When Jiang Ting heard these words, he was really touched. In fact, monsters are the most compassionate beings. They just saved them, and they are willing to do so many things for themselves. Maybe they are not sure whether they can get revenge, but they are willing to block their own lives!

Looking at chuanyunfeng in front of them, they regard Wuling as a weed. They don't know that if they treat others so cruelly, they will be treated so cruelly one day!

"Duan Yun, you are the king of jiupinwu. You can help the master. I'll come!" Another king of eight grades also spoke

"Shut up, all of you

Jiang Ting interrupted their argument.

All the monsters, instantly quiet down, all staring at the river court.

"Do you think that I don't know refining is the best way? Do you think I can't make forbidden drugs? If I wanted to use it, I would have used it long ago! "

The monsters listened to Jiang Ting's words and couldn't help looking at each other.

"Master, heishalong said that you've never lost a contest with anyone, no matter what it is. This time, for us, you're being made difficult by others, we can't pass our own level!" Duan Yun persistent said.

"I never say much, but it doesn't mean that I can't see your true feelings. It's my luck that I can meet you. I'm willing to die for you, even if I'm scared out of my wits!"

Jiang Ting is moved. They are not the relationship between Wuling and his master. They are brothers!

"Duan Yun, I Jiangting thank you for your friendship, but I Jiangting is not the kind of person who will win by all means. What can I do if I lose?"

When Jiang Ting finished this sentence, it seemed that his guilty heart suddenly calmed down, and he felt like he was on top of everything. Right, what can I do if I lose?

Everyone, in the pursuit of success, the pursuit of perfection, want to get the means against the sky, but in fact, the naive will let everyone do? Plain sailing, that is just a good wish, setbacks must be experienced!

When he realized these, Jiang Ting laughed with relief.

"Losing is a weapon, isn't it?"


"Master, are you serious?"

Jiang Ting also cleared his throat, ha ha, he is not so generous!

"Of course, if it's not true, I won't give it to him. I'll play a trick on him. I'll just gamble with him again."

Even Heisha dragon swallowed a mouthful of saliva. This boy has really changed. However, it's not bad. For such a person, there's no need to be honest!

"OK, you can stay in my lingfu. I'll arrange a prohibition at last. It doesn't matter whether it is successful or not. Anyway, I don't want to refine the forbidden drugs."

Therefore, the current Jiangting is not in a state at all. It's disorderly arranged to ban it, and it's even closed up.

But Yang Zhitao was very serious. When the people who had just gathered around felt the fierce and strange feeling from the alchemy furnace, they all stepped back.

A few hours later, Yang Zhitao was able to remove the forbidden array on his Dan stove.

When he looked back at Jiang Ting, Jiang Ting had already accepted his forbidden array and was sleeping there!

Yang Zhitao's eyes moved and his divine sense spread out. He looked at Jiangting's Danlu, but he didn't feel sharp at all. He was a little strange. Did Jiangting refine the forbidden drugs?!

But Jiang Ting is absolutely contemptuous of him!

"Jiangting, you finished refining?" Yang Zhitao deliberately roared, making the echoes reverberate between the valleys.

Jiang Ting rubbed his ears, opened his eyes, looked at Yang Zhitao and said with a smile, "have you finished refining? You're so slow. I've had a good sleep. "

Jiang Ting also made an effort to suck water.

Yang Zhitao wants to kick him. Is it necessary?

"No matter how fast it is refined, let's see the effect of our prohibition." Yang Zhitao said confidently.

Yang Zhitao has been refining forbidden drugs for many years. He usually uses weapon spirit as medicine. This time, he uses weapon spirit as medicine. Besides, he has a good command of his own fire just now. He is a little excited and has a hunch that this is definitely a five color forbidden drug grade!

Forbidden drugs are graded by color. The more colors there are, the more adverse it will be. When the grade reaches a certain level, it is also a treasure. At least, it can save your life at the critical moment, and it will be scrambled for.

Jiang Ting couldn't feel the level of the forbidden drugs in his Dan stove at all, but he didn't panic at all. When he wasn't so persistent about winning or losing, he didn't feel nervous.

"Jiang Ting, take out your forbidden drugs and let's have a competition!" Yang Zhitao thinks that this product is pretending to be calm!

Jiang Ting didn't care. He thought about it. The lid of the white jade Linglong stove was opened. In the aura area, a pill appeared. It was a black and white forbidden drug. He could feel the strange smell of the forbidden drug.

In fact, Jiang Ting was very satisfied with this pill."The two-color banned drugs are of a good grade in mainland China!" Jiang Ting said silently in his heart.


Many monsters can't accept Jiang Ting's attitude. Is it a little narcissistic?

"What wonderful place is the mainland of China?"

Finally, some monster can't stand it.

"That's the sealed place, and that's where your master grew up." Heishalong explained.

People just shut up. This place is a bit hard to evaluate.

Jiang Ting holds the forbidden drug in his hand. Before he opens his mouth, Yang Zhitao has already laughed wildly.

"Jiang Ting, are you forbidden? This is the forbidden drug you refined. At your level, how dare you challenge me?! Ha ha ha... "

All the onlookers were speechless, looking at Jiang ting. Just now, he was very arrogant and had a high-profile competition. Now, is that the result? This level is too low!

Yang Zhitao gave a cold smile, intended to let people see clearly the strength of chuanyunfeng, but also want to make Jiangting more ugly.

When his palm moved, the lid of the alchemy furnace was opened. In an instant, a strange smell diffused the whole space, with a faint fishy smell

That is the smell of blood, but people feel more obvious is a sharp!

Soon, a pill fell into Yang Zhitao's palm.

Yang Zhitao glanced at it, then gave a smile, raised his palm slightly, and deliberately showed everyone the forbidden drug he had made!

"Five colors!"

"Yes, five color drugs!"

"It's the first time I've seen five color drugs!"

After a moment's suffocation, people exclaimed!

It's really hard to see such a forbidden drug!

Jiang Ting's expression is still so indifferent, he can always think of the look in his eyes at the moment when the monster was put into the alchemy furnace, desperate and helpless.

"Jiang Ting, your black sword is mine!"

Yang Zhitao put away his forbidden drugs and went straight to Jiangting's Qijue magic sword!

Jiang Ting naturally won't let Yang Zhitao touch his weapon. Who knows if this guy will give himself a dirty move!

So, with a heart movement, he took back his sword.

The prohibition set by Yang Zhitao did not play any role at all!

"No one ever thinks that refining elixir is a skill that can be grasped. Moreover, there is no master of refining elixir who pursues perfection in refining elixir. If you didn't take such a surprise, I would never lose. Therefore, I won't accept this game!"

Jiang Ting holds the magic sword tightly in his hand and speaks fast. He doesn't give Yang Zhitao any chance to refute. He also looks absolutely aggrieved.

"What does refining forbidden drugs mean? Can forbidden drugs cure injuries or assist cultivation? You are obviously bullying me

Yang Zhitao's nose is almost crooked. He has never seen such a shameless person!

It is clear that he lost, there are so many big reasons!

Jiang Ting continued pointing at Yang Zhitao and exclaimed, "do you dare to compete with me again? I don't believe in refining ordinary pills and healing. You can still beat me! "

"If you don't dare, say you don't dare. I'll give you my weapon, but you've got a false reputation through the waves of Yunfeng, and you've lost your reputation for opportunism!"

Jiang Ting's mouth is really fierce. A few words not only turn the situation around, but also force Yang Zhitao into a corner.

In this situation, how can Yang Zhitao take Jiangting's sword?!

Jiang Ting wants to continue talking. Yang Zhitao suddenly raises his hand to stop Jiang ting and says angrily, "Jiang Ting, shut up first!"

Jiang Ting is very honest to shut up, anyway, what he wants to say has been said!

what has the final say? "Since you say so, we will gamble again, and make the best of the medicine. You have the final say," he sincerely convinced you. Yang Zhitao waved his hand and put the alchemy furnace on the ground again.

"This time, make a big bet!" Yang Zhitao's eyes are shining with the light of Yin measurement.

Before Jiang Ting spoke, there was a sound in his ear.

"Master, your medicine refining skill is so powerful that it directly killed him!"

"Master, I'll kill him

"Jiang Ting, this is an opportunity to gamble on his life and clean him up!" Even Heisha dragon spoke like this.

Jiang Ting almost sat on the ground and couldn't help whispering to them: "I said, I really don't know whether I should be happy or angry. Do you trust me or let me go?"

In a word, my mind was quiet for a moment.

"Jiang Ting, what do you mean?" Heishalong doesn't understand.

"What if I lose?"

"You're not afraid of him, are you?" This time, even the river court is very surprised, all monsters and black evil dragon all say in one voice."Ha ha!"

Jiang Ting burst out laughing. He finally saw that heishalong was shocked.

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