Jiang Ting said firmly.

Yang Xibai nodded, retreated, and turned to Muyi's side.

Jiang Ting also used his own blood power, behind him appeared a dragon, condensed into essence.

At the same time, Jiangting urged jiulongjue, or just that a Qianlong do not use.

"Hua, Hua..."

After the second duel between the two men, Jiang Ting was also severely pushed out by the aftermath of the collision of two combat skills.

And Youming River, just back three steps.

Jiang Ting wiped the blood on his lips, and he frowned. The fighting power of Youming river is not what he can fight against.

After all, Youming river is also the blood of the dragon, and its combat power is much stronger than that of the ordinary bapin Wuzong.

Jiang Ting frowned slightly. He didn't know what kind of means to subdue Youming river. Did he really want to use the next move of Jiulong Jue?

"Jiangting, you haven't got the dragon blood of your Jiang family. You can never give full play to the greatest power of Jiulong Jue. You are always a little bit short. Accept your fate!"

The netherworld river once again urged the war skills.

Just at this critical moment, a thick voice came to Jiang Ting's mind: "Jiang Ting, you are in this desperate situation. Why can't you remember me?"

Black dragon!

This is the black dragon that has become his seven unique magic sword!

The fact that Heisha dragon can talk to him on his own initiative proves that Heisha dragon has completely integrated with the sword and has become the spirit of the magic sword!

"Black dragon! You... "

"Stop talking nonsense, let's join hands, this guy is not so terrible!"

Interrupted Jiang Ting's surprise, black evil spirit dragon deep voice says.

Heisha dragon's fighting power, even in the Shasha temple, is in the front row. Now, Jiang Ting is suppressed like this, how can he be proud?

Jiang Ting also excited, looking at the other side or that a dragon tour around the world.

Jiangting is still the Qianlong just now.

Youming River laughs: "Jiangting, I really can't imagine how you live to the present. No one can cross the gap in your blood during your martial arts training. Don't you know this?"


With the sharp sound of the wind, the Jiulong Jue of Youming river has come to the front of Jiangting.

The Qianlong of Jiangting doesn't use it. It's still quiet. Even if it crosses the void, it's just a faint trace.

At the moment of the third fierce collision between the two combat skills, a black awn suddenly appeared behind Jiang ting.

It was a sword flying up.

It's a black sword. It looks very ordinary. It doesn't seem to feel sharp. It's the same as Jiang Ting's fighting skill just now.

Youming river just wanted to laugh, but before he said anything, a black figure appeared. This man grasped the sword in the void.

Body in a flash, straight to the netherworld river.

"Who hasn't seen the weapon with spirit? You think you can beat me with such a weapon? Your innocence is ridiculous

Youming river just offered a bloody talisman to meet Jiang Ting's seven unique magic swords.

All this just happened between lightning and flint.

The battle between the two men gave Jiangting more insight. With the power of Heisha dragon, Jiangting was confronted with Youming river.

However, to the surprise of Youming River, the seven unique magic swords easily cut off the bloody talisman of Youming river.


For the first time, Youming river has a feeling of losing control.

However, in the blink of an eye, Heisha dragon came to the netherworld river with his sword.

The sword pierces the netherworld river.


Youming River's reaction is very fast, and his body flies in the air, constantly retreating to avoid the edge of the sword.

In this way, Jiang Ting's fighting skills gained the upper hand.

Jiang Ting would never miss such an opportunity. He just thought about it and showed his secret skills.

Moreover, the blood of Jiang Ting's speed is not built.

This battle skill was developed by Jiangting by bypassing the back of Youming river.

The technique of chopping the sky and breaking the wind is very powerful, and its combat skills have boundless pressure.

Youming river back suddenly has such a force, let his action a little bit out of control.

The black evil spirit dragon ruthlessly put the sword in his hand into the netherworld River's Dantian!


Jiang Ting's secret skill also falls on the back of Youming river.

Even now, the netherworld River can't believe the result. Jiang Ting, with his weapon, forced himself to this point!

Now, even if this result is placed in front of him, he is not willing to believe it!Youming River's eyes fell on the black figure in front of him and asked in a thick voice, "who are you?"

"Black dragon!"

Heishalong won't hide his identity. He's very proud to announce his name.

Youming river was shocked and gasped. If his eyes could kill people, the black dragon would have been broken to pieces.

"You're such a powerful black dragon. You've gone to be a weapon!" The netherworld River asked strangely, "you really disgrace the name of the ancient fierce beast!"

"I don't care what I want!" How many people can understand the past in Heisha dragon's heart!

"Ha ha, heishalong, you will regret it!"

When Youming River comes to this point, it's hard to see.

The black evil dragon frowned slightly, but suddenly withdrew his sword. He pulled Jiang Ting over and turned his body. He separated Jiang ting from Youming river with his own body.

Before Jiang Ting could understand what was going on, he heard the sound of an explosion.

Black evil spirit dragon stuffy hums a, the back flesh and blood is indistinct.

The netherworld River chose the self explosion Dantian.

This kind of sudden self-protection of Dantian can't be achieved by any martial arts cultivation.

No one can be so decisive.

Jiang Ting didn't want to analyze what the netherworld River thought. He was dead, and he didn't want to think about it. He quickly turned around and looked at the black dragon.

"Heishalong, how are you?"

"It's OK. My body is strong. I've suffered some trauma. It's OK." Heishalong smiles.

Jiang Ting was deeply moved. If such an explosion fell on him, he would not die. Now, heishalong has borne all this for him.

However, Jiang Ting didn't have time to look at heishalong's situation. A few painful groans made Jiang Ting turn his head.

When you see the situation in front of you, your eyes are tight, and you don't know how much tension you have.

Because the situation of Yang Xibai is not optimistic.

The netherworld river burst suddenly, and the river court was protected by Heisha dragon. However, Muyi could not make any mistake in using his own blood to stabilize so many netherworld martial arts practices refined by living people.

Yang Xibai, who has been around Muyi, plays the role of protecting him.

The power of Youming River's self explosion falls on Yang Xibai. Yang Xibai has only one means to resist and dissolve it, that is to burn his own cultivation.

At the moment, although Yang Xibai still has a breath, his cultivation is basically gone.

Jiang Ting has a quick inspiration. The power of blood flows and reshapes the blood. Cui moves and surrounds Yang Xibai.

"Jiang Ting, don't waste your energy. I know my situation." Yang Xibai was very relieved and waved his hand to Jiang Ting lightly.

Jiang Ting just frowns, he does not want to see Yang Xibai fall.

"Yang family, with him, we can keep it. Zhongzhou mainland, with you, should not fall completely. In Zhongzhou mainland, there may be many people like me. No matter what the situation is, it may be as you say that our mental cultivation is not mature enough. If we meet people like you at the beginning, the rise of Zhongzhou mainland should not wait so long 。”

Yang Xibai seems to be racing against time, insisting on saying these words.

"I'll pass it on to Mu Yi, burning my accomplishments to help you, no resentment, no regret!"

When the voice of the latter word fell, Yang Xibai's breath became lighter and lighter, and he slowly closed his eyes.

Jiang Ting's eyes narrowed. He really didn't want to accept the result!

He didn't restrain his own blood, he was still urging like that, and he didn't know what result he was expecting.

"Jiang Ting, he has fallen. This method of burning cultivation can't save him. Stop it."

Black evil spirit dragon is in one side, see river court such time, can't help but open mouth to talk.

Jiang Ting closed his eyes and raised his hand slowly.

"I know."

The power of blood surrounds Yang Xibai for a long time. In Jiang Ting's heart, he just remembers his short association with Yang Xibai. Such a person, whether as a senior or as a man, deserves his respect!

Once again open your eyes, Jiang Ting has not just that at a loss of uneasiness, back to the original calm.

It's not that he's hard hearted, it's because something more important has come.

Now, after Yang Xibai's fall, the Yang family's Shuangfeng tomb array has been set up. This Shuangfeng tomb array echoes the Shuangfeng tomb array on Panlong island.

Panlong island's array has already been set up. Youming river has just said that after the Shuangfeng tomb array is set up, the mainland of Zhongzhou will change its owner. Now, all this is true. There will be a big change in the mainland of Zhongzhou, so he doesn't have too much sorrow.

"Master Yang, now you can sleep with your lover Bai Shou."

Jiang Ting personally bent down, picked up Yang Xibai's body and sent it to Yang Xibai's tomb.And personally sealed the soil for Yang Xibai.

No matter what will happen, Jiang Ting will let Yang Xibai rest in peace.

It seems to feel Yang Xibai's misfortune. Muyi has been trying to free himself from the state just now. Without the control of Youming River, these people have already lost their agitation, just like puppet people without reaction.

Wood easy heart anxious want to know Yang Xibai's situation, then separated from the state just now.

When Muyi saw the situation of Yang Xibai's tomb, he was also very sad.

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