"I didn't expect that they had so many masters. Although I defeated these masters, it's impossible for me to take Heisha dragon away, and the flesh of Heisha dragon is scarred."

"At the critical moment, Heisha dragon chose to believe me, and I got away from the body. I came here with the spirit of Heisha dragon, and then set up the rootless water border. All the time, those mysterious people were almost killed by me. However, I didn't bring back the body of Heisha dragon, so I had to set up the ancient border to look for it and lead the Yin air-conditioning of Heisha dragon But I didn't find it.... "

Speaking of this, Murong Yan's expression became serious.

Jiang Ting's expression is also serious, tight frown, looked at Murong Yan.

Murong Yan picked pick eyebrows, said: "what do you think of?"

"Master Murong, dare to ask, is this the black evil dragon blood?" When Jiang Ting said this, he turned his hand and took out the black dragon blood collected from the black amulets he had contacted.

The black evil spirit dragon quickly stands up, the vision just sweeps once, then quickly nods, ask a way: "these things, where do you get from?"

Murong Yan is more serious than ever.

"Master Murong, master Heisha dragon, I think the people who make use of the flesh and blood of Heisha dragon should be the people of Shenlong palace!" Along the way, Jiang Ting has dealt with the black talisman of Shenlong palace.

It's not hard to judge whether the past and the future can be linked together. Now, the great move of Shenlong palace is to use the dragon blood of Heisha dragon to refine black talismans, infiltrate the major branches of the mainland, expand its own power and enhance its strength.

When Jiang Ting said his idea, Murong Yan nodded with approval.

"Master, what should we do next?"

Jiang Ting can feel that this god dragon palace is a very dangerous existence. At the beginning, Heisha dragon was very angry and was used by this god dragon palace. In fact, things were much more serious than he imagined!

Murong Yan but a little smile, seems not so nervous.

"Jiang Ting, now that you know about it, it's up to you to do the future!" Murong Yan said gently.

"To find the Dragon Palace, you must control the physical body of Heisha dragon. It's up to you whether you want to defuse the evil spirit or throw it into chaos."

"Merge the real qijuefeng magic sword, and let Heisha dragon be the spirit of qijuefeng magic sword."

"Pacify mainland China."

Murong Yan three sentences in a row, but one by one let Jiang Ting shocked, this in the eyes, all are to dare not think of the event.

However, looking at Murong Yan, there was no sense of joking.

"Me? To do this? " Jiang Ting really can't believe his ears. In his opinion, he is too small compared with such an amazing event.

After all, now, I haven't even stepped into the realm of Wujun.

"As big as your heart is, you can have as much ability as you can. You can't just look at your accomplishments when you are cultivating martial arts, can you?" Murong Yan seems to be able to see through people's heart. When Jiang Ting is a little late, his words can be broadcast on demand.

Jiang Ting nodded.

Yes, it depends on how big the heart is.

"I must find the Dragon Palace. I have a blood feud with the Dragon Palace myself." Jiang Ting said firmly.

When he thought of the second sentence, Jiang Ting involuntarily took out the qijuefeng magic sword in his hand. He didn't understand it. He asked: "master Murong, this sword was obtained by me in endless sea area before. When I recognized the Lord, I knew that it was qijuefeng magic sword. Isn't it the real qijuefeng magic sword?"

Murong Yan did not answer Jiang Ting's question, but asked: "where do you get these seven unique magic swords?"

As for Murong Yan's questions, Jiang Ting always answers them.

"At the beginning, it was in the broken sea area. I got it from master Mu Lingfeng..." Jiang Ting then explained the situation at that time in detail.

After hearing this, Murong Yan nodded slightly and sighed: "at the beginning, Mu Lingfeng was actually the leader of luanyun villa. He didn't get any benefits from me and affected his daughter. However, he took his friends from Wanyao Valley to help me. He was a good man. Unexpectedly, he fell down and the owner of Wanyao valley was also affected Since you have animal bones, you should protect the monsters in Wanyao Valley, and don't let them fall into the hands of Shenlong palace. "

Murong Yan some regrets, it seems that only in this way, can make up for a little regret in his heart.

Jiang Ting nodded. He was more firm and rescued Dongliu. Then he returned the animal bone to Dongliu. It must have been Dongliu who helped Mu Lingfeng at that time.

However, when Jiang Ting knew that the owner of luanyun villa was Mu Lingfeng, he couldn't help thinking of what Yan Lingyu had said. In his mind, he suddenly thought of something and asked, "master Murong, is this mu Lingfeng's daughter Yan Lingyu?"

Murong Yan nodded, light said: "yes, that girl."Jiang Ting looked at Murong Yan and said, "master Murong, you must know how to defuse the curse of Yan Lingyu. Please tell me."

Murong Yan's eyes fell on Jiangting's qijuefeng magic sword again and said, "it's up to you to defuse Yan Lingyu's curse. The key is qijuefeng magic sword!"

Jiang Ting raised his sword and looked at it. He looked at Murong Yan and asked, "how do you say that?"

Murong Yan gently shook his head and said: "the black sword in your hand is not the complete qijuefeng magic sword. The essence of the real qijuefeng magic sword is in the Lost Temple of luanyun villa."

"Lost temple?" Since entering luanyun villa, Jiang Ting has been full of this mysterious legend. At that time, he suspected that these words were nonsense. Now it seems that there is really a lost temple!

"Yes, when you leave the rootless water barrier, the lost temple will appear. At that time, you will not enter the lost temple alone. The lost temple will attract a large number of people to enter. No matter how many people, you must get the luanyun magic sword in the temple. This sword contains the essence of the seven unique magic swords. You can only open the temple if you combine the swords No root water border, you can let the black evil dragon into the real seven unique seal magic sword, become the real spirit of the seven unique seal magic sword When Murong Yan said this, he was a little excited, less calm and calm just now.

"When Heisha dragon enters qijuefeng magic sword, Yan Lingyu's curse and its influence on Wanyao valley will disappear gradually. With qijuefeng magic sword, it will be less difficult for you to solve the problem of Shenlong palace. When the problem of Shenlong palace is solved, Zhongzhou mainland will return to its original peace." Murong Yan seems to see the future.

Jiang Ting nodded quickly, confident.

"Master Murong, I will work hard, but..." Jiang Ting hesitated and continued to ask, "how to merge swords?"

This time, Murong Yan did not continue to say anything, but shook his head and said: "Jiang Ting, you have to do this by yourself. I can't tell you everything. Only when you grow up can you really get the seven Jue magic sword. Otherwise, you will not only have the seven Jue magic family, but also affect the Heisha dragon, and then you will lose your life! ”

JIANG Ting nodded solemnly.

There is no shortcut on the way of cultivating martial arts. In fact, Murong Yan has already got a lot here.

"As for the aquatic iris you want to find, you will find it in the lost temple." Murong Yan has not been so harsh, to meet the Jiangting heart of those small wishes.

"Thank you for your guidance." Jiang Ting is very grateful to Murong Yan.

Murong Yan looked at the black evil dragon and said with a smile, "it won't take long for you to be free."

Black evil spirit dragon at the moment, but with tears, just gently nodded: "you don't worry, I will live well, will also help this boy!"

Seeing this scene, Jiang Ting was a little surprised and a little confused. It seemed that he was saying his last words!

Murong Yan is still calm smile looking at Jiang Ting, nodded, but let Jiang Ting put his doubt Leng is to hold back.

Jiang Ting only felt that he was transparent in front of these two people.

He doesn't need to ask any questions at all, so the other party can know and give him satisfactory answers.

However, this answer is not what Jiang Ting expected.

"I'm just a divine consciousness now. All my energy is transformed into the ancient borders on the mainland of China. In fact, these ancient borders are designed to absorb the fierce atmosphere from all over the mainland of China, gather here, and let these forces go into the chaotic space of the universe.

"Now that you have entered the rootless water boundary, then the boundary will lose its original balance. Since I pulled you into the rootless water boundary, it is doomed to my end. I will disappear like so many ancient boundaries on the mainland of China."

Jiang Ting was really moved to hear the result.

However, bear the result of Murong Yan, but is very indifferent, calm face, with a smile.

"Master Murong..."

Hearing the result, Jiang Ting didn't know what to say.

But the black evil spirit dragon lightly patted Murong Yan and solemnly said: "thank you very much!"

"Jiang Ting, when you leave luanyun villa, the mainland of China will be in chaos. Don't be sentimental. When you get the real qijuefeng magic sword, you must come to Heisha dragon for the first time and let Heisha dragon become the spirit of qijuefeng magic sword. This is something I have answered him for a long time."

Murong Yan finish this sentence, God consciousness move, then slowly float up in the air, then, Murong Yan's hands dance in the void, countless Hand formula, then fly out of the void.

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