"Elder Li, I don't want to lose this chance, but I don't want to be the head of injustice, so I have a condition. I don't know if elder Li can promise me!" Jiang Ting continued to stand under the stage and talked with elder Li about the terms.

Elder li really liked Jiang Ting, a clever young man, so he gave him a chance and said, "just tell me!"

"Since all the people present know how much blood Refining Essence I have just produced, if someone increases the price, I must start with the largest amount of blood Refining Essence I have just produced, otherwise, I would rather not go on stage!" Jiang Ting said firmly.

Elder Li could not help frowning and said, "what if no one came on stage?"

Jiang Ting couldn't help laughing and said, "I'm sorry. I'll get the champion of the League at the lowest price!"

“……” No matter elder Li or anyone present, they all stare at Jiangting and take a deep breath. Isn't it clear that Jiangting is going to take advantage of it!

Taking advantage of the people's quiet gap, Jiang Ting spoke again, clearly and clearly said: "I Jiang Ting just stepped on the stage twice, but I didn't let Yun Jianzong suffer a loss!"

In a word, it wakes up elder Li and all of them, which makes people feel that it's not inappropriate for others to pick up this cheap thing from Jiangting, because there are so many blood Refining Essence in their hands, and they don't allow others to increase their prices, but you must have real strength to compete with others!

But I don't know that all these things have been seen clearly by the man hidden in the clouds. He was very satisfied. Then he nodded slightly and said to himself, "this son not only has great talent in cultivation, but also has a different mind. If he enters our cloud sword sect, he will bring us a different future!"

With these words, the man moved and left here.

Elder Li couldn't help shaking his head. Now that the boy had made his words so clear, he couldn't continue to pester him, so he nodded and said, "OK, I'll promise you!"

Jiang Ting just laughed, hugged elder Li and said, "disciple, thank you, elder Li!"

Voice down, Jiangting has fallen on the high challenge arena, Jiangting third time on the challenge arena.

Elder Li took a look at Jiangting, but Jiangting just really took out the minimum requirements, 318 products of blood refining essence, randomly put on the tray.

The people of the black tiger league do not know what it's like when they look at this arena. However, they know that their leader will never give them this benefit!

And the people of Canglong league are very excited, because at the moment, elder Li has said it for many times, but the people under the stage have not stepped on the stage at all, because no one can take so much blood refining essence!

Finally, elder Li could only smile at Jiangting and say, "Jiangting, you have won the champion of the challenge arena competition. This is the token to enter the attic of yunjianzong's Sutra collection building. This is the reward of your alliance!"


When Jiang Ting took this token, the happiest thing was the members of Canglong League. They had been suppressed, questioned and even looked down upon since they came to yunjianzong. Now, since they set up the Canglong league together, they feel that everything can make them so proud that they can see ordinary yunjianzong disciples to see them That kind of envious look!

All this is brought to them by Jiang ting. They are all very grateful to Jiang ting in their hearts!

When the competition between the two Champions ended, the people gradually dispersed. Jiang Ting, with the token in his hand, said to the brothers: "tonight, let's have a good rest. Tomorrow, let's go to yunjianzong's Sutra library together!"

"Good!" This response simply shook the valley.

The figure who had been hiding in the void at the moment showed a slight smile and muttered to himself: "it seems that this boy is not a fuel-efficient lamp, but only he can think of this way!"

With that, the whole figure turned into a breeze, no one found, in the dark, there is a person peeping at everything here.

"Today, our Canglong League is really proud!"

"It's not just a matter of raising one's eyebrows, it definitely created the history of yunjianzong!"

"Who dares to look down on us in the future?"

"That's to say, we don't have to be inferior to the people cultivated by these sects. On the contrary, we are much better than them!"

Along the way, people kept talking and went back to their houses. People's interest remained unchanged.

Jiang Ting also understood that although they were casual practitioners here in Qinjiang, everyone adhered to the belief of serious cultivation and not going astray. Therefore, this was also a valuable quality that Jiang Ting saw in the card winning game!

Just then, the gate of their yard rang."Who could it be?" People can't guess, so late, there was someone knocking at the door!

Someone rushed to open the door and saw two very beautiful figures appear at the door.

The whole scene was quiet for a moment, and it was the sound of yawning one after another.

Just now, the people who were still chatting with each other seemed to be suddenly intoxicated. They all said, "I'm really tired after five days of experience in the pharmacy. I'd better go and have a rest right away."

With that, one by one faster than the other, they all went back to their own room. In the huge yard, only Jiang Ting was left alone.

Jiang Ting looks at Song Xinlian standing at the door and follows Shangguan Lingxi. He has no choice but to touch his nose and say to them, "Why are you here so late?"

But song Xinlian said with a smile, "Jiang Ting, you still have energy. They are all so tired, but you have nothing to do with them!"

Jiang Ting looked at Song Xinlian speechless and said, "I said Miss Song, do you think we are misunderstood as such now, and you don't know why people avoid us?"

Song Xinlian was so misunderstood, in fact, she was very willing, but in front of her elder martial sister Shangguan Lingxi, she couldn't show it.

"Jiang Ting, it's all you. Can't you give it to me secretly afterwards? Do you have to give it to me that way? " Song Xinlian fork waist said, "now, miss's reputation is destroyed in your hands, you say how to do it!"

Jiang Ting also wants to argue with song Xinlian, but Shangguan Lingxi reluctantly interrupts the two humanitarians: "younger martial sister song, don't talk about these, talk about serious business first!"

Shangguan Lingxi finish song Xinlian, and turned to Jiangting, said: "Jiangting, we come to you, is a very important thing, can you come to your room to say?"

Jiang Ting knows that Shangguan Lingxi is not joking. There must be something important.

"Two, please come in." Jiang Ting let the two into his room, then conveniently arranged a ban, and then asked: "what's the matter with you two?"

Shangguan Lingxi frowned slightly and said, "Jiang Ting, tell me the truth, did you experience any strange things when you were in the pharmacy?"

Jiang Ting couldn't help but move his eyes. As expected, the leader of yunjianzong knew that something must have happened within the boundary monument.

However, Jiang Ting didn't want to talk about Bai Lan and Bai Jian. The most important thing is that he didn't say it very clearly.

He shook his head and said, "no, I haven't experienced anything strange."

Shangguan Lingxi brow lock, finally, a little worried asked: "Jiangting, really nothing? You must tell me the truth, because the law enforcement department of yunjianzong is looking for someone! "

Jiang Ting knew that he and the law enforcement department had been married long before they entered yunjianzong, and they were bound to find their own trouble.

"Elder martial sister, who is the law enforcement department looking for? What does it have to do with me? " Jiang Ting still didn't reveal any news.

Seeing that the elder martial sister was still so polite, song Xinlian couldn't help but said, "elder martial sister Shangguan, have you ever seen him tell others the truth so honestly? You should ask him that! "

As soon as song Xinlian spoke, she took out a notice from her arms with a few lines written on it. Then, she did not know what was painted below. Jiang Ting could not understand it.

However, song Xinlian didn't want Jiang ting to know this. She squatted down and pulled up Jiang Ting's disciples' clothes.

When Jiang Ting wanted to remove his clothes, he was surprised to find that the shape on the notice actually coincided with the damage on his clothes!

Seeing this fact, Shangguan Lingxi sighed: "Jiangting, did you kill Yangping?"

"Yes." Since these two people can find themselves in this way, they will not betray themselves. However, Jiang Ting is not afraid of being known by Yun Jianzong.

Shangguan Lingxi sighed again: "Jiang Ting, this time, even if you are really in trouble, it will not be so easy for you to keep a low profile in the future."

"Elder martial sister, what's the matter?" Jiang Ting also realized that maybe things are not so simple.

Shangguan Lingxi asked song Xinlian to put the notice away and said, "Jiang Ting, Yang Ping is a very special task. He is not only a disciple of the law enforcement department, but also the son of the elder. When the law enforcement department was cleaning up the medicine garden, they found his body. He was holding a piece of cloth like this, but it was just the clothes of the disciple. Now, The law enforcement department is looking for someone whose clothes are damaged. "

Jiang Ting frowned slightly. Unexpectedly, a little negligence at that time could cause such consequences!

"What happens if I find it?" Jiang Ting light asks a way, he won't be afraid, just want to have a little preparation.

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