In the middle of the two forelegs of the light eater, there is a small handwriting, and there are some faint symbols in front and behind. The symbols here are the same as the sheepskin scroll Jiang Ting got!

Jiang Ting quickly put down the beast, turned the sword upside down, and carefully cut off the skin of the beast with these strange symbols.

Naturally, there are two holes in the skin, which are the legs of the beast.

Jiang Ting found a flat big blue stone and spread the animal's skin on the stone. Because one of the front legs of the light eater was injured and had been moving all the time, it atrophied. As a result, the missing parts on the animal's skin were large and small.

Look at the scroll in hand. The two pieces Jiang Ting got from yunjianzong and xuanxinzong are about the same size as the missing part!

Jiang Ting looked at the complete sheepskin scroll in his hand, and there were traces of his splicing. According to this trace, Jiang Ting spread the sheepskin scroll in his hand.

After the whole fragment was put together, Jiang tinggang wanted to see if there was any change in the words on it. However, in front of him, suddenly, the skin seemed to float!

Jiang Ting quickly reached out and grasped the strange skin. But Jiang Ting's fingers just touched the skin. Suddenly, the scenery changed. Jiang Ting felt that his body became light. Then, he felt dizzy for the first time. When the picture became clear, he found that he had landed in another place. Jiang Ting couldn't help but feel a little nervous For, to this place, unexpectedly is only own God consciousness!

"I'll go. What's this place?" Jiang Ting asked silently in his heart while observing the situation around him.

It's completely dark around, and you can't see anything. Moreover, the space is boundless, and Jiang Ting's divine consciousness can't touch the edge at all!

"What's your name, little friend?"

Ethereal environment, as if from the air came a distant voice, just asked his name.

Jiang Ting thought a little, then said honestly: "junior Jiang Ting, what's your name, please?"

"Ha ha, it doesn't matter what my name is. What's important is that you have the map to get the jade order in your hand. Go and look for it. If you find the jade order, you will reap a lot!"

The distant voice did not say much. When Jiang Ting wanted to ask, a very complicated map appeared in front of him.

The light is flickering, and the map seems to be alive. In front of Jiang Ting's eyes, there is a clear path leading to the most central position. Finally, a diamond shaped token appears, with only one word written on it, which gives off a warm light.

"This is Yuling?" Jiang Ting looked at it carefully and asked.

"Yes, this is Yuling. It is said that Yuling is the key to a big treasure house. As long as you find nine Yuling, that is to say, you will find the key, and you will become the overlord of the mainland of China!"

The old voice said excitedly, but soon, it hit Jiang ting a little bit and said, "it's just that your cultivation is too low. Even if you have the power of divine consciousness, you can't escape the fate of being killed. After you go out, do it yourself!"

The old voice said, then disappeared, even in front of the map is also disappeared.

Jiang Ting's even seems to have been thrown short suddenly. This time, Jiang Ting was definitely thrown hard, which made his head ache!

When Jiang Ting slowly opened his eyes, he found that he had already entered his own divine space. What is the animal skin map?!

Jiang Ting didn't neglect him at all. He thought quickly and came back to reality. However, Jiang Ting found that he had just fallen on the ground, and the meteorite elf was looking at him with great worry.

cannot read as like as two peas. The river's court has not been able to take so much care of itself. It has taken the map directly and has turned into a map's animal skin. The lines on it are very clear, just like the map that Jiang Ting Gang just saw. But if we had not seen the map that seemed to live just now, this dense map of the spider web would not have been understood by Jiangting.

Jiang Ting didn't feel happy, but a little bit lost, because he was looking forward to a prescription, but he didn't even touch the side of the medicine. Jiang Ting had to put the map away in silence.

The meteorite elf asked, "master, what happened to you just now?"

Jiang Ting looked at Zui Fengya, and it was the last day, so he said, "meteorite, this animal skin is really weird. I'll discuss it with you when I have time. Now, we'd better dispose of the monster's body first!"

The meteorite iron spirit is very obedient and helps Jiang Ting throw the light eating beast into the cliff. When the two people raise their heads again, the east already shows the first sunrise, the golden sunrise!

When Jiang Ting looks at the drunk Fengya again, under the golden sun, the whole drunk Fengya is all glittering with gold. The dense handwriting seems to flash with gold. Jiang Ting can see it clearly!

He looked at these words eagerly. He came here once. He must satisfy his curiosity about the taboo Xuangong.The skills introduced in these words are extremely strange, and each taboo Xuangong has special requirements.

Some of the requirements of Xuangong are women's training, some men's training, and some men's training.

Some even ask to absorb the essence and blood of special monsters, others need cauldrons, and some are even more bloody. They even need practitioners to waste their arms or legs, and so on

Jiang Ting looked at it for a while, but he couldn't see it any more. No matter how powerful the martial arts are, these taboos are really unacceptable. At least Jiang Ting thinks that this is not a taboo that normal martial arts practitioners can accept.

Jiang Ting always feels that when it's the right time to have a loved one, it's also a necessary process for martial arts cultivation

Jiang Ting can't help but think of that Yan Lingyu. The taboo Xuangong she practiced must be that she can't break the taboo of Chu Zi.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ting is no longer interested in the skills above Zui Feng Ya. He is not the kind of person who has no bottom line in order to gain strength. Therefore, Jiang Ting does not want to take a look at the sky even before the time is up.

Turning around, Jiang Ting rushed to the exit, and there was no nostalgia at all.

In fact, Yan Lingyu had already come to the door, because the night before, Jiang Ting's move absolutely shocked the whole drunk Yanzong.

Yan Lingyu also came early with worry. However, she couldn't go in directly without any intention. In that case, they were drunk with Yan Zongyan and had no faith!

Yan Lingyu nervously looked at the time, she felt that she had to wait until the evening!

Is thinking of, in a twinkling of an eye, Jiang Ting has appeared in the door!

Make Yan Lingyu some accident, very impolite rub rub eyes, Jiangting unexpectedly ahead of time out?

You know, even in zuiyanzong, not all the disciples have such an opportunity to enter Zui Fengya. If anyone has such an opportunity, he will never waste a quarter of an hour. How can he come out early?

Yan Lingyu instantly remembered the strange voice of Zui Fengya last night, and then he asked Jiang ting with a little tension: "don't you care, is there something wrong inside?"

Jiang Ting was stunned. He thought to himself, what is he doing inside? Does Yan Lingyu know?

"Master, you really are. Is this girl deceiving you?" The voice of the meteorite iron fairy rang in Jiang Ting's mind.

Jiang Ting quickly pretended to be calm and said, "Miss Yan, what do you mean?"

Yan Lingyu saw that he was so calm that he could not help but feel a little confused. He cleared his throat and asked, "Mr. unintentional, last night, there were some strange sounds coming from Zui Fengya. I thought something happened to make you come out early today."

Yan Lingyu said, looking at the sky, secretly calculating in her heart that there are at least four or five hours to go!

But Jiang Ting waved his hand with a smile and said, "Miss Yan, I came out early because I'm not interested in the taboo Xuangong on your drunken Fengya, and I don't want to waste time here. So I came out early."

When hearing this sentence, Yan Lingyu was even more impolite. He had no intention to speak, and he had to be angry to death.

Here, they drunk Yanzong but as a forbidden area, the taboo Xuangong as a treasure, this unintentional even a little disdain?!

Yan Lingyu herself is also a taboo of Xuangong cultivation. Naturally, she was a little upset when she heard that unintentionally. At the beginning, her little favor for this unintentionally disappeared. She didn't like such a arrogant person.

Yan Lingyu went back to the original Gao Leng and said faintly: "unexpectedly, the eyes of Childe unintentionally are really high. Since we can't see the taboo Xuangong of our sect, it's hard for us to say anything, but we should do our courtesy. Please childe unintentionally follow me."

Then he gave way and did not give Jiang Ting an opportunity to explain or refute.

Jiang Ting naturally remembers the conversation between Yan Lingyu and Xiao Zhu. He thinks to himself, does this woman really want to design herself!?

Jiang Ting wanted to leave, but now, Jiang Ting is still in the hinterland of Zuiyan Zong. He doesn't want to get into trouble, so Jiang Ting still quietly follows Yan Lingyu forward.

Yan Lingyu directly took Jiang ting to the room just now. When Jiang Ting passed by the door of the room, he could not help frowning slightly. The prohibition here was not the common one just now.

There should be many more layers of prohibition here. It seems that these two women really need to fight!?

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