The Five Great Islands barrier was placed side by side. Looking at the side, the houses at the other four islands all looked extremely beautiful and beautiful, and then looking at Zen Machine Island barrier, they were actually a very simple and crude thatched hut. Jiang Ting was really worried, if the wind was a little stronger, half of the hut would be gone!

"Please come here and register."

Lin Han was extremely careful, afraid that Jiang Ting would change his mind.

Jiang Ting laughed, nodded, and followed Lin Han into the small hut.

Lin Han took out a namelist, opened it and asked: "Young Noble, what's your name?"

"Jiang Ting."

"Young Master's cultivation?"

"Sixth level of the Qi Refining Stage."


Jiang Ting looked at Lin Han speechlessly, and could not help but ask: "Is it that simple?"

Lin Han nodded her head, and said somewhat embarrassedly: "Young Master is currently just a temporary disciple of the Zen Machine Island, if you feel that the conditions here are not good, you can leave at any time. Lin Han said considerately.

Jiang Ting nodded, and thought to himself, this Zen Machine Island is not just in situations where the conditions are bad, but it is also very satisfied with Lin Han's attitude. Jiang Ting took the initiative and said: "Senior Sister Lin Han, don't be so courteous, just call me by my name!"

Lin Han instantly relaxed a lot as she smiled and said: "Alright, then I'll call you Junior Brother Jiang Ting!"

Lin Han spoke to Jiang Ting without stopping as she continued to busy herself.

Jiang Ting saw Lin Han pack five or six bags, then picked up a bamboo pole from behind the door, put them one by one onto the bamboo pole, carried them on her shoulders, and then said to Jiang Ting: "Junior Brother Jiang Ting, let's go, I'll bring you in. I've even recruited a person to enter Zen Machine Island three years ago, so everyone will definitely be very happy today that you have come to our Zen Machine Island."

Seeing that this Lin Han was even more difficult than normal people, Jiang Ting was a little unsure in his heart.

"Senior Sister Lin Han, let me help you."

Jiang Ting couldn't just watch as the girl carried so many things on her back, even though he was empty-handed.

Lin Han looked a little flattered, but she shook her head: "No need, I'm like this everyday, I'm fine by myself."

"Do you do this every day? Was there no one else on the Zen Machine Island? Didn't you say that you recruited a person three years ago? "

Jiang Ting could not take it anymore. In terms of Zen Machine Island, who were these people?

Lin Han laughed awkwardly, and said: "The person from three years ago, left after staying for two days."


Jiang Ting was speechless, he opened his mouth but no words came out.

"Junior Brother Jiang Ting, we are indeed too poor here, we can't do anything. The other islands can issue countless advertising pages every day, but we don't even have the money to do this. Only I can go out and recruit people, and we will always be rejected." Seeing that Jiang Ting had stopped talking, Lin Han felt a little upset in his heart, "Actually, Junior Brother Jiang Ting, it doesn't matter if you want to leave tomorrow, I am still very grateful to you. Just now, you have really given me a lot of face!"

"I would never leave tomorrow." The more he walked towards the center of the Zen Machine Island, the more Jiang Ting felt that familiar aura of the Blue Snow Lemon, and he became even more determined.

Therefore, Jiang Ting took the thing on Lin Han's shoulder and followed him inside.

Seeing Jiang Ting like this, Lin Han was extremely happy. "Tonight, we'll give you a welcoming dinner!"

When Jiang Ting heard this, he immediately looked forward to it. After all, he had been eating rations for so many days, and he was sick of it. He really wanted to eat something good.

"Right, what's the name of the island master of Zen Machine Island?" While walking, Jiang Ting asked Lin Han about the situation.

Oh, our Zen Machine Island's Island Master is called Qingxue. Although she is a woman, her cultivation has reached the level of First Level of Bone Refining Stage. When he mentioned the Island Master, Lin Han's pride was obvious.

Jiang Ting was even more confused and couldn't help but look around and ask: "Then, at such a point in time, do you not know about the Island Master? Why didn't she come out to host the island? " What kind of strange island master was this?

"Twenty years ago, the Island Master went into seclusion. Until now, he has never appeared." Lin Han said somewhat helplessly, "We also want our Island Master to come back. Our main purpose is to come back, and if I go out, I will definitely not be angered by these people!"

Seclusion? Although Jiang Ting had also heard from the Uncle Jiang that cultivators would undergo closed door cultivation for a period of time different, this Island Master completely ignored the Zen Machine Island and just closed door cultivation like that, which was a little too irresponsible!

"What about the other Island Owners?" Jiang Ting asked while looking like he was gossiping. Actually, he wanted to know more about the situation of Zen Machine Island.

"The Island Owners of the three islands of Shenji, Mysterious Arts, and Spiritual Arts often come out to manage the affairs of the islands. This is also the reason why the three islands are becoming more and more lively." Lin Han's face carried envy, but that was only envy, and not yearning.

"Then what about Tian Ji Island?" Jiang Ting couldn't even hold back and asked.

"Not long after Island Owner Qing Xue announced that she was going to go into seclusion, the island master of the Tian Ji Island also announced that she was going into seclusion, but until now, she has not come out. Everyone even said that this island master did not go into seclusion on his Tian Ji Island, and instead left the Tian Ji Island."

Jiang Ting nodded his head, so that was the case, he could not complain about not accepting disciples at Tian Ji Island.

There was a certain distance between the checkpoint and the center of the island where the Zen Machine Island was located. Just like this, Lin Han walked forward step by step.

"Senior Sister Lin Han, since your Zen Machine Island are so low, have you ever thought of going to another island?" Jiang Ting could tell from Lin Han's actions that she was firm and persistent, which made Jiang Ting very suspicious.

Lin Han shook her head: "Other islands are fine, but I never thought of leaving this place."


"Because I was born here, I have a younger brother who has been blind since childhood and is frail and sickly. When my parents left us, they told me to take good care of my younger brother, so I could not leave my younger brother." 's reply didn't contain even a trace of complaint, and as if it was completely natural, it paused for a moment before continuing, "When my mother was very ill, Island Master Qingxue had personally refined a pill for my mother with all her might. Before the Island Master went into closed door cultivation, she told me to look after my Zen Machine Island and try my best to recruit disciples.

Jiang Ting was slightly shocked, he had never thought that Lin Han, would actually be such a strong and unyielding woman! A frail shoulder had actually withstood so many things in silence!

Just as Jiang Ting was thinking of what to say, Lin Han became excited. She pointed to the front and said, "Junior Brother Jiang Ting, look ahead.

Jiang Ting looked up and was once again speechless. He was speechless.

Since it was a living quarters, there should be a few houses here. However, there was only a courtyard surrounded by dried branches with three grass huts inside. Inside the grass huts, a few people could be vaguely seen …

"Cough cough … Oh." Jiang Ting almost lost his composure, these people have been living in the grass shed all year round? How did he get here?

Lin Han suddenly rushed to the front, and said loudly: "Everyone come over quickly, a new disciple has come to our Zen Machine Island, everyone come over to welcome him!"

Jiang Ting followed Lin Han into the so-called courtyard, and saw seven people walking out from the two grass huts. There were three old men and the rest were all physically disabled people, but they were all able to move around freely.

The most difficult three people were in the last shack. Adding all three of them together, they had a total of three legs, eight fingers, and the dantian was more or less severely injured. Their cultivation had already landed on the first and second levels of Qi Refining Stage.

Lin Han was helping them get on the ice carriage and push them out.

Jiang Ting was truly a little dumbstruck, no one could have imagined that the people from the Zen Machine Island were actually like this!

The most important thing was that after these people saw Jiang Ting, and sized him up, they did not have the same happy expression that Lin Han had.

Just then, a small boy walked over from another direction. He was very skinny, and his head was very big. The boy walked very slowly, but kept calling out, "Big sister, big sister, why did you come back so early today?"

Jiang Ting looked at the direction of the voice. The child looked to be about six or seven years old, with a bamboo pole in hand, he tried to explore the way. Although his eyes were wide open, he could not see anything.

Lin Han immediately went up to welcome him, brought her brother over, and said: "Today, big sister has recruited a disciple who was willing to come to our Zen Machine Island."

What Jiang Ting did not expect was that the little boy was instantly very angry. He swung his hand and groped his way to the three thatched huts, but he was stopped by someone else halfway.

"Senior Sister Lin Han, what's going on?"

Jiang Ting was really confused, what exactly was going on with the Zen Machine Island, to be so unwelcome even when a disciple came?

Before Lin Han could speak, an old man spoke out: "Young man, we do not know what your intentions are, but the situation here is really like this, there is nothing we can deceive you about, you should also not stay here, and quickly leave."

"That's right, that's right. The person from five years ago is still occupying the best cultivation area in our Tian Ji Island and has yet to leave. I still have to serve him every day and none of the people in the Zen Machine Island can eat enough. The little boy who just came back felt wronged and said, "Don't think that my sister is so easy to bully. People like you will always get retribution!"

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