However, he didn't see any of the blood Refining Essence promised by the three major departments!

It's not a lie, is it? If you don't see blood refining essence, he doesn't have to take out the first jade medal!

Bo Mingke stepped down from the stage. Even Gu Zhicheng and Yin Lengyue stood up. Three people stood in the center of the stage. Bo Mingke said, "let's award from the back to the front. Now, please come to the stage for those who have won 91 to 100 jade medals."

"Look, who is it?"

As Bo Mingke's voice fell, people all looked left and right to look for it.

Taking advantage of the fact that people's attention is all attracted to this matter, Jiang Ting stealthily sneaks to song Xinlian's side, because Shangguan Lingxi has already stood behind elder Gu, on the high stage, and now he can't go up.

"Jiang Ting? How are you doing? Did you get the jade medal? " When song Xinlian saw Jiang Ting coming up, she quickly pulled him aside and asked in a low voice.

"Don't ask me that. I'll tell you something!" Jiang Ting said as he pulled out a piece of paper from his arms with numbers written on it.

"Jiang Ting, please tell me quickly. This is the most important thing I care about when I keep up with elder martial sister Guan. She is a little worried about you!" Song Xinlian ignored Jiang Ting's words and continued to ask, "to tell you the truth, did you get the number one jade medal?"

Jiang Ting touched his nose, shook his head and said, "I didn't get the jade medal."

"What? No way Song Xinlian immediately blew up her hair and yelled with staring eyes.

Jiang Ting quickly covered her small mouth, frowned and said: "I said Miss Song, can you keep your voice down, I just didn't get it, but I know the people with these numbers in my hand, who are worthy of yunjianzong's fight, please tell Shangguan Lingxi and elder Gu quickly." With that, Jiang Ting gave song Xinlian a note with a string of numbers in his hand.

Even if song Xinlian took the note in Jiang Ting's hand, her mind was not on it at all. She asked inconceivably, "what expert is there in these scattered practices? You didn't get the jade medal?"

"Their accomplishments are higher than mine, OK?" Jiang Ting really doesn't want to entangle with song Xinlian on this issue. He puts down this sentence, turns around and leaves.

Song Xinlian couldn't catch up either. She looked at the note in her hand. Although she didn't understand it, she decided to tell Shangguan elder martial sister the note as Jiang Ting said.

In fact, the numbers Jiang Ting remembers are quite backward.

Song Xinlian does not quietly give this note to Shangguan Lingxi, which also explains Jiang Ting's meaning.

Shangguan Lingxi doesn't understand. She quietly goes to elder Gu, reads the number on the note to elder Gu, and brings Jiang Ting's words to elder Gu. Elder Gu just nods slightly to show that she knows.

Jiang Ting, under the stage, naturally saw all this.

At the moment, ten people who have already stepped on the stage have already received their own prizes. Although these prizes are not many, this opportunity is really exciting!

Bo Mingke is the host. Although he is not very interested in these people in his heart, it is not easy to show too clearly. However, the smile on his face is stiff, or anyone can see it.

"Now, please introduce yourself." Bo Mingke said lightly with his hands on his back.

These people began to introduce themselves.

Gu elder's in the heart continuously calculate, this river court with what say so? His eyes fell on the people in front of him and he observed them carefully.

Looking at the number mentioned by Jiang Ting, these people speak with perseverance, sonorous and powerful, can not help but choose to believe Jiang ting.

Just after the introduction of these people, Mr. Gu sent out an invitation to five of them.

All of a sudden, Bo Mingke and Yin Lengyue look at elder Gu as if they were looking at something. They all think in their hearts, isn't this elder Gu? Haven't they met any excellent disciples? Damn it!

However, the two elders didn't say anything. The more disciples yunjianzong has now, the weaker it will be. Because in such a big sect, if you want to recruit disciples, you should at least give them clothes first, and there will also be a meeting gift for the new disciples who have entered the sect. The three of them have a few of these things with them, if they don't even have them on the spot If this can't be sent out, then, who will do such a shameless thing?

These five people didn't expect that they could be appreciated by the elder of yunjianzong so smoothly. Therefore, all the five disciples were happy to salute Mr. Gu.

Elder Gu told Shangguan Lingxi to Duan Wuluo who was behind him: "give these five disciples the clothes and gifts of our new disciples of yunjianzong."

"Yes Duan Wuluo really doesn't understand, but elder Gu said that, he can't violate it. So, together with Shangguan Lingxi, he gave all the new disciples what they deserved.

These five people happily became the inner disciples of yunjianzong. They didn't believe it.Among the other five, xuanxinzong left only one, while zuiyuanzong didn't give face at all. He didn't leave any of them.

The remaining four people, naturally, are a little lost. However, they have already received the corresponding rewards, and they can still choose which clan they want to stay in as their disciples.

Bo Mingke continued to preside. Among the ten people from 81 to 90, Mr. Gu left seven more!

So Duan Wuluo rolled his eyes, because the whole audience looked at his elders like an idiot.

Looking for an opportunity, Duan Wuluo came to elder Gu and said in his ear, "elder Gu, have you left too many people?"

Elder Gu didn't say anything else. He didn't even have a simple explanation. He just said, "elder Gu has his own opinions!"

Duan Wuluo had nothing to say, so he had to do it according to elder Gu's idea.

When he saw that he didn't have any explanation, Gu believed his words. Jiang Ting really felt that he didn't misjudge this kind elder. Since he chose to trust, he didn't doubt it.

When the number is less than 50, elder Gu's strength is obviously not as strong as before. Moreover, at this time, Xuanxin sect and Zuiyan sect also start to work hard. The two sects always regard themselves as allies. However, at this moment, the two elders are also fighting each other. Occasionally, elder Gu will invite one or two of them. Xuanxin sect and Zuiyan sect are also embarrassed to be too hegemonic Therefore, Mr. Gu recruited all the names of the numbers written on Jiang Ting's note into the door of yunjianzong.

Naturally, elder Gu saw the good ones and left some of them.

Among these ten people, Gu Changlao only got one of the 19th disciples, and the rest were taken over by the other two sects.

Only Duan Wuluo was very upset, and Gu Changlao was as stable as a mountain.

Next, it's the top ten, but this is the top ten, especially the first!

This time, Bo Mingke also changed the situation of ten people coming up just now, but announced one by one.

Naturally, the competition for the top ten is also very fierce. By this time, Gu Changlao basically has no capital. Xuanxin sect is brilliant, because the identity of the top ten is really concerned. There has been a reversal on the stage. It is no longer the sect that chooses the disciples, but the disciples that choose the sect.

It's almost the end, and it's an exciting time.

"I'm second. My name is Hai Mingyi. My blood is Seahawk blood." After a brief introduction, he stood tall and straight in the middle of the platform.

Jiang Ting silently remembered this person, Hai Mingyi, who had a raptor mark on the back of his hand.

When hearing this blood, everyone was surprised. Although it was also the blood of monster, it was rare to have the blood of flying talent. Moreover, this man's cultivation had reached the bone refining stage, and his eight level cultivation was still very impressive.

"Hai Mingyi, although the number of Zuiyan sect is less than that of the other two sects, our sect has a lot of cultivation resources, which just shows that everyone in our sect has a lot of cultivation resources. Zuiyan sect also has the blood of flying talent. You can't be wrong when you come to us!" Yin Lengyue was the first to speak.

"Hai Mingyi, you must know that flying blood is a rare blood. There is an elder of Xuanxin sect who is also flying blood. He will love you as a disciple. As long as you come to Xuanxin sect, you can not only enter the inner gate directly, but also become an elder's disciple. Naturally, there are only more cultivation resources than other disciples!" Bo Mingke even said his advantages again.

Hai Mingyi just listens quietly without any response. Finally, his eyes fall on elder Gu Zhicheng of yunjianzong.

Elder Gu was still silent and didn't say anything at all!

In fact, this scene is a little strange. Duan Wuluo almost came up to talk about the advantages of yunjianzong for elder Gu!

After a short silence, Haiming Yi can't be changed, but he still keeps his pride.

"Elder Gu, don't you want to introduce your advantages?" Hai Ming Yi said lightly.

In fact, elder Gu didn't like the cold pride of this man. But now, when he was asked at the door, he couldn't help talking. He gave Hai Mingyi a little smile and said, "after listening to the conditions of Xuanxin sect and Zuiyan sect, I feel that we can't say anything about the conditions of Yunjian sect, so I didn't say anything 。”

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