed, even if it is really an extraterrestrial being... it is impossible to deal with him for no reason.

Jian Chen pondered for a while, revealing a hint of inexplicable: "Your answer is not worth my answer... Tell me where you hid before, the two are superimposed, and it is worthy of my answer... We are not brothers, don't try Confuse my mind with affection."

Jiang Ting frowned, and quickly released it again: "Jiang has strayed into a place full of bans, and he just left after being banned from it not long ago."

"Then why didn't I notice that ban?" Jian Chen didn't believe it.

Jiang Ting asked back: "If you find me, I will not leave until fifteen years later?"

"..." After a while of silence, Jian Chen nodded: "That's true."

Jiang Ting's expression remained unchanged: "So, your answer?"

Jian Chen asked, "Do you know who I am?"

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