The ancient border of Qinjiang is connected with many continents. Now Jiangting has no time to consider where to leave. Just leave first!

Therefore, Jiangting just left Qinjiang from the nearest exit, using Chu Feng language to give him the ancient border order.

When Jiang Ting was walking through the ancient border with the ancient border order of Chu Feng language in his hand, he saw a very strange change.

In fact, there was strange pressure in the middle of the ancient border, but the token defused the pressure very skillfully.

Although it is only a short distance, Jiang Ting definitely has some understanding.

If you are strong enough to use your own strength to resolve the power of the ancient border, even if you don't use the ancient border order, you should be able to walk through the middle of the ancient border!

Jiang Ting's idea has to be said to be very novel and bold. However, the road is not very long. Before Jiang Ting has any specific idea, he has stepped out of this ancient border.

However, before Jiang Ting had time to look at the surrounding environment, a strong cold wind almost pushed Jiang Ting back to the ancient border!

Jiang Ting quickly slightly bifurcated legs, just can't help but stabilize his body, Jiang Ting can't help but almost Biao out a dirty word.

"Why is the wind so strong?" Jiang Ting muttered to himself, then raised his head again and looked at the environment here.

It doesn't matter if you don't see it. After seeing it, Jiang Ting wants to go back. What the hell is this!

The space here is full of a roaring sound, which is the sound of sand blowing to a certain extent.

This strong wind, not only mixed with sand and gravel, but also mixed with snow, fell on the face, just like a knife cut, if you catch up with the flying large stones, it is simply a danger to break the face!

Jiang Ting looked around and saw that there were very few people. On the side of the path, there was a tavern. The wine mask was blown in confusion. He could see that it was Wei's tavern. Jiang Ting went straight to the tavern.

Entering the tavern, Jiang Ting found that there are many people here. Many people drink here to warm their bodies!

As soon as Jiang Ting sat down, the second boy ran to him. He didn't clean the table or ask for food or wine. He came up and asked, "my guest, if you don't have seven spirit stones, please go up a step!"

I've seen money fans, but I haven't seen such money fans. It's so straightforward.

Jiang Ting didn't say anything. He looked at the little two and said, "the rules here are strange. You can have a seven grade spirit stone with your mouth open. What capital do you have to have this seven grade spirit stone?"

"My guest, listen to me!" he said to Jiang ting with pride

"Here we are, it's called gravel beach, and it's part of the continent."

"If you don't come to our gravel beach and rashly walk inside, you will be absolutely disfigured in two days."

"And our tavern, which specializes in selling a mask, can solve this problem. This is our capital."

"Now on the edge, you can't see that even the major families in gravel beach buy these masks in batches from our pub."

"No matter who buys this mask, they are all seventeen pieces of spirit stone. The old and the young are not deceived!" The saliva of the little two is flying.

Jiang Ting can't help laughing. A mask and seventeen pieces of spirit stone are really not cheap things. Although it's not difficult for Jiang ting to buy them, it's not easy to buy them for other casual practitioners!

Looking at the tavern, Jiang Ting was not willing to believe it and said, "can you still do such a big business here?"

Small two is a person of all aspects, naturally understand Jiang Ting's meaning, then said: "do you think we only have such a pub? Our taverns are all over the gravel beach, and our owners are in canhua city hundreds of miles away. This is not boasting! "

Suddenly, the man at the table next to Jiang Ting nodded and said, "little brother, you don't have to doubt this. This Weishi tavern is really a legend of our gravel beach. Besides making wine, the owner makes this mask. The craftsmanship is good, but it's a little expensive!"

"Yes, I just came here, and I'm trying to find a way to raise the spirit stone. Otherwise, I really can't get out of this ghost place!" The other one said with distress on his face.

It is obvious that this man is also new here.

Jiang Ting listened to these, then said to the child: "first on the food and wine, I first eat again!"

The second child didn't hesitate. He yelled at the kitchen: "one pot of Shaojiu, two drinks and dishes, ready!"

Jiang Ting talked with these people while eating. From the conversation, he knew that this place was called gravel beach. No matter what it was, it could be swept up by the strong wind blowing here for a long time. As long as you didn't pay attention, there would be a bloodstain on your face.

Women, in particular, tried their best to buy masks.On this gravel beach, there are several aristocratic families that I have to mention.

Dongfang family, the owner of Dongfang Yunyi, is the most powerful family on the gravel beach. It has been handed down for hundreds of years. However, in the past hundred years, Dongfang family has gone down a bit. There has been no talent with special talent. However, the dignity of Dongfang family is still there.

The Ximen family, whose owner is Ximen Qingfeng, is the most powerful family on the gravel beach. Although the number of years of inheritance of Ximen family is much less than that of Dongfang family, the rise of Ximen family is very rapid. Now, it has the momentum to surpass Dongfang family.

Nangong family, the owner of Nangong haoxuan's family, is a lukewarm inheritance, which is similar to Beitang family. The owner of Beitang family is called Beitang Zhuning.

These are the second. The most exciting thing for Jiangting is that luanyun villa is on the gravel beach.

It's just that few people have ever entered luanyun villa. They can't even tell where it is. It's a bit mysterious.

Since luanyun villa is here, Jiang Ting decided that he must find a chance to go to luanyun villa and have a look. Maybe he can find a cure for Liu Mu Nan here.

After eating and drinking, Jiang Ting looked at the sand outside and decided to buy a mask with seventeen pieces of spirit stone. Although he didn't think he was handsome, it was not a good thing if he always had a small scar on his face?

After buying the mask, Jiang Ting did not stop at the tavern. He was ready to go to the remnant flower city hundreds of miles away. After all, there was no news here. When he got there, he might know more about luanyun villa!

Not long after Jiang Ting left, he went back to the tavern and asked, "do you sell horses here?"

Flying here is basically self abuse!

"My guest, we naturally have horses to sell here. In our place, it's better to drive on horseback. Basically, it's a waste of effort to walk!"

While saying, the second boy invited Jiang ting to the horse shed in the back.

Jiang Ting saw that all the fat horses were very good, so he said, "how much is it for me to buy a horse?"

"My guest, you only buy horses, don't you buy a mask for them? Then you can eat horse meat before you go far. "

Jiang Ting looks at Xiao er with a fork, a little speechless. People sell horses. The mask on the horse's head doesn't count at all!

But who let Jiang Ting just come here, two eyes a black, had to ask: "how much is this mask?"

"The horse's mask is a 1500 stone." Xiao Er answered very seriously.

In Jiang Ting's heart, it's a bit hard for this tavern to make such a fortune!

However, if you don't buy it, it's just like the second child said. After a short walk, the horse can't stand it. Jiang Ting took a deep breath, endured the attack, and continued to ask, "what about this horse?"

The second child was still smiling and said, "my guest, if you buy this mask, we will give you this horse!"

“……” This time, Jiang Ting is really speechless, this business has been done so far!

Jiang Ting had a look at the snowstorm, so he had to take out 1500 pieces of spirit stone and give it to Xiao Er, saying, "here you are, this is spirit stone!"

Seeing Lingshi, the second child immediately became very servile and said to Jiangting, "my guest, you can choose any horse you want. I'll change a new saddle for you."

Jiang Ting chooses a big horse with high head, and the second child changes a new saddle attentively. Then Jiang Ting starts again!

This road is even more difficult than imagined. Sometimes, Jiang Ting can't bear to destroy the horse, so he has to dismount and lead the horse through the most difficult place!

After a long walk, Jiang Ting found that the strong wind was good at the place where he had just entered the gravel beach. The farther he went, the greater the sand and the snow.

In front of me, I couldn't tell the difference between day and night. It was always dark.

The heavy snow, like goose feather, drifted down from the air, which made Jiang Ting even doubt whether there was a crack in the void. Such snow and wind poured in recklessly!

After walking for a few days, Jiang Ting was satisfied with this harsh environment. Now, there is basically no martial arts in the sky. If it is not for the martial arts realm, you can easily step on the clouds, flying up is death.

Even the mask can't stop the huge pieces of ice and stone rolled up in the wind.

In front of him, he had already vaguely seen a big city, which should be the remnant flower city. With the power of divine consciousness, Jiang Ting found that there were many people queuing at the gate of the remnant flower city.

Jiang Ting can't help but wonder, do you still need to queue up to enter the city? Why is it so strange here? Is it to check who or to find something?

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