Although song Xinlian used all her skills, she was still spat blood by Duan Xufei and suffered serious internal injury.

However, even so, song Xinlian still yelled at Shangguan Lingxi: "elder martial sister, get away from here, don't worry about me!"

How can Shangguan Lingxi leave song Xinlian like this? She knows that she can't do anything to Duan Xufei. However, Shangguan Lingxi still rushes up without hesitation, and her Mogan silver sword is constantly waving

Just when Duan Xufei's snake skin stick is about to fall on Shangguan Lingxi's head, he only hears the sound of "Dang". Duan Xufei's snake skin stick actually gets rid of it and is bounced away by a black light.

Originally, the mountain general pressure on the body is gone, Shangguan Lingxi immediately looked up, Jiangting appeared in front of him!

Shangguan Lingxi only felt that she had finally come to life. However, although she was excited, she just called Jiang Ting's name.

"Take good care of song Xinlian. I've solved the problem here. I'll save her." In a hurry, Jiang Ting could not say anything else.

Shangguan Lingxi nods, and then holds song Xinlian out of the battlefield. She holds her younger martial sister tightly and looks at Jiang ting in the crowd.

When Jiang Ting turned around, his face was frozen. He just said to Duan Xufei, "Duan Xufei, you can die for me!"

When Duan Xufei wants to poison Shangguan Lingxi, he has completely touched his bottom line. Now, he wants this scum to pay the price of his life!

"Jiang Ting, I'll fight with you!" Duan Xufei rushed up with a roar.

However, before they met each other, a figure suddenly fell between them. His voice was a little bleak and he said, "Jiang Ting, can you give this beast to me? I want to solve this villain myself!"

The one who speaks is to protect the law without a trace.

Jiang Ting's eyes are angry when he sees the no trace Dharma protector. Duan Xufei's everything before is absolutely not acceptable to the no trace Dharma protector.

Jiang Ting knows.

So, Jiang Ting took his sword and said to the no trace Dharma protector, "no trace Dharma protector, then, I'll give this Duan Xufei to you!" With that, he turned and walked to other regiments.

When Duan Xufei saw his master again, when he looked at himself indifferently, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva. The reversal was too fast and too much for him to react. Although Duan Xufei's cultivation and fighting power were against the sky, he was not only afraid in front of the no trace Dharma protector, but he didn't dare to show his hair at all.

"Master, I'm wrong. Please give me a chance." Involuntarily, Duan Xufei chose to beg for mercy.

No trace Dharma protector looks at Duan Xufei with a frightened face. He can't help sighing in his heart. Does this also indicate his failure?

"Now you know it's wrong. What have you done?" No trace protector said coldly.

Some things, he can connive at his disciples, but, in front of the big right and wrong, can not tolerate the slightest carelessness!

"Master, I really know I'm wrong. The situation just now is too complicated, and..."

Duan Xufei eased his breath and continued to quibble.

"Master, you should know that no matter who it is, you want to live."

Duan Xufei is a little anxious, for his master, Duan Xufei still has some understanding, so he earnestly begged for mercy.

No trace Dharma protector looks at his disciples with endless tangle and regret in his heart.

"Duan Xufei, you should know that no matter how the situation changes, you can't lose your heart. Sometimes, being sincere to the clan is more important than living!" No trace Dharma protector said very seriously.

Duan Xufei has never heard the master speak like this.

This time, Duan Xufei seems to know that the master will not forgive himself.

When a person is nervous or angry to a certain extent, his behavior will go wrong.

Duan Xufei at the moment is like this. He knows that the Dharma protector without a trace will not spare him. He is crazy in an instant.

The weapon in his hand had already been smashed by Jiangting's sword. Now Duan Xufei directly danced his arms to enhance his blood power, and then attacked the Wuzhua Dharma protector.

I just kept repeating one sentence: "no, I'm not wrong. It's all forced by the situation. It's all forced by the situation. I just want to live!"

No trace Dharma protector steps back two steps slightly, Duan Xufei's two words, he heard clearly, no trace Dharma protector face flashed a look of pain.

Once upon a time, the scenes of cultivating this disciple carefully and little by little came to our eyes, which made the no trace Dharma protector sigh and improve his aura

It's not easy for one's own disciples, just like one's own children, to start by themselves.

Duan Xufei has been crazy for a long time. Without a trace, the Dharma protector claps his palm on Duan Xufei's Dantian. Duan Xufei screams and falls into the dust.

At the moment, Jiang Ting is already in the regiment. He is as determined as a tiger into a sheep. I don't know how many people died in Jiang Ting's hands.It was just an hour, and the battle on the ground was over. Although the disciples of yunjianzong were in a mess and suffered heavy casualties, they were not destroyed.

Chu Fengyu is still fighting with the man in black in the air. They are equal!

Although Jiang Ting did not dare to get close to these two men, he was a man from the Dragon Palace, and he didn't want to let go.

Jiang Ting looked at the Qi Jue Feng magic sword in his hand, and then came up with a good idea. With a move in his heart, he cried to the Qi Ling in the Qi Jue Feng magic sword: "Mei Mei, meteorite iron, you all come out!"

However, to Jiang Ting's surprise, only the meteorite elf appeared in front of him!

"Why didn't Meimei come out?"

This time, the meteorite elves come out, they are no longer as relaxed and poor as before, and the expression on their faces is also strange.

"Sister Meimei can't get out yet!"

"What's the matter?"

"Master, don't you know that it's a long story..."

Jiang Ting looked at the stars in the sky and quickly made a stop gesture. Now, he didn't have time to listen to this meteorite elf. He just asked a key question.

"Is Meimei in a serious condition?"

"Master, this is really a long story..."

"Say the result!" Jiang Ting really wants to rush up and beat the meteorite elf.

"I'm here, but I can't die!" The meteorite elf said very seriously.

What Jiang Ting wanted was such a result. His heart was also relaxed. He gave his seven unique magic swords to the meteorite iron elves and said, "take my sword, go up and help the Lord, and leave this man in black for me!"

"All right!" The meteorite iron spirit happily took the sword in his hand and waved a sword awn. His black richness had been integrated with the seven unique magic swords and rushed to the sky!

Jiang Ting felt that this sword, in the hands of the meteorite iron elves, seemed to become a lot more powerful. Before, they had never felt like this!

"Taste my director's seven unique magic swords!" Meteorite iron elves seem to be crazy, and fierce swords fly to the people in black!

Even Chu Fengyu's expression was a little strange.

The man in black was even more nervous. He was very surprised to deal with a Chu Fengyu. Now, he added such a strange seven unique magic sword. The power from this weapon made him dare not let his weapon touch him!

It was only a moment before the man in black began to retreat. He did not expect that Chu Suyang would recover to this point. He was injured at the beginning, and now he still has influence!

After throwing out three tactics in succession, he wanted to leave.

The meteorite iron elves hold the seven unique magic swords with the potential of breaking the wind to meet them directly. The target of the sword is the head of the man in black!

"Meteorite, save his life!"



Jiang Ting's reminder, the ferocity of the meteorite iron elves and the half scream of the man in black are interwoven at the same time.

For the performance of today's meteorite iron elves, Jiang Ting really wants to kneel down. This guy has never been so sharp. What's the matter this time?!

Seeing this scene, Chu Fengyu gasped and fell to the ground.

Jiang Ting doesn't have Mori's mind to study the meteorite elves now. He just nods to the meteorite elves and lets them return to the seven unique magic swords.

Jiang Ting quickly held Chu Fengyu and asked nervously, "master, how are you?"

Chu Fengyu just waved his hand to show that he had nothing to do, so he quickly sat down on his knees and adjusted his body.

The whole cloud sword clan, no one left, or any action at will, they are all looking forward to the result that the Lord is OK.

For three whole hours, all of them stare at Chu Fengyu like this. Jiang Ting doesn't know how many times he uses his own divine sense to check it. Until he sees that Chu Su Yang is really OK, he can't help it!

Finally, in people's expectation, Chu Fengyu finally opened his eyes.

"Don't worry, everyone. I'm fine." As soon as Chu Fengyu opened his eyes, he stood up and said this sentence, comforting everyone present, including the lowest level disciples.

In an instant, all the disciples cheered!

After cheering and celebrating, people's thoughts returned to the breakpoint.

Yang Fan, so that the presence of yunjianzong disciples are itching teeth, want to tear him.

After Chu Fengyu arranges things in the clan, he looks at Yang Fan.

Jiang Ting understood that Chu Fengyu was going to interrogate Yang Fan, so Jiang Ting said to Chu Fengyu: "Master Chu, how about we interrogate with you?"

Chu Feng language had some doubts about Jiang Ting's behavior, so he nodded and took Jiang ting to the depth of yunjianzong.After walking for a long distance, Jiang Ting saw that Chu Fengyu took him to a loft. On the plaque in front of the door, there were three words, suzerain Pavilion.

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