In the face of Jiang Ting's response, Xiaohua's face showed countless yearnings and envy... Words can save a lot of money, it seems that it is quite simple.

When Jiang Ting saw this, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly... Well, here we go again.

That yearning is false, and it is true that he wants to teach him to "become an immortal".

But... After thinking about it, Jiang Ting shook his head again.

Maybe it was Xiaohua who was trying to get him to teach him around the corner, or it was possible that Xiaohua was really simple, but he thought too much?

What is it... Think about it carefully, in fact, there is no need to care, it has indeed "taken care" of it for many years.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ting said, "Do you want to cultivate immortals?"

"Cultivating an immortal? Become an immortal?" Xiaohua was a little confused.

Jiang Ting explained patiently: "Cultivation of immortals is to move towards immortals. The immortals you have heard of are those who are cultivating immortals. There are probably no real immortals in this world."

"I want it!" Xiaohua became excited.

Seeing this, Jiang Ting was about to speak, staring at Xiao Hua, but became hesitant again.

"What's wrong?" Xiaohua was excited.

"I'm wondering if you have talent." Jiang Ting didn't hide it.

If he is not seriously injured, it is easy to check whether a person has an attribute spirit.

But now... kill him, he can't do it.

There are two difficulties in teaching Xiaohua Gongfa.

First, he is not sure whether Xiaohua has the talent to cultivate immortals.

Second, even if Xiaohua has... God knows what attributes his talent is? I don't know the attributes, what kind of exercises are taught?

You must know that without the attributes corresponding to the exercises, even if the talent is against the sky, it is impossible to cultivate successfully.

For example, Jiang Ting's first exercise, Five Elements, can be practiced with any spirit of the five elements.

But, apart from the attributes of the five elements... the mutant spirit is the best immortal cultivation talent in the Big Dipper Sword Domain, but, the mutant spirit, even in the end, it is impossible to cultivate the five elements.

No, maybe it can. After all, the mutant spirits corresponding to gold, wood, water, fire, and soil, such as ice, rain, etc., should be able to do it with a lot of effort. What I said before is just to avoid metaphors.

Xiaohua didn't know what Jiang Ting was thinking, but instead showed a little self-satisfaction: "There must be, my grandfather often said that I am a good seedling of martial arts."

"Maybe." Jiang Ting laughed dumbly and didn't explain.

After thinking for a while, he said softly, "I'll teach you the Five Elements first."

"Is there a secret to becoming immortal..." Xiaohua was overjoyed.

Jiang Ting did not explain: "Since you have practiced martial arts, tell me how much you know about acupuncture points in the human body."

Xiaohua said without thinking: "I know that there are seven hundred and twenty acupuncture points in the human body, of which there are one hundred and eight critical points, seventy-two points that can damage people without dying, and thirty-six deadly points... "

After she finished speaking, she showed hope: "Brother, I am right."

Jiang Ting thought for a while, then chuckled: "For mortals, yes, for cultivators... It's right, half right."

"Ah?" Xiaohua was surprised.

Whether in the rivers and lakes, or in the eyes of those skilled doctors, the human body is indeed 72 acupuncture points.

"The acupoints I'm talking about are the same as what you know... well, there is a slight difference. As far as cultivators are concerned, there are 3,600 acupuncture points in the human body, of which the 3,000 acupoints are the places where the mana of the immortal way and the meridians must be touched... The meridians of the immortal way , and the meridians in the eyes of warriors are also different."

After a pause, Jiang Ting shook his head: "Now that I explain it, it only makes you more troublesome. Come here,"

"Okay." Xiaohua became nervous, although what Jiang Ting said was unimaginable... But, after all, is it a fairy? If it is the same as a human being, why is it called a fairy?

When they got close, Jiang Ting turned to look, picked up a wooden root from the ground, and poked it towards Xiao Hua.

I clicked nine times in a row in different directions on the belly of the floret.

Xiaohua didn't feel anything... She looked at Jiang Ting in a puzzled way.

Jiang Ting explained: "I'll note down the location I just pointed. If you succeed in cultivating the Five Elements, those points will be the first acupuncture points to respond."

"I remember." Xiaohua concentrated, her eyes became expectant.

Jiang Ting said directly: "The spirit of the five elements, the mind is delusional, the mind is away..."

After speaking about a few hundred words, he stopped speaking.

Xiaohua... touched her scalp, her face full of confusion.

She can understand every word, but it can be combined, and, at the beginning, it's not enough, and after a while, the words are extremely awkward, and it makes his eyes black... Who is she and where is she? , what is she going to do?

"Memorize it first, then go to sleep after remembering. The rest will be discussed tomorrow." Seeing this, Jiang Ting shook his head slightly, then closed his eyes and rested.

"Okay... The Five Elements Spirit..." Xiaohua hurriedly began to recall silently.

Afterwards, when encountering someone who had forgotten, he asked again.

Just like that, the night passed.

No wild animals came to disturb him, except for Xiaohua who disturbed him from time to time in the first half of the night, Jiang Ting had a better rest in the second half of the night.

Xiaohua's words... There are only a few hundred words, but perhaps because many words are too difficult to speak, she spent a night to write down all of them. Memories are written on the ground with branches as a pen, constantly dictating.

A good memory is not as good as a bad writing, and you will write a lot by reciting more. After a long time, you will definitely not be able to forget it if you want to.


Jiang Ting didn't eat anything, Xiaohua ate a pancake, and immediately carried Jiang Ting on a stretcher and set off again.

After starting to set off, Xiaohua couldn't bear her temper and asked: "Brother, what do I mean by memorizing it?"

Jiang Ting didn't explain: "Did you see the mountain in the east? Let's go there."

"Oh, good." Xiaohua hurriedly changed direction.

Immediately, he couldn't help himself: "Is there any difference in that mountain?"

After staring for a while, Jiang Ting said, "Compared with the surrounding area, the spiritual energy over there is the most concentrated place. If you can arrive at night, you will learn the Five Elements in the mountains. If you have talent, you will have a better chance of getting started."

Indeed, in his spiritual eyes, the mountain over there has the strongest spiritual energy... Although it is more than 10% richer than other places, it is always a little richer.

Walked in silence for a while.

Xiao Hua, who couldn't bear the loneliness, said: "Brother, tell me about the interesting things in the fairy world, and the masters of the fairy world... Also, you said that the immortals that other people see are only human, and they are walking in immortality. How can a person on the road be considered an immortal?"

Facing the series of inquiries... Jiang Ting only felt that there were mosquitoes constantly chattering in his ears.

Just, thinking about the injury of the body...

He still said, "Since you have decided to pass on your cultivation...there are some things that you need to know. Among them, the most important thing to remember is the realm."

Xiaohua thought about it for a while, and her eyes lit up: "Realm? Is it like the difference between a first-class high-level mathematician and a second-class master in the rivers and lakes?"

Jiang Ting shook his head: "That's right..."

He also does not hide his secrets, he divides some realms, and the different realms have and characteristics, and he tells them all in words.

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