However, looking up at the angle of Jiangting, I found that the smooth cliff didn't reflect the moonlight at all!

Jiang Ting thought about many problems, and soon ushered in the next day, the sun also replaced the moon

"If this cliff absorbs sunlight and moonlight, then if I can emit some light, will he also absorb it? In that case, can I find something? " Jiang Ting's mind suddenly came up with this idea. In fact, he felt that it was just not a way!

Thinking of this, Jiang Ting decided to have an experiment, but he stopped immediately. He thought it was better to wait for the night. In the daytime, his light might not attract the attention of the cliff!

Simply, Jiang Ting went to a very hidden place to have a good sleep. If people in zuiyanzong knew that Jiang Ting was a waste of time here, many people would have to kick him!

Jiang Ting kept thinking about how to shine, what he thought was the flame in his own blood, the blue flame, burning up, very bright!

It's not easy to stay up until the night. Jiang Ting just waited until it was completely dark, then stretched and stood up slowly.

He came back to the place where he sat down during the day and looked around carefully. There was nothing unusual. He didn't even have a small animal, so Jiang Ting was relieved. After all, he was using his blood now. If someone bothered him, it would not be fun!

After making all the preparations, Jiang Ting took a deep breath, and then slowly improved his aura, and then led the power of blood.

Even now he can't see anyone around him, but Jiang Ting is still in accordance with the unintentional identity to urge his blood force, to activate the five elements, and the fire snake still exists in the form of Qi.

In an instant, the originally dark valley was brightened by the power of Jiangting's blood. In the void, behind Jiangting, a bright blue flame was burning!

Jiang Ting turned his head and looked at the cliff. It was just a few breaths. Jiang Ting's lips moved a little bit, because the cliff really changed. The surface of the cliff, which used to be very quiet, seemed not quiet. It was a sense of rotation, like a whirlpool!

Just as Jiang Ting was staring at the cliff, his lips were smiling, and he felt that he had discovered the secret here, but his eyes suddenly changed, because there was a big mouth on the surface of Zui Fengya, which seemed to appear out of thin air. Then, he went straight to the vision caused by the power of blood behind him, the flame!

"What is it?" Jiang Ting was so scared that he left the cliff, and the power of blood also converged. If he let this strange mouth absorb the power of his own blood, wouldn't he be at a loss. It's only taboo Xuangong. How can there be such a strange thing?!

After Jiang Ting's blood power converged, the huge mouth full of tusks didn't disappear. He was looking for it everywhere. Gradually, it was not only the mouth, but also the nose, eyes, ears and so on!

"Oh my God, there are monsters!"

Jiang Ting suddenly realized that his move just now should have led to a monster!

"Your sister!" With a roar, Jiang Ting drew out his seven unique magic swords, because the other side was so weird. Moreover, the cultivation of this monster was a five-star monster!

However, although the monster is a five-star monster, it doesn't change its shape, and it seems that it can't see anything. It just keeps swinging there, and Jiang Ting swallows a mouthful of saliva. Although the monster is blind, it's also a five-star monster, comparable to Wu Jun. he can't be so careless!

Jiang Ting's eyes fell on his seven unique magic swords. With a move in his heart, he released the meteorite iron spirit. At present, the meteorite iron spirit has become his good helper!

"Meteorite, have you ever seen what this is?"

Jiang Ting asked the iron spirit carefully, because he found that the monster could not hear the sound, and could not detect his own existence without light!

At the beginning, the meteorite iron elf fell on the ground, and it was still so comfortable. When he looked through Jiang Ting's fingers, his short legs softened and he sat on the ground, shouting: "master, run quickly!"

And the meteorite iron spirit, absolutely carried out this action, also took the seven unique magic swords of Jiangting.

Seeing the appearance of the iron elf, Jiang Ting's nose was almost crooked. The iron elf appeared beside him. Did he really come to crater him?

"Don't blame me if you don't stop!" Jiang Ting said mercilessly.

The meteorite iron elf just barely stopped, but still made a gesture of running away. Looking back at Jiang Ting, he said: "master, you are really brave. This is a light eater. It's very strange. As long as you can emit light, he is more sensitive than anything. Their talents are not the same. There are things you can't think of, and there's nothing they can't do, master, Are you sure you really want to fight this guy? "Light Eaters? Jiang Ting has never heard of the name of this monster!

Isn't Xuangong a taboo? How can there be such a thing?!

"Does the light eater have no vision, no hearing?" Jiang Ting directly brought the meteorite iron spirit back, and pointed to the terrible monster opposite, said, "you see, now he can't see us, can't hear our voice, what does he take to find us?"

The meteorite iron elf stares at his big and small eyes and stares at the light eater for a long time. Then he is relieved and says, "master, you are really lucky. You have met a disabled light eater, or I say you can still live!"

Jiang Ting angrily kicked the butt of the meteorite iron elf and said in a angry voice: "meteorite iron elf, are you expecting me to have an accident? Don't forget that the seven unique magic swords are subject to the Lord

"Master, what I'm talking about is the fact. You can't help but accept the fact that the light eater can crush you?! That's true The meteorite elves are not happy!

"Cut the crap, now, what we have to do is to kill this strange monster!"

Jiang Ting stares at the light eating beast. At the moment, all the bodies of the monster have appeared.

Sure enough, as the meteorite elves said, this light eater is really a disabled light eater.

A pair of eyes should be damaged by trauma. It's not clear why the ears can't hear clearly. Moreover, depending on the situation, they are landing on all fours and legs. They are as big as lions.

However, now, there is only one front leg left, and there is also one trailing back. It should have no function. The tail is thick and sharp, but it is cut off in the middle

It's just that the demon aura emitted by such a disabled monster makes Jiang Ting have a kind of fear in his heart and dare not go forward. It's because of the gap of cultivation, which is inevitable for all martial arts cultivation!

"Meteorite iron spirit, you see, this guy is not terrible. You go up first and cut off his other two good legs with qijuefeng magic sword, and the rest is..."

Jiang Ting's words haven't finished, meteorite iron spirit directly interrupted Jiang ting and said: "master, forget it!"

The meteorite elf is absolutely scared.

"Anyway, this thing won't attack you. Let's get away from it and don't provoke it. If we let him notice our existence, we're really going to end up playing. Five star light eater, even Wu Jun, has to get away from it. Otherwise, there will be no good end!"

Jiang Ting looked at Zui Fengya and didn't know why the monster would hover here. Although he didn't have a good impression on Zui Yanzong's disciples, he couldn't let such a monster wreak havoc on Zui Yanzong. If Zui Yanzong really suffered any heavy damage, in fact, it would have an impact on Xuanxin Zong and Yunjian Zong. Breaking the tripartite confrontation situation, he would definitely be hurt It is not good for any clan to cause a great shock in the Qin area.

Think of here, Jiang Ting is still very firm to the meteorite iron elves said: "this strange monster here, others don't know, we must eradicate him, can't let it harm drunk Yan Zong!"

"I said, master, do you like so many beauties of zuiyanzong? Are you crazy? We can't fight! "

In the past, even though the meteorite elves would refute Jiang ting a few words, they were still very obedient. This time, the meteorite Elves were unconventional, and the voice of opposition was very firm.

Jiang Ting felt that he couldn't understand this kind of people, so he waved his hand and said, "come back to the sword. I'll deal with this guy. I don't think my blood power will give up in front of this monster."

"Master, you..."

Finally, the meteorite elf had to nod and said to Jiang Ting, "I've been threatened by you successfully. Today, I'll give my life to accompany a gentleman!"

Jiang Ting knew that the meteorite elves had never said anything like this. It seemed that the light Eater must be not simple. Jiang Ting also pressed his lips tightly, slightly nervous.

After all, this monster is really weird!

This time, Jiang Ting did not use his own blood of the five elements, but only urged the blood of the dragon. Now, without the bright blue flame, the dragon is transparent and colorless. It seems that with the lightest pen and ink, he has drawn a little trace in the air, and even how strong the dragon is, no one can see it!

Naturally, this kind of blood force, the light eater can't see it at all. It still shakes its head and tail on the smooth cliff. It seems that this action is very painful!

Jiang tingcai didn't care so much, his hands were bent into claws, and the aura between his palms was surging

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