In an instant, in front of me, there appeared a ghost figure, Jiang ting.

Xuanyi was startled, and went straight to Jiangting with the power of his blood.


Jiang Ting face with a strange smile, looking at the eyes of Xuanyi, just gently spit out such a word.

Xuanyi felt as if his feet had suddenly lost their gravity. As soon as he tilted, he swept away this skill from Jiangting.

At the same time, the dragon and tortoise had already come to his back, and the demon had a good idea, that is to say, he was ruthless.

Xuanyi is worthy of being the leader of other Xuanyi guards. He turns over and narrowly avoids Dongliu's palm, but he just avoids the key parts.

The palm fell on his thigh.


The man's leg was immediately discounted.

Just as Dongliu wanted to continue, he was stopped by Jiang ting.

"Brother Dongliu, stay alive!"

Jiang Ting has his own plan. If such people stay, they will naturally know something about Shenlong palace.

Dongliu takes back his palm and suppresses Xuanyi.

Just about to ask Jiang Ting why, there was a cry in the distance.

"Master Dongliu, master Dongliu, you can come back. Go and have a look quickly. Master youyue is seriously injured and his life is in danger."

It was also a monster. Jiang Ting once saw the huge rhinoceros when he just entered Lianyun villa.

The rhinoceros tried his best to finish this sentence, then fell to the ground, and his body was full of wounds.

What the rhinoceros said, together with the situation of the rhinoceros, made Jiang Ting feel tight.

To Jiang Ting's surprise, Dongliu's reaction was more intense.

When Dongliu heard this, his face froze, and then his spirit fluctuated. He even forgot that he still controlled Xuanyi.

Xuanyi is seriously injured. It's impossible for him to escape. He's also cruel, even to himself.

Xuanyi took advantage of such an opportunity to choose to kill himself.

The whole body aura constantly agitates, in an instant, the meridians counter current, the strength all converges to the Dantian.

Xuanyi wants to explode the elixir!

Jiang Ting's eyes of Dongliu tighten at the same time. The self explosion of Qipin Wujun is not a simple thing. Xuanyi, it's the rhythm to die with them!

Knowing that it was his own negligence, Dongliu rushed to Jiangting and said, "leave here quickly and try to save Yan youyue. I won't let the people of Shenlong palace hurt you!"

With that, Dongliu's spirit surged up, showing his own body, ready to use his body to block Xuanyi and help Jiangting.

Jiang Ting will never let Dongliu fall for himself.

He rushed to Dongliu and cried, "brother Dongliu, don't do that!"

Jiang Ting has come to the east stream.

At this moment, Dongliu has no time to say anything. He just wants to throw the Jiangting away with his own strength.

However, Jiangting didn't give Dongliu the chance. He urged the two rings in his hand and made a strange move at his feet. Dongliu didn't meet Jiangting.

"Brother Dongliu, I have a way to prevent him from exploding Dantian, believe me!"

Jiang Ting's eyes are fixed on Xuanyi. He has used all his blood. He can absorb the energy as manic as Tianlei. He can also absorb the fluctuating aura of Xuanyi!

"The power of blood, your food attributes, now come in use, come on!"


Jiang Ting urged all his blood power. Behind him, a vision suddenly appeared. A rolling dragon seemed to be able to stir the power of this space.

Jiang Ting's pressure on Xuanyi is far worse than Dongliu's. Xuanyi's lips show a sneer. If Dongliu is in front of him, he's really worried. Even if he's fighting for his life, he may not be able to pull this happy person to death together. But now, Jiang Ting is in front of him, and he has a lot of confidence.

He really did not believe that Jiang Ting had any way to prevent him from exploding his own elixir!

"Ha ha, just a little bit of pressure, you dare to say such big words, I can't understand you any more!" Xuanyi sneered, "if you don't talk big, you will die?"

Now, Xuanyi has concentrated all his aura in the Dantian. Under the encouragement of the power of blood, Dantian will be unable to bear it. As long as Xuanyi feels that the power of explosion is enough, he will not control his Dantian any more, and it will explode immediately!

The power of Wujun's self explosion, even Wuzong would hide far away, not to mention Jiangting's cultivation is much lower than Xuanyi's

Jiang Ting doesn't speak, and the power of blood moves around Xuanyi. At the same time, Jiang Ting also urges jiuzhuan Hualong Jue, and the power of blood is constantly stimulated.

With so much aura, the power of blood awakens instantly, and the power of Jiang Ting's blood is like a bottomless hole. Xuanyi will send out some of his aura while agitating himself. Jiang Ting's blood will take advantage of this opportunity to absorb the power of blood!It's just a few breaths. Xuanyi frowns. Now, even if he doesn't control it, he explodes Dantian, that is, he falls. Even Jiangting, which is more than ten steps away from him, is not sure that he will hurt others!

Then, this self explosion is meaningless.

"What are you doing?" Xuanyi is going crazy.

Jiang Ting said with a smile: "you are going to fall. Are you still so curious?"

Jiang tingcai won't give him any chance to take a breath. The goods can still explode in the elixir field. He simply takes advantage of Xuanyi's no harm, and his seven unique magic swords fly out directly. A black light comes to Xuanyi.

Xuanyi's strength is in Dantian. He can't dodge at all. He can only watch Jiangting's sword pierce his chest.

Xuan couldn't control his power again and again. The Dantian burst into pieces, but there was a blood, and it didn't hurt anyone.

At this point, all the people who came to the Shenlong palace of Luanshan villa fell here. The little people of the four families ran away and ran away. Of course, Jiangting could not chase them one by one. Anyway, these people would not pose any threat to him.

Jiang Ting's means to suppress Xuanyi, even Dongliu, can't help but be surprised. How could Jiang Ting have such a means?

Just, this doubt flashed by, what he worried most was Yan youyue.

He quickly turned around, grabbed the rhinoceros and asked, "how's master youyue?"

"Master Dongliu, youyue villa master is at the gate of luanyun villa. She is dying. The poisonous snake is with her. She said that there is a great change in Wanyao valley. Let me come to you and tell Mr. Jiang to go to youyue villa master as soon as possible!" The rhinoceros said to the two men.

"Go Without saying a word, Dongliu's long blue hair swung away and rushed to the gate of luanyun villa.

Jiang Ting is also closely followed up, Liu Mu Nan's poison, also rely on Yan you month!

Three people came to the gate of luanyun villa.

Now, the big mountain gate is cold and clear, and there are no more people.

On the ground, a red blood.

This made Jiang Ting feel nervous. There was so much blood

"You Yue, Yan you Yue!"

Ear, Dongliu nervous call sounded.

"Master Dongliu, you Yue is over there." Said the rhinoceros, pointing to the foot of the mountain.

Jiangting and Dongliu look in the direction of the rhinoceros' finger. They are all nervous.

It turns out that Yan youyue didn't even set up a ban, but hid in a very remote place under the protection of the poisonous snake.

A pair of eyes tightly closed, the face, has no blood, even the lips are pale, the whole body's breath is also extremely unstable.

On the left arm, a shocking wound.

Jiang Ting only felt the east flow around him, and the demon aura kept flashing.

When I see Yan youyue like this, I leave a blue light and fall on Yan youyue's side.

"Youyue, youyue, open your eyes and have a look, I'm back!" Dongliu's voice, with a bit choking.

This kind of Dongliu, or let Jiangting a little unexpected, really unexpected, such as Dongliu such a person, even have such feelings.

Even a fool can see that Dongliu's feelings for Yan youyue are absolutely not ordinary.

Jiang Ting also hurriedly came to Yan youyue's side.

Yan youyue seems to feel the arrival of Dongliu and Jiangting, and tries to open her eyes.

Slightly move, the wound on the arm then shed blood again.

Jiangting and Dongliu find that the poisonous snake guarding Yan youyue is also seriously injured.

Only then did they understand why they just fell here and didn't even set up a ban.

That's because these two people can't arrange it at all.

"Jiangting, you go to Yuhe academy quickly. The aquatic iris is robbed by Yun Yichao, the owner of Yuhe Academy. You go and get it back quickly. Without the aquatic iris, your daughter-in-law will not be saved. Go quickly!" Yan you Yue said anxiously.

"You Yue Zhuang Zhu!" Jiang Ting was moved by Yan youyue's words.

This is a chance meeting, but Yan youyue is so devoted to her own affairs and has been so badly hurt. How can Jiang Ting leave like this!

Yan youyue was more worried when she saw that Jiang Ting didn't leave. She raised her hand and gave Jiang ting a hard push. She said, "if you don't hurry up, the aquatic iris can't be used any more after 12 hours of leaving the clouds. Your daughter-in-law will not be saved. Don't dally!"

Jiang Ting was surprised to hear Wan Yan youyue's words. It took only 12 hours

Dongliu is a bit surprised. He doesn't understand why Yan youyue is so good to Jiang ting.

Yan youyue took a look at Dongliu and said, "Dongliu, he is a man who has entered the boundary of rootless water and changed the boundary of rootless water. Now, you should understand his importance."

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