However, Chu Ning's eyes in the North Hall were also very fierce. He soon found that the sword in Jiang Ting's hand was different from before, and the breath was different. Moreover, there were more things on the sword than before.

"You got the knife?" Chu Ning did not answer Jiang Ting's question, but asked in reverse.

"The sword is in my sword." Jiang Ting turned his sword and pointed at Chu Ning in the North Hall. "Now, tell me everything I want to know. I can make you die faster. Are you from Shenlong palace?"

Just now, in his heyday, he didn't kill Jiang ting. Now, his blood power has been so badly damaged, and Jiang Ting has fused that sword with his sword. Even if he has the cultivation of bapin Wujun, he has no confidence.

Therefore, Chu Ning of the North Hall pursed his lips tightly and said, "Jiang Ting, I can tell you everything I know about Shenlong palace, but you must promise me a condition!"

Looking at the change of Chu Ning in the North Hall, Jiang Ting asked faintly, "tell me about your conditions first?"

"Ha ha, don't let go of anyone in Beitang family, and don't let go of Shenlong palace!" North Hall Chu Ning gnash teeth of say.

This, let Jiang Ting is very puzzled, can't help looking at North Hall Chu Ning strangely.

"My mother is a miss of Beitang family, and my father is from Shenlong palace." North Hall Chu Ning light says.

Jiang Ting's mouth grew up. This fact almost made Jiang Ting lose his temper. He never thought that Chu Ning of Beitang had such a life experience!

Seeing Jiang Ting's expression, Chu Ning of the North Hall couldn't help laughing and asked: "is it a surprise?"

Jiang Ting nodded and said, "it's a surprise."

"Ha ha, anyone will hear that."

Chu Ning seems to have no hostility towards Jiang ting and is completely immersed in his own emotions.

"They didn't have any chance to meet each other, but when my mother, Beitang Mingyue, crossed the ancient border and the magic flame forest in the north, she met my father, the leader of Shenlong palace."

When he heard that Chu Ning's father was the leader of Shenlong palace, Jiang Ting was even more shocked!

Chu Ning in the North Hall didn't want to see Jiang Ting's expression, so he went on.

"My mother never told me about her feelings with my father, let alone their past. However, because of me, my mother had a very difficult life in Beitang family." At this point, there was more anger in Chu Ning's expression.

"Besides my mother gave birth to me when she was not married, my blood was very strange. There was always a dark smell. At that time, the head of Beitang family ordered me to be executed." Chu Ning of Beitang was a bit gnashing his teeth.

Jiang Ting just listened quietly.

Perhaps, Chu Ning's childhood was worse than his own.

"My mother, in order to dissolve the dark things in my blood, poured her own blood into my body. The sword blood in my body was given to me by my mother who stripped her blood."

"My mother's sword blood is a pure sword blood that is rare in Beitang family in a hundred years. With the help of my mother, I refined her sword blood, and my blood power became no different from that of being loved."

"Even so, the Beitang family still can't accommodate me and my mother, because my mother's sword blood gave me, and she became a person who was not as sick as ordinary secular people. Not long after, my mother died of illness, and then I was brought back to the Shenlong Palace by the Lord of the Shenlong palace."

"The leader of the Dragon Palace is called Ning Gucheng."

"He checked my blood. The first thing he did was to let me give up my sword blood. Naturally, I refused. Although Ning Gucheng didn't force me, he didn't pay any attention to me any more."

"In the place of Shenlong palace, as long as people are ignored by the palace master Ning Gucheng, there will never be good results. So, my life is so hard. "

"Later, when Ning Gucheng saw that I only practiced what my mother taught me every day, he gave me a skill, which can repair the power of my blood."

"What's more, he told me that since I don't want to stay in the Dragon Palace, I should practice this skill well, and when I have a little success, I can leave the Dragon Palace."

"Under the cultivation, my blood became like this. When I had a little success in my cultivation, Ninggu sent someone to send me out of Shenlong palace, back to gravel beach, and also high-profile back to Beitang family. I killed the head of Beitang family with one sword, and then I became the head of Beitang family. At this time, the Shenlong palace set up yuheshu I was the first to send the young people of the Beitang family to the Yuhe academy, because it was very helpful for me to come out of the Shenlong Palace at this time. "

"Ha ha, later on, I had a tacit understanding with Shenlong palace. In fact, I really didn't go back to Shenlong palace." Although Chu Ning didn't mention Ning Gucheng, the leader of the Dragon Palace, he didn't hate Ning Gucheng as much as he did the Beitang family."You mean you don't know where the Dragon Palace is?" Jiang Ting asked in a light way.

Although he felt that Chu Ning was a man with complicated life experience, he was not so kind as to sympathize with his enemies.

Therefore, Jiang Ting simply asked the question he wanted to know.

Chu Ning of Beitang was stunned for a moment. He never wanted to tell anyone about his life experience, but today, at this point, he even recalled it when he was a child, although there was no happiness at all.

"Yes, I have, but I don't know." North Hall Chu Ning light says.

"You said so much, it didn't help me much." Jiang Ting is playing with his sword.

Chu Ning in the North Hall could not help sighing. The boy in front of him was not easy to cheat.

"I have been in the Dragon Palace for such a long time, but I still know some secrets. The reason why no one can find the Dragon Palace for such a long time is that the leader of the Dragon Palace has a mysterious magic weapon, moistening it with a kind of black dragon blood. He can change any place he wants, and no one can find the hidden cleverness." North Hall Chu Ning says so.

What's the magic weapon?

Jiang Ting is interested in this.

Because Shenlong palace is the place he must destroy, no matter for whom!

"Maybe, I'll find a way, as long as there's a trace, I can find it." In Jiang Ting's heart, he has his own ideas.

"If you can find the Dragon Palace, you will destroy it, just like I destroyed the Beitang family. My mother shouldn't have died so early!"

Jiang Ting didn't give any response to Chu Ning's words, or in some ways, he was pitiful. However, some things can't be forgiven, and the mistakes he made can't be forgiven because of his poor life experience. This is totally different.

"It has nothing to do with you whether I will destroy the Dragon Palace. As long as it's the people who stop me, I will kill gods and ghosts in Jiangting. If it's nothing to do with me, I won't do more harm!" Jiang Ting was still standing in the same place, embracing his shoulders, and said to Chu Ning in the North Hall, "I won't agree to your terms."

As soon as Chu Ning's face changed, he said angrily to Jiang Ting, "I told you so much, but you didn't pay any attention to my feelings?"

Jiang Ting sneered and said, "I'm afraid that's what you really look like. You choose to talk to me so much, just to delay your time. If I promise you, you will choose not to add trouble to my calamity. If I don't promise you, you'll try to die with me. Am I right?"

"Jiang Ting, are you really not afraid?" Chu Ning in the North Hall forgot where he was. He was a little surprised at the calm of Jiang ting.

"If I didn't have this ability, I wouldn't care to keep you at this moment. Since you want to die under my natural calamity, I will help you!" Jiang Ting said coldly.

At the moment, outside, is already turbulent, thunder rolling.

In the sky, dark red clouds have already gathered.

Those who have been guarding outside the lost temple, and those of the four families who are really low in cultivation, see this cloud, they all rush out, such a big cloud, none of them dare to stay so close!

Some timid people simply left here. This kind of disaster is not common to all people. We can't take our lives just to see the excitement!

However, there are also a few people, all in dark clothes, who are going against the flow of people. Although they are not many, they are so powerful that people around them dare not get close to them.

These people frown at the lost temple and the cloud in the sky.

"Do you really want to go in?" One of them asked.

"This is robbing the cloud. If that boy from Jiangting robbed the cloud, it might be a good thing for the head of Beitang clan. After all, the head of Beitang clan is highly cultivated. Let's wait a moment." Walking in the front of the Xuanyi said, staring at the lost temple, slowly said, "after all, our task is to meet."


Several people behind all nodded, and followed the arrangement of this person.

In the lost temple, there are only Chu Ning and Jiang ting in the North Hall. The other people have already been cleaned up by two monsters. The spirit eagle and snow Eagle are also sent by Jiang ting to leave the lost temple.

Jiang Ting just holds the sword in his hand, as if the natural disaster outside is not his.

In fact, although Jiang Ting's eyes were fixed on Chu Ning in the North Hall, he quickly arranged a forbidden array in his palm, which was Liuhe array.

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