"They are not so easy to see through my prohibition. Tell me first, what's the matter?" Jiang Ting is very confident about his prohibition. As long as people from outside don't come in, they can only see that they are still deadlocked with ah Wu. Besides, if this person uses this method, he will not rush in!

"Really?" Ah Wu is still a little worried.

Jiang Ting just laughed and said, "I can see that you don't want to hurt me. Tell me the whole story. I can help you save people."

"Really!" Ah Wu can't believe the boy in front of him. Can things really be so easy?

"Don't you say it soon?" Jiang Ting urged.

"Well, I said, I said." Seeing Jiang Ting talking like this, ah Wu continued, "Mr. Jiang, I don't know who you've offended, but I can see that the law enforcement department seems to be going against you. Zhang Xuegang, the law enforcement disciple in charge of our area, found me and told me that he found my brother. If I didn't listen to him, my brother would stop treatment. My brother was seriously injured in this grave. If he didn't receive treatment, he would not live for a few days, so... " Speaking of this, ah Wu was a little ashamed and couldn't go on.

"Tell me, what does that Zhang Xuegang want you to do?" Jiang Ting's expression became cold and asked.

Ah Wu quickly lifted the medicine bottle in his hand and said to Jiang Ting, "that's all. These things are all given to me by Zhang Xuegang. He said that all of them are elixirs, precious seven grade elixirs. As long as you touch them and leave your breath on them, my task will be completed."

"Ha ha..." After listening to this, Jiang Ting sneered, only nodded faintly.

Ah Wu is stunned by Jiang Ting's expression, which is obviously planting. In other people's territory, can this young man still laugh when he encounters such things? What's the rhythm?!

"If you do that, your brother will be able to continue treatment, won't he?" Jiang Ting asked.

Ah Wu blinked. Even if he was asked to guess a hundred words Jiang Ting said next, he could not guess this sentence. Anyone would care about his own situation. How could he care about the other party's situation!?

"Well..." Ah Wu just nodded mechanically.

"What about the prohibition in your Dantian? What shall we do? " Jiang Ting continued.

Ah Wu simply could not accept it. He shook his head and did not continue to answer Jiang Ting's question. Instead, he said, "Mr. Jiang, I feel sorry for my brother's treatment of you, but I really have no way..." Ah Wu thought that Jiang Ting was going to start the rhythm. Even if Jiang Ting's cultivation was five levels in the bone refining period, one level lower than him, he could definitely kill him with one palm, because he can't use the aura of Dantian now!

Jiang Ting said with a smile: "ah Wu, you are wrong. You are not a bad person. You are forced. You are for your brother's injury. I am responsible for treating him. I will untie the ban on Dantian. When I remove my ban, as long as you tell me the truth, will you?"

Ah Wu was stunned. He looked up and down at the boy. He didn't have any great appearance. From his figure, he wasn't so tall. On his face, he was slightly immature. However, what he said shocked people to the extreme!

Looking at ah Wu's shocked expression, Jiang Ting could not help asking: "why, ah Wu, don't you dare?"

Ah Wu swallowed a mouthful of saliva, nodded quickly and said, "young master Jiang, I dare ah Wu!"

Jiang Ting just smile, nodded and said: "ah Wu, since you come in, you don't really want to hurt me, and the things they promised you don't make you shake. I really think you are a kind person. Although I don't have the spirit stone they said, I am a pharmacist, and I can cure your brother's disease."

This time, ah Wu couldn't hold back the tears in his eyes any longer. Suddenly, he knelt down to Jiang ting and said to Jiang Ting, "Mr. Jiang, thank you, thank you

"Well, I'll untie the prohibition in your elixir field first." Jiang Ting's eyes fell on ah Wu's Dantian and said with a smile, "as long as you can trust me!"

Ah Wu quickly unfolded his body, completely exposed his Dantian in front of Jiang Ting, and said with ease: "Mr. Jiang, I can trust you, but I can't believe that Zhang Xuegang!"

When it comes to this, there is no need to say more.

"Ah Wu, I won't let you believe it wrong!"

Jiang Ting put down this sentence and began to work out the formula seriously. The prohibition on Dantian can't be ignored. Jiang Ting tried to choose a way that had no influence on ah Wu's Dantian. The whole process went smoothly.

"Ah Wu, now, don't use your aura for the time being. In this way, the person who arranges the prohibition can't realize that his prohibition has no effect." When Jiang Ting had just restrained his power of divine consciousness, he quickly ordered ah Wu."Well, Mr. Jiang, thank you very much!" Ah Wu can be aware that the aura in his Dantian is not in a state of imprisonment. In Dantian, the aura can surge wantonly!

"Who gave you this prohibition?" Jiang Ting continued to ask.

"I don't know. It was Zhang Xuegang who set up a talisman for me. I don't think the person who set up the prohibition should be Zhang Xuegang." Ah Wu answers all questions.

Jiang Ting nodded and realized that he had a clear idea. Although the prohibition was not very good, if he could pass the talisman in this way, it would show that his prohibition skill was good.

"Well, I'm going to remove our ban. Those waiting outside should be worried!" Jiang Ting's lips slightly stirred up a sneer.

During the conversation, the prohibition on the two people had been completely removed, and Jiang Ting said, "ah Wu, since you want me to help you have a look, why do you want to give me some? I can't waste my energy in vain!"

Ah Wu took a deep breath and knew that the critical moment was coming. He handed the medicine bottle in his hand and said, "your cultivation is higher than me. I'll give you half of it, but can you guarantee that I can take these pills safely?"

Jiang Ting stretched out his hand and took half of the pills. He said: "no problem, you can rest assured!"

The five or six bottles of pills had just been held in Jiang Ting's hands, and they had not yet been put into the heaven and earth bag at his waist. The curtain of Jiang Ting's tent was pulled open.

Jiang ting and ah Wu are holding a medicine bottle in their hands. When they come in, they say, "well, yunjianzong has kindly accepted you to leave the ancient tomb. When you get here, your hands and feet are not clean. It's really shameless to do such things!"

When ah Wu heard Zhang Xuegang's words, his face turned green instantly. He was really glad that he had just chosen to tell the truth with Jiang ting and cooperated with Jiang ting. If he listened to Zhang Xuegang's words completely, he would become the thief in his mouth now!

"Zhang Xuegang, are you just outside my tent?" Jiang Ting took these medicine bottles in his hands, as if he didn't care what the other party was saying just now.

Zhang Xuegang gave a cold smile and said, "ha ha, how about Gu? Don't pretend. These pills are the pills of yunjianzong. Now, they are in your hands. I saw you holding these pills with my own eyes. You are the shameless thieves. Yunjianzong will not be polite to you! "

"Why do you think this elixir belongs to yunjianzong?" Jiang Ting asked in no hurry.

Zhang Xuegang had been prepared for a long time. Naturally, he would not make any mistakes in such a problem. Without saying a word, he turned the bottle of pills upside down, pointed to a sword character on it and said, "this is the bottle of pills in our cloud sword sect. What else can you say?"

After Zhang Xuegang's shouting, many people have come out of the tent to see what's going on here. Many disciples of yunjianzong law enforcement department also come here. When they see Zhang Xuegang saying this, they all cast scornful eyes at these two people. Thieves are despised by anyone!

"But what are you going to do with us?" Facing the eyes of so many people, Jiang Ting is not afraid at all, and seems to be obedient to follow Zhang Xuegang's words!

Zhang Xuegang didn't expect that Jiang Ting would talk like this. He thought the goods would be sophisticated, but it seems that in fact it is more smooth than he imagined!

"Naturally, I have given you to our senior brother, Chen Pengfei, the first disciple of the law enforcement department!" Zhang Xuegang didn't even think about it. It's natural!

"Ha ha, that's good. Anyway, you can't be the winner. You'd better come to your elder martial brother Chen Pengfei. Besides, I'll tell you, it's a waste of my tongue. Besides, I'm afraid you don't deserve your identity!" Jiang Ting is still so calm, light said.

This sentence made Zhang Xuegang very angry. He has been here for a few days. These casual practitioners have to be respectful when they see Zhang Xuegang. Now, he is caught by himself. He dares to talk like this. He is tired of living!

Zhang Xuegang pointed to Jiang Ting's nose and said angrily, "Jiang Ting, how dare you challenge the authority of our law enforcement department? I think you are tired of living. If you don't kneel down for me and kowtow to admit your mistake, I'll see how I can deal with you! "

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